WINTER BULK CYCLES::What is everyone running?

On a bulk Deca 600 ew front and back load with NPp and test p. Screw a gram of test maybe 500 test. If you are lean enough throw in 500 Mast. Test is only to keep everything working and smooth high levels I feel anxious and dirty. Also I hope you don't have a full head of hair. Yea you can always kickstar with dbol if you have never used it you gotta give it go once.
With the front and back load you have to work out the timing on the nandrolone. I like cutting with NPp and bulking with Deca.

I moved away from 300 no more of that heavy shit for me. I am retiring to the pitch and hardwood.
Hey you really want to keep it lean bulk throw 600 primo in that cycle. Just keep test 500 or under the primo will give you that libido without the bull shit sides high test brings. The mast will help too it's an expensive one but clean. 15-20lbs clean you will keep that low bf.
My winter bulk is 750mg Test and 600mg EQ for 16 weeks with a var/tbol/prop kickstart for 4 weeks. May throw in some Deca if I can get it in time, been on for 2 weeks so far and trying really hard to slowly lean bulk my way up to 215 sitting at 202
On a bulk Deca 600 ew front and back load with NPp and test p. Screw a gram of test maybe 500 test. If you are lean enough throw in 500 Mast. Test is only to keep everything working and smooth high levels I feel anxious and dirty. Also I hope you don't have a full head of hair. Yea you can always kickstar with dbol if you have never used it you gotta give it go once.
With the front and back load you have to work out the timing on the nandrolone. I like cutting with NPp and bulking with Deca.

I moved away from 300 no more of that heavy shit for me. I am retiring to the pitch and hardwood.
Deca/NPP known to be hard on the hairline?
I do have a thick head of hair but I keep it in regulation, I've ran Mast P @ 100mg/ED as well as Tren and winny oral both @ 100mg ED and not seen adverse effects. I've just never had an opportunity to really bulk up and not worry about the scale so I think I'd like to see what kind of potential I have while I'm still young.
I wouldn't be able to afford all this gear without doing research on here first. Using Dragon Pharma from Euroking, and HGH
I wish I had enough $ to use all ASTRO labs gear and Maybe if I can turn pro lol.
Deca/NPP known to be hard on the hairline?
I do have a thick head of hair but I keep it in regulation, I've ran Mast P @ 100mg/ED as well as Tren and winny oral both @ 100mg ED and not seen adverse effects. I've just never had an opportunity to really bulk up and not worry about the scale so I think I'd like to see what kind of potential I have while I'm still young.

no, Deca or NPP shouldn't effect hair line.
Bulks are easy you can bulk on anything. My thing though no more then 500 test use other compounds find a synergy that works.

Ha so I can't blame it on all the nandrolone.

no, you have to blame genetics. just like I have to blame genetics for being short. :(
I have seen guys claim that running Deca with like mast or primo can accelerate the hair loss. Mine was going in my mid twenties before I started using so I don't know.
For those that have run it - is the test growth synergy the real deal? I was told 5-6ius ed for 1g test/week
Are you running a log? This same cycle i am looking at doing in a couple months same dossage everything. How long are you running dbol? Whats your diet going to look like?
Would be interested in keeping up with your progress.

Starting this cycle in a few weeks, hoping to put some good mass on...

  • Test-C - 600mg/WK
  • Deca-Durabolin - 400mg/WK
  • Dianabol @ 50mg/ED
Yes, will be running a log this cycle and plan on staying true to it.

Will be running DBol for 6 weeks.

Diet: Carbs 40%, Protein 35%, Fat 25% all within around 4300 calories. Currently 215lbs, approx 15% BF. Hopefully get that down to 13% over next couple of weeks before I start.
Well I actually want to get a lean ,strong cycle only problem is I know Nada lol my first cycle was a given to me by a close friend and it was just tren E I was 28 and that all I knew it got me lean and stronger but for the next 4 years that's all I did tren E no pct no anything came to meso and I was blown of how much I had to learn I'm off right now had a shoulder injury its gonna be 9 month I wanna start by October any suggestions would be helpful thx
Well I actually want to get a lean ,strong cycle only problem is I know Nada lol my first cycle was a given to me by a close friend and it was just tren E I was 28 and that all I knew it got me lean and stronger but for the next 4 years that's all I did tren E no pct no anything came to meso and I was blown of how much I had to learn I'm off right now had a shoulder injury its gonna be 9 month I wanna start by October any suggestions would be helpful thx
How long ago was that redrum and how many cycles of tren E have you ran? I've heard guys used to run tren solo but these days I think you will be hard pressed to find someone that doesn't run at least TRT dose of test with it.