WINTER BULK CYCLES::What is everyone running?

How long ago was that redrum and how many cycles of tren E have you ran? I've heard guys used to run tren solo but these days I think you will be hard pressed to find someone that doesn't run at least TRT dose of test with it.
Last cycle was 1yr 2 month ago I'm 34 now I think I would need some pct I was thinking test E tren E with clomid but still researching
yes great trio, but you want the best quintuple Test, Tren, Deca, EQ, and Mast :D
Haha, I recently ran tren in a contest prep and became aware I'm quite sensitive to prolactin so I'm assuming tren and deca at the same time would be a no go for me. Any suggestions on dosage and length for the 3? I'm on week 4 of test/deca
Haha, I recently ran tren in a contest prep and became aware I'm quite sensitive to prolactin so I'm assuming tren and deca at the same time would be a no go for me. Any suggestions on dosage and length for the 3? I'm on week 4 of test/deca

was you not running an AI when running the Tren? the AI should of taken care of the estrogen and that way prolactin shouldn't of gotten out of control.

if you are wanting to pack on muscle 1g each IMHO.
was you not running an AI when running the Tren? the AI should of taken care of the estrogen and that way prolactin shouldn't of gotten out of control.

if you are wanting to pack on muscle 1g each IMHO.
Yep I was running letro and prami which kept it low but I noticed if I was even slightly inconsistent w either they flared on me. Length of cycle? I've read a minimum of 12 w deca and a minimum of 16 w eq?
Yep I was running letro and prami which kept it low but I noticed if I was even slightly inconsistent w either they flared on me. Length of cycle? I've read a minimum of 12 w deca and a minimum of 16 w eq?

I would go 16 week for the EQ.

now you know you need to stay on top of the AI :)
I ran Sust/EQ/Mast and absolutely loved it. Didn't blow up but I kept my diet clean and looked and felt great. I loved EQ, don't know why it gets so much hate
Seems like if you love EQ, then you would love Deca even more no? Give it a shot (pun intentional) and let us know.
As of right now I have some vet grade EQ and NPP on hand. I will likely do a Dbol/adrol kickstart and Var finish (if I can source it) or else it will be winny. Layout/dosing pending... I will post it all up with my projected start date
As of right now I have some vet grade EQ and NPP on hand. I will likely do a Dbol/adrol kickstart and Var finish (if I can source it) or else it will be winny. Layout/dosing pending... I will post it all up with my projected start date
Adrol scares me. What do you use to help your liver?
Primarily clean living, don't drink or use rec drugs. However there are plenty of herbal supps to help support healthy liver function, I also personally believe the effects of AAS on the liver are at least in some cases greatly exaggerated.

EDIT: and to clarify I meant a dbol OR adrol kicker, not both I think that's unnecessary based on what I have in mind.
As of right now I have some vet grade EQ and NPP on hand. I will likely do a Dbol/adrol kickstart and Var finish (if I can source it) or else it will be winny. Layout/dosing pending... I will post it all up with my projected start date
How much EQ and/or NPP if 50ml vet grade? Just wonder if volume is an issue or not?
So it's almost that time, winter is coming and a lot of guy are planning and gearing up for their winter bulk cycles.

-What is everyone's favorite bulk cycle from past experience and why?
(What were your gains and how much did you keep after PCT?)

-What are you guys planning on running this winter?

Tango, I seen many of your posts, I see eye to eye with you.

I cruise and blast, Im looking forwards to some test cyp250 1x EW, sust300 x 2 a week,tren ace/enth blend and drol/dbol come. Im going 25mgs dbol/50mgs drol Works best for me. I plan to extend this blast with deca/test,Im saving peps for spring, no HGH this tinme around.
Mine has changed since I posted all this tren talk has persuaded me to give it a try.
Prob something like this
40mg ed Dbol 1-4
40mg ed trena 1-8
400 ew Deca 1-12(maybe 14)
650 test ew Test C 1-12(maybe 14)
Been scared to death to try tren but have to give it a shot.
Will front load with a little test p and npp that I have left.

Anybody use a sleeping pill with tren?
How much EQ and/or NPP if 50ml vet grade? Just wonder if volume is an issue or not?
It's going to get interesting for sure, I will have to navigate these issues and work through them as they come up.

I'm thinking for ease I could take some UGL EQ 300 and blast a big frontload and then do 2-3 pins a week to get the volume in of the 50mg/ml EQ, but then this will skew my bloods b/c I won't have a constant and kinda be a disservice to the community as far as educational purposes. Between my glutes and quads I can handle some volume so I may just have to keep it vet grade the whole run for the cause. I'm thinking I will run the NPP on the back end of the cycle with an ED protocol so that shouldn't be too bad as far as volume goes...I'm ordering some 5cc barrels and all pharma PCT, honestly this is the simple stuff I'm more concerned with how I'm going to get anything done besides stuff my face for 4 months.
I also have my hands on that vet grade NPP. Im wondering if I should pin 3ml EOD or 1ml ED? I plan on running it the first 4 weeks & last 4 weeks of my bulk to give the deca time to build up & then time to clear. Other than that im running EQ/Sust250 &
SD for a kick start.
I also have my hands on that vet grade NPP. Im wondering if I should pin 3ml EOD or 1ml ED? I plan on running it the first 4 weeks & last 4 weeks of my bulk to give the deca time to build up & then time to clear. Other than that im running EQ/Sust250 &
SD for a kick start.
Interesting approach on the first 4/last 4...I think I like it!
Whatever happens we are in the car together brother so it should be a fun run. Keep us posted, I will likely stick with an ED protocol on the NPP because I'm already going to be a pincushion. And I prefer more frequent pins than just huge volume, that's when I start to get a little stiff around the site.