WINTER BULK CYCLES::What is everyone running?

Just finishing a test-e 1500mg wk and deca 750mg wk and 50mg dbol the first 4 weeks at the begining.
GS I haven't seen you in a minute man, thanks for chiming in. I know you've been around and greatly respect your opinion and any advice/experience you'd be willing to share. I've seen you layout some cycles before where you taper up, do you taper down as well? Would you be willing to layout exactly how you timed the above blast for us here? Maybe an idea of how you manage your E2 on test dosages 1g+...anything would be great

Fuck it since I already bombed you with ?'s how bout the Dbol..once daily or split dosing?
well it's that time again. Interested to hear what you guys have in the works.

I'm currently 6 weeks in to a 20 week Cyp/EQ cycle.
Prop/tren/Drol on the front
drop the kickstart & pickup NPP
drop NPP & prop/tren/winny on the tail end

I'm considering running the NPP all the way through simply bc I can't wrap my mind around jumping back on tren right now (I've got a couple months).
Still unsure if I will bulk. Have 3 weeks left of cut, then 8 weeks or so of maintenance. Might cut into that maintenance and prime, or do a light cut, or cut first part of the cycle. Or just have a cut cycle altogether. Wanted to run test, nandrolone, eq, and some orals for part of it. Will see what happens before I start, but even if it is a bulk it will be a light one.
strange. I haven't noticed that with nand....
only tren makes me a freakishly strong super asshole.

Why do you need another compound that looks solid the way you have it.
Because I use test and EQ as my base and switch different compounds in. Never had a RBC issue with EQ, so I continue to run it as I love the look it gives me.
Test c 500 mg wk
Kick start with prop 100 EOD and 50mg tbol
Finishing with prop 100 EOD and 50mg var as well
About 4 weeks into this right now
Have a log going in the cycle log section if anyone wants to follow along
Thinking it's going to look like this:
Test E, 750/wk, 1-16
Deca, 750/wk, 1-16
NPP 750 wk 1&2, 500 wk 3, 250 wk 4
Dbol week 12-16

May run some drol up front just to try it. Maybe mix out with dbol, have heard a lot of people talking that lessening sides. I love dbol, but it does not love my blood pressure.

Want to add some tren in too already, but it's a lot of moving parts with a first deca run. Maybe the last 8, depending on where I'm at side and goals wise. . .

What do you guys think about the NPP kickstart timeframe? @Notits I know you just did one of these, but I can't remember where I saw you talking about it.
I don't think a kick start is needed when you can front load. I could see it helping people get on pct quicker using it at the end but even then you can have a very effective cycle without making it so complicated. Or run npp entire cycle.