New Member
Im so sick of this bull shit! I've been using the same batch of supercuts. How do I know youre full of shit, because I rarely brew supercuts. One batch lasts months. Kiss my ass. Im done being nice. You little mangy fucks can kiss my ass......
That's what I'd like to say!
But instead.... Im so sorry for your make beleive issue. I pin the same supercuts you claim to have pinned. And guess what, no problems. Whatever sick joy you get from posting lies I hope its worth it. Now since I've never had an infection, I'm curious..... Will an infection put you in the hkspital less than 24 hiurs from injection? Im curious because this would be a nice fact to prove this wonderful example of bs is full of it. If it can, than there's the other fact that many other people praise my supercuts and all from the same batch. Ill get back to enjoying my Sunday and trying to make some peoples dream come true and put my liver to the test and see if fails on me today....
Have a good day gentlemen. Enjoy the fact that satisfied customers are still ordering and getting great results despite the ridiculous garbage constantly being posted
Where are those lab pics? You sell gear on the inernet and on steroid forums, you are already on the radar. Show us your gear isn't made in a bathtub. Your lack of even acknowledging the request is making appear it is indeed the case.