you will never know. If you have been here long enough you should know that once a member crosses that line he is no longer a member he is a source period. Right @brutus79 @CensoredBoardsSuck

It's irrelevant at this point. You either are an info collector if your first statement is correct or a liar if your second one is correct. Either way you're not far off from a scammer or source or a "piece of shit" as you label them.

Maybe by your deluded definition they are but they're still a member of this forum under the laws of reality.

The fuck is this a popularity contest? See how many other people agree with you to bolster your argument? OMG so and so agreed with me so I must be right....this is a joke.
Another thing is to block out anything in the picture that can pinpoint your location.
I will get the pictures up soon, i cant take pictures of the lab area, but i will of lab equipment. I use a digital scale, a couple beakers, a pump, complete filter units, and pre-sealed vials. I can take pictures of the USP oil as well.
Xeno, don't do this to yourself, You know you don't have a lab.

Okay? So you dont want me to show pics of my equipment or you do? This really isn't making any sense? I just listed out everything that i have, its nothing special at all, do you think im cooking out of red solo cups? I think you're reaching past the outer edges of ridiculous at this point.

'm in contact with a testing facility, I'm working out a contract deal to test 3 products per month. I order in the raws i need once a month, so basically 3 compounds on my list will always be tested.

First submission will be,
Trenbolone Enanthate
and either
NPP or Test E

Which would everyone prefer? I think NPP is the better choice because Testosterone can be confirmed through blood test and it is the cheapest compound, but on the other hand it is also the most purchased so it would be nice to have it perfectly dosed.

I can test different products each month but if the most expensive products come back with good results then i think it would be safe to assume the rest of their line is equally as good if not better. Once i get in Fluoxymesterone that will be one of the most heavily tested along with Oxandrolone.

Okay? So you dont want me to show pics of my equipment or you do? This really isn't making any sense? I just listed out everything that i have, its nothing special at all, do you think im cooking out of red solo cups? I think you're reaching past the outer edges of ridiculous at this point.

That's a great attempt into using reverse psychology, to avoid posting pictures of your so called lab, and lab equipment. But here buddy I'll do you a favor and post your lab equipment.
'm in contact with a testing facility, I'm working out a contract deal to test 3 products per month. I order in the raws i need once a month, so basically 3 compounds on my list will always be tested.

First submission will be,
Trenbolone Enanthate
and either
NPP or Test E

Which would everyone prefer? I think NPP is the better choice because Testosterone can be confirmed through blood test and it is the cheapest compound, but on the other hand it is also the most purchased so it would be nice to have it perfectly dosed.

I can test different products each month but if the most expensive products come back with good results then i think it would be safe to assume the rest of their line is equally as good if not better. Once i get in Fluoxymesterone that will be one of the most heavily tested along with Oxandrolone.

Yes I think that would be a good idea.
If you're going to have access to testing for 3 products a month start with the very basics (test e, test p, tren a) so at least your basic stuff is dosed properly. Move on to more exotic compounds as time progresses. Keep the customer informed which products have been tested. Are you going to retest products you've already tested when you get a new batch of raws? The old tests will be useless when you get a new batch, china has proven to be worse than inconsistent with this stuff.

That's a great attempt into using reverse psychology, to avoid posting pictures of your so called lab, and lab equipment. But here buddy I'll do you a favor and post your lab equipment.
Haha thats a great picture you should write my name across the bottom to make it even better.

I think you're confused on the definition of reverse psychology though. Anyway, Ill still be posting pictures because i said i would and no amount of taunting or otherwise will affect my word, i just thought id point out that you are not making any sense.

If you're going to have access to testing for 3 products a month start with the very basics (test e, test p, tren a) so at least your basic stuff is dosed properly. Move on to more exotic compounds as time progresses. Keep the customer informed which products have been tested. Are you going to retest products you've already tested when you get a new batch of raws? The old tests will be useless when you get a new batch, china has proven to be worse than inconsistent with this stuff.

Well my reasoning for testing the more exotic compounds being if those are proven good than its reasonable to suggest that the rest of their compounds are equal if not better in quality, whereas the opposite is not true.

My plan was to test Oxandrolone and Tren every month for the above reason and use the third test on a new compound. So yes the whole idea is to consistently test for quality products. I will incorporate more testing as my budget allows, the testing isn't that expensive so i can feasibly go up to 5-10 products within a few months as i gain more traction.

Thank you and let me know if you have any other questions,