They are real members giving real reviews multiple weeks into using my products, its hardly a joke.

I know i shouldnt engage this comment but I've been nothing but honest and courteous even admist unnecesary and unfounded personal attacks, im sure even after i produce HPLC results have member bloodwork and cycle logs you will still have something unreasonable to say, such as they are fake or every member log is a schill. So I honestly do not understand what it is i've done? Its pretty clear all im intending to do is provide a quality service for members such as yourself?


Is it worth trying to use Meso as a platform to solicit sales when guys on other boards are, according to you, buying your products already? I can tell you right now it isn't because currently NO amateur source is making a substantial number of sales in the underground here. IOW, there is no market here for you to take advantage of.

You are wasting your time, you have 22 pages of people telling you there is no real interest for a start-up source. You admitted that you are start-up / amateur operation. EVO according to you seems to be receptive. If you were smart you would take advantage of that and spend your time there building a clientele there instead of failing to do so here.
You're new to this, clearly. Evo is populated by shills and the board specializes in ripping off unsuspecting rubes. So let me ask you this, since you're getting your ego wounded: Did these evo members pay for the gear they are touting, or were they given free gear to "review" (aka dickride, as gear whores do).

I applaud your efforts to do analytical testing on your gear. Nevertheless, keep in mind that Meso is not a source board, and the "send out good gear freebies" is the first half of a bait and switch which has been done literally dozens of times. So don't get butthurt. Get mad at the scumbag scammers who fucked it up for you, since you're just an honest guy helping bros out, right?

Watch your step, friend. You are a source. This is our home. You are not entitled to aught but an ass raping for the slightest misstep, because those who came before you fucked people. Don't like it? Think we are a bunch of Internet bullies? Leave. There's another one just like you standing in line.

I hope your gear is fire and everyone who purchased it loves it. But the odds are against it, and against you.

This was a very respectable and thoughtful comment, i truly appreciate that,

The Review by Brad with the cyp labmax is a paid order.

The other two were in-fact samples.

Thank you,
Because sadly it is people like you who make honest members afraid to post a positive experience no matter how true it may be, ive been pm'd by more than one member saying this is the case.

Giving honest feedback is not "dick riding", however making unreasonable attacks on sources in what would appear to be an attempt to fit in with a crowd/fuel mob menatlity may be considered "dick riding"

Honest feedback my hairy ass...the negative reviews get deleted fast over there as Evo's a heavily censored board same with ProMuscle. Who knows, all the negative reviews were heavily edited to make YOU the source look good. Bet you paid your dues there and thus got the protection from the honestly bad reviews.

So why not take your dog and pony show back to Evo where you really are at home just saying...NO one here will buy your wares as you have no credibility.
Is it worth trying to use Meso as a platform to solicit sales when guys on other boards are, according to you, buying your products already? I can tell you right now it isn't because currently NO amateur source is making a substantial number of sales in the underground here. IOW, there is no market here for you to take advantage of.

You are wasting your time, you have 22 pages of people telling you there is no real interest for a start-up source. You admitted that you are start-up / amateur operation. EVO according to you seems to be receptive. If you were smart you would take advantage of that and spend your time there building a clientele there instead of failing to do so here.

Well it is because once a source is accepted here they do a substantial amount of business.

Honest feedback my hairy ass...the negative reviews get deleted fast over there as Evo's a heavily censored board same with ProMuscle. Who knows, all the negative reviews were heavily edited to make YOU the source look good. Bet you paid your dues there and thus got the protection from the honestly bad reviews.

So why not take your dog and pony show back to Evo where you really are at home just saying...NO one here will buy your wares as you have no credibility.

They do delete comments but not on sources, only on their crap SARM's and HCgenerate. Which i got banned for actually, the mods dont even like me on that board becuase i constantly push using HCG (which i dont even sell)

If you check i did not offer a single mod product, to me that inherently screams bribery.

They do delete comments but not on sources, only on their crap SARM's and HCgenerate. Which i got banned for actually, the mods dont even like me on that board becuase i constantly push using HCG (which i dont even sell)

If you check i did not offer a single mod product, to me that inherently screams bribery.

Reviews that are NEGATIVE DO get deleted so don't delude yourself.
Reviews that are NEGATIVE DO get deleted so don't delude yourself.

I do not believe so, that board is used by the mods to push SARM's, they have no stake in the UGL business because it is an open source board (we do not pay any fees), ive seen multiple negative reviews on the best selling labs there which have not been deleted, even some from a few years ago

I think you are correct in that there is less business to be had, but i would say it is still equally if not more profitable than other boards, but i cannot say for certain. I guess i will find out later on.


I can almost guarantee it is not equally profitable for sources as other boards. People simply aren't interested. You can't just take into account the number of members or unique daily visitors. The members here have made it clear through their postings and I assume a lack of sales that there is no real interest.

Assuming it was equal to other boards in terms of potential sales, the amount of work you would have to put in would be dramatically more. In reality you are putting in more work for less results. Why do you think guys are telling you this isn't a source board?
Well it is because once a source is accepted here they do a substantial amount of business.

Well you have a point there.But the labs that have had some success here recently also have been called out.So in comparison to your home brew your way outta your league. If you need a rep I think Meek is accepting applications :)
I can almost guarantee it is not equally profitable for sources as other boards. People simply aren't interested. You can't just take into account the number of members or unique daily visitors. The members here have made it clear through their postings and I assume a lack of sales that there is no real interest.

Assuming it was equal to other boards in terms of potential sales, the amount of work you would have to put in would be dramatically more. In reality you are putting in more work for less results. Why do you think guys are telling you this isn't a source board?

You're right it is more work for a potentially equal reward, however my main resource is time not money at this point.

Maybe i am just stuck in the way things were and that is my problem, but frankly i preferred how it was before, everyone still vetted sources and did a better job at it than other boards but there was not this oppresive atmosphere that hangs over it now. Like i said people are afraid to give honest reviews anymore, that should not be so. I honestly blame Astro for the current state of things.

It has gotten to the point of an unspoken censorship.

You're right it is more work for a potentially equal reward, however my main resource is time not money at this point.

Maybe i am just stuck in the way things were and that is my problem, but frankly i preferred how it was before, everyone still vetted sources and did a better job at it than other boards but there was not this oppresive atmosphere that hangs over it now. Like i said people are afraid to give honest reviews anymore, that should not be so. I honestly blame Astro for the current state of things.

It has gotten to the point of an unspoken censorship.

We don't censor here, we go by trust and respect. People have gotten burned many times so that's why they are rather gun-shy on sources who are untrusted unproven and untested.
You're right it is more work for a potentially equal reward, however my main resource is time not money at this point.

Maybe i am just stuck in the way things were and that is my problem, but frankly i preferred how it was before, everyone still vetted sources and did a better job at it than other boards but there was not this oppresive atmosphere that hangs over it now. Like i said people are afraid to give honest reviews anymore, that should not be so. I honestly blame Astro for the current state of things.

It has gotten to the point of an unspoken censorship.


Your disapproval of the oppression of noobs by the Meso illuminati is duly noted. Yes we gut every guy with 8 posts, all of which are in the source at issue's thread, who say "communication was great, pack landed, gear is g2g." What's holds weight here is analytical data. Labmax, blood work and hplc.

Yes the culture here has changed. Sorry it doesn't suit you. Again, if it is not amenable to you, you know what to do.
We don't censor here, we go by trust and respect. People have gotten burned many times so that's why they are rather gun-shy on sources who are untrusted unproven and untested.

Not directly but it is happening in-directly.

Your disapproval of the oppression of noobs by the Meso illuminati is duly noted. Yes we gut every guy with 8 posts, all of which are in the source at issue's thread, show say "communication was great, pack landed, gear is g2g." What's holds weight here is analytical data. Labmax, blood work and hplc.

Yes the culture here has changed. The

Actualy the two members i'm referring to have been here longer than you. Of course you are not going to respect an 8 post member he is unproven. However when long-time members dont want to post honest reviews theres a problem. You dont agree?

It is what it is i was just giving the reason to cdnguy why there are no "shining reviews" here like there are on EVO.

No fee to source here so if X can make it he doesn't need to pay the dbags at those sites so Meso is worth a shot. Gonna need some legit results here before that happens.

Come on X...if you read outside your own thread here you know damn well why the skepticism is necessary. Even some supposedly decent private respected connects have recently fucked up. There are no short cuts here so no point in whining about getting a fair shake. Some leghumping douchebag saying ur g2g without proof shouldn't mean shit and you know that.

No decent member here would hesitate to give you a shout out if they had legitimate facts to do so. If I used you and got great bloods I would happily put that out there.

Any member saying he would but the atmosphere is preventing it is a leghumping dbag looking for freebies. If you are truly legit, time will tell.
Not directly but it is happening in-directly.

Actualy the two members i'm referring to have been here longer than you. Of course you are not going to respect an 8 post member he is unproven. However when long-time members dont want to post honest reviews thats where the problem is. It is what it is i was just giving the reason there are no "shining reviews" here.
If they are well respected members then they know that posting a review without some underlying data to support it is foolish and will not help. Reviews based on "feel" here are insufficient, excluding the tren conoisseurs, who can tell you very angrily that they're sweating and sniffing the skid marks on the old lady's thong.

And thank you for pointing out that they've been here longer than me. That means they probably understand what I wrote above, while you do not, and are not posting reviews based on "feel" or T/A and communication.

Again, hope your gear is fire, guy, and you are the unicorn source. You're not, however. Even if you are mother Teresa reincarnated, your raws come from the same cesspool as every other start-up UGL. Unless you have the unicorn raw source. You don't. It's a horse with a plunger duct taped to its nose.

Good luck.
If they are well respected members then they know that posting a review without some underlying data to support it is foolish and will not help. Reviews based on "feel" here are insufficient, excluding the tren conoisseurs, who can tell you very angrily that they're sweating and sniffing the skid marks on the old lady's thong.

And thank you for pointing out that they've been here longer than me. That means they probably understand what I wrote above, while you do not, and are not posting reviews based on "feel" or T/A and communication.

Again, hope your gear is fire, guy, and you are the unicorn source. You're not, however. Even if you are mother Teresa reincarnated, your raws come from the same cesspool as every other start-up UGL. Unless you have the unicorn raw source. You don't. It's a horse with a plunger duct taped to its nose.

Good luck.

Here allow me to add to all the other warm welcomes, GTFOOH, lol!