If someone is harmed by my gear i would replace the order and then some, i can say with 100% confidence this will never occcur. Keeping gear sterile is not some daunting task, its very simple.

I truly hope you have a great day as i will let results do the talking for me from this point forward.


Curious how you can say that you will 100%, never have that problem.

Also curious as to what that would do to your bullet proof plan of never running out of money? You know, the linear cash flow relationship you mentioned.

Anyone with actual business experience knows the financial projections in the business plan are only theoretical. Tell any accredited investor or someone with experience in business that linear relationship BS as a fail safe to unforeseeable problems and they'll quickly and correctly label you as naive and high risk.
If someone is harmed by my gear i would replace the order and then some, i can say with 100% confidence this will never occcur. Keeping gear sterile is not some daunting task, its very simple.

I truly hope you have a great day as i will let results do the talking for me from this point forward.


If pharmaceutical companies have issues with sterility, which they have, I'm not quite sure how you could guarantee 100% it wouldn't happen to you seeing as you don't have access to a clean room, vent hoods, etc etc
Proceeding my reputation i also have answers to both of these questions, but like i said id rather let results do the talking, it doesnt really matter what i say, those who dont like new sources will continue to not like that new source, we're just going to end up adding 26 more pages of debate with neither party gaining any ground.

If someone is harmed by my gear i would replace the order and then some, i can say with 100% confidence this will never occcur. Keeping gear sterile is not some daunting task, its very simple.

I truly hope you have a great day as i will let results do the talking for me from this point forward.


100% Bullshit.
Now you're going to let the results do the talking?
Results from what?
The free gear you're trying to sling through the back door here on Meso, attempting to buy member support?

You can't stop yourself from talking, but that's the problem isn't it...you end up making empty claims of 100% confidence like "contamination of your gear will never occur".
Go back and read your own posts...do you know how many times you belittle a subject by saying shit like "its very simple, I simply was...I was simply"....bla, bla fucking hot air bla!

You are the simple one, your time would be better spent on source boards, not on meso. This has been explained to you numerous times in this thread..yet your simple little mind still can't comprehend it.
="Xeno Pharmaceuticals, post: 1333630, member: 73558"]If someone is harmed by my gear i would replace the order and then some, i can say with 100% confidence this will never occcur. Keeping gear sterile is not some daunting task, its very simple.

I truly hope you have a great day as i will let results do the talking for me from this point forward.

Xeno the only thing you can 100% guarantee is your operation is Mickey mouse man!18851-49578d67919d58b37b9f9d57ad2a0e03.jpeg
Proceeding my reputation i also have answers to both of these questions, but like i said id rather let results do the talking, it doesnt really matter what i say, those who dont like new sources will continue to not like that new source, we're just going to end up adding 26 more pages of debate with neither party gaining any ground.


Proceeding your reputation? Geez.

It does matter what you say. You have to own up to what you say here. Don't brush it off now. You made the claims, you prove them. Any "results" that you are referring to, do not and will not provide evidence of the claims currently in question.

This is just another example of many, that proves you will say anything to justify sourcing here. What does that say about your true character and intent here? BTW, thats rhetorical.
Proceeding your reputation? Geez.

It does matter what you say. You have to own up to what you say here. Don't brush it off now. You made the claims, you prove them. Any "results" that you are referring to, do not and will not provide evidence of the claims currently in question.

This is just another example of many, that proves you will say anything to justify sourcing here. What does that say about your true character and intent here? BTW, thats rhetorical.

I just dont want to argue with anybody, im going to catch heat for everything i say to defend myself, if i answer every question im called a "slick willy condescending asshole" if i dont then im a scammer who refuses to give honest answers. So far the honest answer approach seems to be backfiring. Maybe saying that i dont wish to argue but i do have an answer would be better? If thats not accepted either i dont know, im at a loss here guys. It comes down to the simple fact nobody on the opposing team will accept anything i have to say until they see results, therefore i said i will let the results do the talking. (When they come, i know i dont have anything from meso)

Maybe the way i word things seems cold and unpersonal, i do not articulate myself like a fellow bro going to the gym and i see how it may seem condescending at times. Im here to provide a professional service and i try to give answers professionally but ill be a little more personable from now on.

Id like to say sorry if i offended any of you guys, i hope you see it wasnt my intention. I know you all are just trying to have each others backs and you dont want people to get screwed over. I respect that and thats how it should be. Im just asking for a fair chance, i intend to prove every bit of my legitamacy through hardwork, i dont think im owed anything. Im a good guy and id like to show everyone that overtime.

I just dont want to argue with anybody, im going to catch heat for everything i say to defend myself, if i answer every question im called a "slick willy condescending asshole" if i dont then im a scammer who refuses to give honest answers. So far the honest answer approach seems to be backfiring. Maybe saying that i dont wish to argue but i do have an answer would be better? If thats not accepted either i dont know, im at a loss here guys. It comes down to the simple fact nobody on the opposing team will accept anything i have to say until they see results, therefore i said i will let the results do the talking. (When they come, i know i dont have anything from meso)

Maybe the way i word things seems cold and unpersonal, i do not articulate myself like a fellow bro going to the gym and i see how it may seem condescending at times. Im here to provide a professional service and i try to give answers professionally but ill be a little more personable from now on.

Id like to say sorry if i offended any of you guys, i hope you see it wasnt my intention. I know you all are just trying to have each others backs and you dont want people to get screwed over. I respect that and thats how it should be. Im just asking for a fair chance, i intend to prove every bit of my legitamacy through hardwork, i dont think im owed anything. Im a good guy and id like to show everyone that overtime.

You wanna be a good guy Xeno? Then please go to a acutal source board then. GL now stage left....think ya heard that one before ;)
Do you guys really one xeno to leave to save meso from his evil plot to infect and rip us all off? or is it to give One Pharma exclusive source status here at meso?
You wanna be a good guy Xeno? Then please go to a acutal source board then. GL now stage left....think ya heard that one before ;)
Think he's got the Bronx cheer on ugbb already. Perhaps Evo, Outlaw, SF or PM are the best options for him ;)
Do you guys really one xeno to leave to save meso from his evil plot to infect and rip us all off? or is it to give One Pharma exclusive source status here at meso?
With all due respect Burr, curious why u care bout this home brewer? You going to run his gear?
Do you guys really one xeno to leave to save meso from his evil plot to infect and rip us all off? or is it to give One Pharma exclusive source status here at meso?

Whats on your mind, Burr? I assume you think this lab is being treated unfairly?

Just lay it all out there. No need for the passive aggressive, beating around the bush tactics to spark debate. Be it here, in a relevant thread, or make a new thread but lets get it out there for discussion.
No, I'm just calling bullshit on fact the one pharma is brewing just like this guy, but is swamped with orders from WKM's.
Basicly says to me, if you can survive the hazing and have a blood test or two come back OK you are welcome to source on meso.
I buy gear from a small private lab myself, he caps his own vials but uses similar brew equipment as Xeno. I don't kid myself into thinking that any domestic gear is made in a clean room with fancy vent hoods.
Xeno is nothing special to me, I've been playing devils advocate in src bashing threads since I got here.
No, I'm just calling bullshit on fact the one pharma is brewing just like this guy, but is swamped with orders from WKM's.
Basicly says to me, if you can survive the hazing and have a blood test or two come back OK you are welcome to source on meso.
I buy gear from a small private lab myself, he caps his own vials but uses similar brew equipment as Xeno. I don't kid myself into thinking that any domestic gear is made in a clean room with fancy vent hoods.

What would you like to see happen? WKM stop ordering and telling One Pharma to leave Meso?
I'd like to see srcs treated respectfully, and held accountable for their actions or shortcomings. I'd like to see us keep it real.
Warn members that this guy is a new src, with little history to go one. His sterility procedures are at least in line with domestic ugl standards. His presealed vials are more likely to be sterile than a similar src's fliptop vials.
His source for raws is probably not reliable as a src with a longer history.
I'd suggest anyone buying from this guy get some filters and refilter that gear before pinning.
I'd suggest people look for a more experienced src for their gear, but if they really want to try this guy start with a small order.
Do you guys really one xeno to leave to save meso from his evil plot to infect and rip us all off? or is it to give One Pharma exclusive source status here at meso?

I don't care what his intent might be, and I don't care about One Pharma or anybody else. Start up sources are high risk and I don't want them on Meso. What is your interest in this source? Why are you devoting so much time to this ugl?

Xeno is nothing special to me, I've been playing devils advocate in src bashing threads since I got here.

Captain Save-a-Source.