I'd like to see srcs treated respectfully, and held accountable for their actions or shortcomings. I'd like to see us keep it real.
Warn members that this guy is a new src, with little history to go one. His sterility procedures are at least in line with domestic ugl standards. His presealed vials are more likely to be sterile than a similar src's fliptop vials.
His source for raws is probably not reliable as a src with a longer history.
I'd suggest anyone buying from this guy get some filters and refilter that gear before pinning.
I'd suggest people look for a more experienced src for their gear, but if they really want to try this guy start with a small order.

I would say most if not all of that has happened in this thread. Has it not? It is a bit of an assumption to say his sterility standards are at least in line with domestic UGL standards though, don't you think? We really don't know this to be the case.

The only thing missing in the tone from your wants list above is the fact that Meso is a not a source board but a source discussion board. I recall a good thread you made distinguishing the different AAS boards and labeling Meso as a source discussion board. Correct?
I don't care what his intent might be, and I don't care about One Pharma or anybody else. Start up sources are high risk and I don't want them on Meso. What is your interest in this source? Why are you devoting so much time to this ugl?

Captain Save-a-Source.

Why is it neccesary to call names and insinuate a hidden agenda he's very clearly not a schill? Im sure burr really doesnt care but he didnt do anything to deserve that.

I think he is just disgruntled with the clear contradictions that present themselves, you may not care but hes not addressing what you would have happen hes addresing whats actually occuring.

I would say most if not all of that has happened in this thread. Has it not? It is a bit of an assumption to say his sterility standards are at least in line with domestic UGL standards though, don't you think? We really don't know this to be the case.

The only thing missing in the tone from your wants list above is the fact that Meso is a not a source board but a source discussion board. I recall a good thread you made distinguishing the different AAS boards and labeling Meso as a source discussion board. Correct?

Im not saying you personally contributed (honestly there was so much i dont even remember) but cmon, you've seen this thread, you know there was one sided rampant name calling and childish goings-on.

I agree with you on the assumption of sterility in relation to meso although im not sure he was referring only to this board when making that statement.

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You wanna be a good guy Xeno? Then please go to a acutal source board then. GL now stage left....think ya heard that one before ;)

I do want to show everyone im a good guy and earn their trust through hardwork and results, i dont expect anything i do not deserve, and i dont deserve much of anything yet.

Ugbodybuilding is completely different from Meso which is why i was respectful and left.

Meso was established in 1997, there has been almost 17 years of fully accepted sourcing on this board, saying that meso is not a place where sources can sell gear just doesn't make any sense. It always has been, and despite this new fad, it still is. I have to disagree with the reasoing it reduces harm as well. People still need to buy gear, whether the source is here on an uncensored board or elsewhere on censored boards.

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I just dont want to argue with anybody, im going to catch heat for everything i say to defend myself, if i answer every question im called a "slick willy condescending asshole" if i dont then im a scammer who refuses to give honest answers.

Maybe the way i word things seems cold and unpersonal, i do not articulate myself like a fellow bro going to the gym and i see how it may seem condescending at times.

Ah "slick-willy" playing the victim card now....fabulous!
At least you reflected a bit, or are you flip-flopping the "condescending asshole" statement for more pity value.
You got your buttons pushed and sure enough it exposed your dishonesty and willingness to say anything to push your agenda.
Xeno's 100% contamination free guarantee: "This will never occur, if someone is harmed by my gear, I'll send them more".

Don't get hung up on the condescending thing I wouldn't want you to forget that I also called you a "Know it all, Ra-tarded, Ass-clown, Answer for everything, iShmuck".

I would say most if not all of that has happened in this thread. Has it not? It is a bit of an assumption to say his sterility standards are at least in line with domestic UGL standards though, don't you think? We really don't know this to be the case.

The only thing missing in the tone from your wants list above is the fact that Meso is a not a source board but a source discussion board. I recall a good thread you made distinguishing the different AAS boards and labeling Meso as a source discussion board. Correct?
Source discussion is not the same as sourcing. Discussion about a source is sharing information about sources. So Xeno, you attempted to set up shop on ugbb and they have shown you the door in 5 pages. What's your true agenda here?
cmon, you've seen this thread, you know there was one sided rampant name calling and childish goings-on.
And get the fuck out of here with more of your self righteous, agenda based opinions.
You think it childish calling you names?
That opinion is coming from an "adult" who is trying to make a living selling homemade drugs on free internet forums....bitch please.
Come on Xeno admit you failed, and we aren't being childish here as you still can't get it into your feeble brain this is NOT a source board. Maybe @biggerben69 should have called your sorry ass out here and on UGBB.
Curious how you can say that you will 100%, never have that problem.

Also curious as to what that would do to your bullet proof plan of never running out of money? You know, the linear cash flow relationship you mentioned.

Anyone with actual business experience knows the financial projections in the business plan are only theoretical. Tell any accredited investor or someone with experience in business that linear relationship BS as a fail safe to unforeseeable problems and they'll quickly and correctly label you as naive and high risk.
Trust me bro. What's wrong with you.
Ah "slick-willy" playing the victim card now....fabulous!
At least you reflected a bit, or are you flip-flopping the "condescending asshole" statement for more pity value.
You got your buttons pushed and sure enough it exposed your dishonesty and willingness to say anything to push your agenda.
Xeno's 100% contamination free guarantee: "This will never occur, if someone is harmed by my gear, I'll send them more".

Don't get hung up on the condescending thing I wouldn't want you to forget that I also called you a "Know it all, Ra-tarded, Ass-clown, Answer for everything, iShmuck".

Please substantiate the dishonest claim.

Ive been nothing but honest.

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Come on Xeno admit you failed, and we aren't being childish here as you still can't get it into your feeble brain this is NOT a source board. Maybe @biggerben69 should have called your sorry ass out here and on UGBB.

I have admited that i should have started this thread with HPLC testing and without trying to sway opinion on UPS.

Beyond that i dont believe i have failed at anything, i have been completely honest this entire time and i have not resorted to name calling or being rude.
Ah "slick-willy" playing the victim card now....fabulous!
At least you reflected a bit, or are you flip-flopping the "condescending asshole" statement for more pity value.
You got your buttons pushed and sure enough it exposed your dishonesty and willingness to say anything to push your agenda.
Xeno's 100% contamination free guarantee: "This will never occur, if someone is harmed by my gear, I'll send them more".

Don't get hung up on the condescending thing I wouldn't want you to forget that I also called you a "Know it all, Ra-tarded, Ass-clown, Answer for everything, iShmuck".

I just re-read this, are you calling me dishonest for using the 100% term?

Cmon now, we are all aware of the room for human error in every aspect of life. I obviously meant as close as humanly possible. Im not trying to tell everyone im GOD.

If thats the reason you label me dishonest than ill take it as a compliment.
Please substantiate the dishonest claim.

Ive been nothing but honest.

Substantiate deez nuts.

You know what you said and you know there is NO way you can believe or ask other to believe it....oh but when you were asked how you can substantiate YOUR claim, you breezed right past those questions and started playing the victim card.
You cry baby little bitch...."I'm a source, no body believes me, I just want to be a good guy, I am a good guy, I don't want to argue, all I've been is honest" bla, bla, bla....and now we get more "what I meant was".....off you go, douchebag.
Sorry boys kinda agree with @Burrr on this one everyone is innocent until proven guilty but fuck we through this dude under the bus with no evidence of him doing wrong
So he.is a new lab he gotta start from somewhere
The problem is meso doesn't want him to start here soooo
On guy trash talks and everyone jumped in like a slaughterhouse it not right unless we have proof of him being a scammer or having bunk gear shut the fuck up

Yea I'm getting heat but we had a.thread on meso where the old one said this type of shit shouldn't happened