If you all really believe in this movement and this isnt just an outlet for frustration, id like to ask why the sudden change after 17 years and how is it beneficial to harm reduction? People still have to get their gear from somewhere.

I know most of the members here who joined beginning of 2014 or earlier were using this as a "source board" and those same members are now saying its wrong for sources to be here.

Meso isnt a source board but its always been an acceptable platform for sourcing

Sorry boys kinda agree with @Burrr on this one everyone is innocent until proven guilty but fuck we through this dude under the bus with no evidence of him doing wrong
So he.is a new lab he gotta start from somewhere
The problem is meso doesn't want him to start here soooo
On guy trash talks and everyone jumped in like a slaughterhouse it not right unless we have proof of him being a scammer or having bunk gear shut the fuck up

Yea I'm getting heat but we had a.thread on meso where the old one said this type of shit shouldn't happened
It may seem as though that is where this thread has headed now redrum, but X started off in his very first post offering free gear to WKM who message him.
Is that doing no wrong?
It may seem as though that is where this thread has headed now redrum, but X started off in his very first post offering free gear to WKM who message him.
Is that doing no wrong?

I didnt state WKM, i just wanted anyone from meso to try the product and give an honest review. There shouldnt be a problem with that as long as they state that it was a sample.

It may seem as though that is where this thread has headed now redrum, but X started off in his very first post offering free gear to WKM who message him.
Is that doing no wrong?

Is that "wrong", wrong enough for the backlash received?
Semantics " respected board members"....shut your fucking pie hole.

I just wanted anyone who was not a schill or generally disliked. I know you're going to say thats BS but its the truth.

I dont understand the whole sample thing, as long as the review is stated as a sample, it is useful information as far as the access of the source in question to produce quality product should they so choose.
This guy has been everywhere he can go for free and nobody wants him. You guys want him? Your a former member did you not make friends? The whole way you are going about this is wrong and has been since day one.
This guy has been everywhere he can go for free and nobody wants him. You guys want him? Your a former member did you not make friends? The whole way you are going about this is wrong and has been since day one.

Of course ugbb didnt like me, because bb69 didnt like me, i could have stayed but chose to leave out of respect.

Im very well liked on EVO and i just started at SST and besides a meso patron they only said my prices were too high (they want 40$ tren a) everyone else welcomed me.

If i gave out my handle this whole thread would be different but i cant because there is too much info on it, i cant pm people it either for the same reason.

Of course ugbb didnt like me, because bb69 didnt like me, i could have stayed but chose to leave out of respect.

Im very well liked on EVO and i just started at SST and besides a meso patron they only said my prices were too high everyone else welcomed me.

If i gave out my handle this whole thread would be different but i cant because there is too much info on it, i cant pm people it either for the same reason.


You would not have lasted at UGBB with or without Ben. You can take that one to the bank.
Is that "wrong", wrong enough for the backlash received?
I think it's one of the most wrong things a new source could ever do.
It opens up a whole shit storm of integrity questions, validity and alliance concerns for members, sources and/or re-sellers.
I don't care who the source is or if Millard himself was the one reviewing the free samples....I would question EVERY aspect of it.
I think it's one of the most wrong things a new source could ever do.
It opens up a whole shit storm of integrity questions, validity and alliance concerns for members, sources and/or re-sellers.
I don't care who the source is or if Millard himself was the one reviewing the free samples....I would question EVERY aspect of it.

I don't agree it's one of the most erroneous things a source can do but I agree about the shit storm it opens up. Personally, I don't think it warrants this kind of hostility but you might which is cool. I'm just creating dialogue.
I don't agree it's one of the most erroneous things a source can do but I agree about the shit storm it opens up. Personally, I don't think it warrants this kind of hostility but you might which is cool. I'm just creating dialogue.
Just creating dialogue? I like that. Truth is I really don't care and I am just tired of seeing Xeno Pharmaceuticals in my timelines. The Meso business model for sources is a failed one and we all know this. So is it not smart to try a different approach if you want to source. One day you start-ups will figure this out.
Of course ugbb didnt like me, because bb69 didnt like me, i could have stayed but chose to leave out of respect.

Im very well liked on EVO and i just started at SST and besides a meso patron they only said my prices were too high (they want 40$ tren a) everyone else welcomed me.

If i gave out my handle this whole thread would be different but i cant because there is too much info on it, i cant pm people it either for the same reason.

Well many of us are at ugbb as well. Myself included even though I haven't dipped in there in a while. bb69 is a very well respected Vet, on many boards, including ones most of us don't have access to. I'm not sure what makes you think you could do any better here than ugbb.
It may seem as though that is where this thread has headed now redrum, but X started off in his very first post offering free gear to WKM who message him.
Is that doing no wrong?

Kinda but not really since every source who's comes to meso has done it and went also have members who pm sources for free gear
There is a lot of lab max being done on.sources and not a lot of members claiming they order
Not saying they have too but come.on we aint dumb
I'm for bashing when.we have.proof
We don't want to bite our tongues later on

Now I'm.guilty as fuck bashing sources real quick but shit I'll die if this dude has good gear
Just creating dialogue? I like that. Truth is I really don't care and I am just tired of seeing Xeno Pharmaceuticals in my timelines. The Meso business model for sources is a failed one and we all know this. So is it not smart to try a different approach if you want to source. One day you start-ups will figure this out.

I'm tired of it also. Between here and UG it's becoming like a soap opera if anything lol
@redrum720 well, I held my tongue for a while on X.
But I won't hold back on his know-it-all ass anymore.
I've seen it too many times here over the years, start up sources come here playing the "good guy" gimmick and it ends in a train wreck. MS even brought Jeeesus into his game of lies.
I'll hold my ground on sources offering free gear to members, I strongly believe that there is NO good that can come from it here.
X knew the controversy regarding that subject, but in lieu of asking the community for input on the subject he let his personal agenda/opinion lead his intro.
That doesn't surprise me at all after quietly reading ever post in this thread up until the time I decided to be active in it....he's playing the "I'm here to serve the community" card but he is just like every other source, he's here because its free to be here and it fits his agenda.
There are many members here that would "die for some good gear", but that shouldn't stop anyone from calling bullshit when a sources says "he's 100% confident that his gear would never cause any harm".
If you all really believe in this movement and this isnt just an outlet for frustration, id like to ask why the sudden change after 17 years and how is it beneficial to harm reduction? People still have to get their gear from somewhere.

I know most of the members here who joined beginning of 2014 or earlier were using this as a "source board" and those same members are now saying its wrong for sources to be here.

Meso isnt a source board but its always been an acceptable platform for sourcing

What's so difficult to understand? You're bathtub brew is not wanted.