Your Top 5 Fav Steroids

Kind of want to try proviron again, it's been a while. Seems like it's very mild on bloodwork and the liver, and adds that dry cosmetic look. Could be nice with test/tren/mast/eq. Hmm..
Would you run it again? Haven't used proviron in years. Remember it added a nice polished look but was mild in terms of strength/mass

Still want to try it again though
Honestly I’m not sure how much it did. I felt a massive instant libido boost but in terms of the look and strength, it was in a contest prep so I had put tren in 3 weeks previously, anavar 1 week after and wasn’t gaining any strength at that point so I had no clue what was doing what lol all I know is I liked how I looked in the mirror.

I’d probably try it again on a cruise or closer to the start of a mini cut to see what it actually does without the tren and anavar and crazy low carbs
Kind of want to try proviron again, it's been a while. Seems like it's very mild on bloodwork and the liver, and adds that dry cosmetic look. Could be nice with test/tren/mast/eq. Hmm..

Personally i would avoid proviron with another DHT derivative. It may drive your SHBG to bottom. It's a nice addition to test only or cycles with test, eq, nandrolone etc.

I was about to run it now while i'm cruising but my SHBG came already very low at 11 from running primo and anavar in cycle. Having it low (or very low) it's one thing, from what i've read you don't want it crushed to zero and proviron it's very potent in binding to SHBG.

As far as i know pros usually add it at the end of the contest prep with AI's to crush both SHBG and estrogen and dry out.