Welllllllllll I haven't had a period in 2 years so I'm good there. Lol. I believe it actually helped with hot flashes and such. I don't think I've had but one or two since I've been on cycle

. The last week and a half of my var cycle I started pinning primo. I guess technically that was stacking but for all intents and purposes I guess the answer is no. I do believe I started losing some of the anavar bloat when I began with the primo but it could also be coincidental. I think the anavar has messed with some others' periods tho. From what I understand some women find primo harsh but it has been good to me. @geargoddess says she loves it too. I'm currently pinning 100 mg/week with no appreciable sides (a blemish or two) and no bloating. I don't even have the sensitive lady bits like I did with the var which I kind of a bummer. Lol.
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