Primo Cycle

End of week 5 today. Will pin later. No new or severe sides. Posterior chain day. Had much more energy today. Sleep and not having to work today work miracles. Last week at this time I was ending a rest/deload week so I didn't do any progress pics. This week's aren't phenomenal but it's a marathon not a sprint. Power on. I'll continue this cycle with emphasis On glute-ham.

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Looking great, Wendy!!
Congratulations on the deadlift PR Wendy! I think there may be around 10 regular posters on Meso who are our age or older who can truly appreciate how difficult it is to bring your abs to the level you have while approaching 50. The recent hamstring and glute development have very little, if anything, to do with the primo and are instead a result of you really focusing on bringing them up.

You really are doing awesome work and I'm happy for your progress.

Thank you MP! That means so much. I HAVE been working hard. I'm really curious what my body can do and how it responds. It's a fun and rewarding experiment. Glute-Ham raises and hip thrusters have become my best friends here lately. :)

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Chest/shoulder/tris. Long day in the gym. Tomorrow is a rest day and I'm ready for it. I tried and failed at my 170 bench this morning but I did get 165 which is still a PR and I'll take it. I look forward to chasing 170 next week. No changes to sides and forearms and hands feel so much better than they did last week.

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Chest/shoulder/tris. Long day in the gym. Tomorrow is a rest day and I'm ready for it. I tried and failed at my 170 bench this morning but I did get 165 which is still a PR and I'll take it. I look forward to chasing 170 next week. No changes to sides and forearms and hands feel so much better than they did last week.

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How long have you been rocking the primo now? Seems like it's been a while, should be seeing it really kick soon.
Ok. I thought @GearGodess mentioned after 6 weeks is when you'll see differences. I have noticed more vascularity and my legs are getting a bit more defined. I can see the beginnings of quad separation. These have been small, incremental changes and didn't know if there was going to be a wow moment like when the anavar kicked in. I'm good with the changes I've seen so far :)

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Ok. I thought @GearGodess mentioned after 6 weeks is when you'll see differences. I have noticed more vascularity and my legs are getting a bit more defined. I can see the beginnings of quad separation. These have been small, incremental changes and didn't know if there was going to be a wow moment like when the anavar kicked in. I'm good with the changes I've seen so far :)

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I've never taken primo I'm just familiar with the ester you're dealing with. The vascularity you're seeing is really noticeable that's for sure.
Ok. I thought @GearGodess mentioned after 6 weeks is when you'll see differences. I have noticed more vascularity and my legs are getting a bit more defined. I can see the beginnings of quad separation. These have been small, incremental changes and didn't know if there was going to be a wow moment like when the anavar kicked in. I'm good with the changes I've seen so far :)

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Definately! Feeling good, strength and the vascularity is the very first that I find with primo, after that you get the hard and grainy look with everything starting to pop...definition and striations. I always get that "holy s#!%!" moment between 6-8 week mark when everything just falls together.

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Serious quad gains girl... Did u get them for the var cycle?? You look great.. How long did u run var for and wat dose were you on? Tanku

Thanks! I would say the gains are from the var. I worked my legs like a madwoman the whole time. I believe they're getting "fine tuned" with the primo. Meaning the definition is starting to come out more. And there's a little separation going on. I was on var for 12 weeks. 10mg/day. I. Tried twice to bump up to 20 mg/day but started getting sides e.g. Sore throat, raspy voice, that made me back down to 10.

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Thanks! I would say the gains are from the var. I worked my legs like a madwoman the whole time. I believe they're getting "fine tuned" with the primo. Meaning the definition is starting to come out more. And there's a little separation going on. I was on var for 12 weeks. 10mg/day. I. Tried twice to bump up to 20 mg/day but started getting sides e.g. Sore throat, raspy voice, that made me back down to 10.

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Ok good to know that, did it intervere with your menstrual cycle at all? Some say they dont get a period while on var.. That would be great.. Did you stack var with anything or just run a var only cycle? Sorry i hope im not annoying you with the questions, i just want to get the best out of this cycle..
Ok good to know that, did it intervere with your menstrual cycle at all? Some say they dont get a period while on var.. That would be great.. Did you stack var with anything or just run a var only cycle? Sorry i hope im not annoying you with the questions, i just want to get the best out of this cycle..

Welllllllllll I haven't had a period in 2 years so I'm good there. Lol. I believe it actually helped with hot flashes and such. I don't think I've had but one or two since I've been on cycle :). The last week and a half of my var cycle I started pinning primo. I guess technically that was stacking but for all intents and purposes I guess the answer is no. I do believe I started losing some of the anavar bloat when I began with the primo but it could also be coincidental. I think the anavar has messed with some others' periods tho. From what I understand some women find primo harsh but it has been good to me. @geargoddess says she loves it too. I'm currently pinning 100 mg/week with no appreciable sides (a blemish or two) and no bloating. I don't even have the sensitive lady bits like I did with the var which I kind of a bummer. Lol.

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Welllllllllll I haven't had a period in 2 years so I'm good there. Lol. I believe it actually helped with hot flashes and such. I don't think I've had but one or two since I've been on cycle :). The last week and a half of my var cycle I started pinning primo. I guess technically that was stacking but for all intents and purposes I guess the answer is no. I do believe I started losing some of the anavar bloat when I began with the primo but it could also be coincidental. I think the anavar has messed with some others' periods tho. From what I understand some women find primo harsh but it has been good to me. @geargoddess says she loves it too. I'm currently pinning 100 mg/week with no appreciable sides (a blemish or two) and no bloating. I don't even have the sensitive lady bits like I did with the var which I kind of a bummer. Lol.

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So would you recommend primo instead of var? I dont mind pinning as Im a nurse, but its my first ever cycle so i was more inclined to start with var as recommended by other users.. But im very curious as to how primo would work for me, might try it after my var!! Another question i have is , do you know if taking test boosters are any good while on var? Or are they to weak and only get suppressed by the var??
So would you recommend primo instead of var? I dont mind pinning as Im a nurse, but its my first ever cycle so i was more inclined to start with var as recommended by other users.. But im very curious as to how primo would work for me, might try it after my var!! Another question i have is , do you know if taking test boosters are any good while on var? Or are they to weak and only get suppressed by the var??

I can't say that I recommend it only because everyone responds differently to different compounds. I'm not through with this cycle and am only just now entering the window when I'm supposed to see the gains. Anavar did give me some solid muscle. It was my very first cycle (and technically I guess I'm still on my first cycle since I didn't have a break between.) the bloat messed with me though. Not enough to where I wouldn't possibly try it again tho. The bloat leaves pretty quickly after you stop. I'll just have to see. Also primo is another widely faked compound so you'll want to lab max it as well. I don't know about the test boosters. Maybe some of the guys or GG has firsthand knowledge.

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So would you recommend primo instead of var? I dont mind pinning as Im a nurse, but its my first ever cycle so i was more inclined to start with var as recommended by other users.. But im very curious as to how primo would work for me, might try it after my var!! Another question i have is , do you know if taking test boosters are any good while on var? Or are they to weak and only get suppressed by the var??
What is your reasoning behind wanting to add test boosters?

Personally, I never used them but if I was to go that route, I'd go inject 15mg of test instead other test supplements - creams or pills.

As for your var vs primo question. They are very different compounds. Var is a good beginner steroid for women as it has low sides.. once you start experimenting, primo is definately worth a try. (My personal favorite) most people if they liked var, incorporate primo next time then a combination of both...

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What is your reasoning behind wanting to add test boosters?

Personally, I never used them but if I was to go that route, I'd go inject 15mg of test instead other test supplements - creams or pills.

As for your var vs primo question. They are very different compounds. Var is a good beginner steroid for women as it has low sides.. once you start experimenting, primo is definately worth a try. (My personal favorite) most people if they liked var, incorporate primo next time then a combination of both...

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@geargoddess what would stacking them get you vs running them on their own? Is var more a muscle builder and primo more of a refiner? What do they individually contribute?

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