Cowboy's Switch the Darkside

Deadlift intensity
405x1 25lbs over planned

Strict OHP volume
105x5x5 5lbs over planned

Side laterals

Dumbell shrugs 2 second hold top

Dumbell rows

Straight arm pulldown
So I was thinking about my deadlifts.

1. I changed stance a week or so ago due to comments. I went from fairly wide to about 8 inches between heels. Yesterday I went just slightly wider and liked it better.

2. Grip with hook grip i need my thumb on the gnurling or it slips, so i need to be slightly wider on grip, hoping not going to cause a problem.

3. Lighter weight no issue getting off the floor quick. I find I cant get off the floor super quick on my heavier deads. I am able to lift it just slower off the floor but my lockout seems to be fast.

Just food for thought lol
Just gotta figure out what works. Generally more narrow is faster off the floor and weaker at lockout. Wider slower off the floor and stronger at lockout. Hook grip is painful no matter what.
Just gotta figure out what works. Generally more narrow is faster off the floor and weaker at lockout. Wider slower off the floor and stronger at lockout. Hook grip is painful no matter what.
I seem to like stance about a foot a part at the heel with toes slightly outward. Grip, not quite straight down a little to the outside so I can have my thumb on the knurling. Hook grip I have pretty much gotten used to now... funny thing on lighter weight for some reason I set up with a false grip. I get faster of the floor gets momentum going but I seem to be ok with slower off the floor. I will keep playing with it.
Why would you think the hook group would do that? I am afraid of the mixed grip and in all honesty I think my hook grip is stronger than my mixed.

Pain and grip doesn't feel as secure. I gave up on hook grip years ago though. Been doing strictly mixed grip with left hand under and right hand over for like three years.
Pain and grip doesn't feel as secure. I gave up on hook grip years ago though. Been doing strictly mixed grip with left hand under and right hand over for like three years.
Oh ok I thought you meant it was slow for all.... i dont have issue with pain during. That night and next day the thumbs are numb lol
Bench intensity 531
245x1 PR felt it and went for it, was a high RPE8 if not a 9. I actually screwed up the math and went 20lbs heavier than planned and it was going up good so went for the PR

Squats Volume down to milk crate pause drive up
255x4 almost failed 4
135x12 speed squats to milk crate touch and go.

Hack squat
180x8 high outside
270x8 high middle
270x8 high narrow
FFS, the new gym I signed up is struggling and might close Jan 1.... just getting numbers up and like the atmosphere... hoping they get it figured I just re upped 4 months a week ago
FFS, the new gym I signed up is struggling and might close Jan 1.... just getting numbers up and like the atmosphere... hoping they get it figured I just re upped 4 months a week ago
That sucks. First time I’ve really heard of a gym closing, but it makes sense.
That sucks. First time I’ve really heard of a gym closing, but it makes sense.
It does big time, finally in a gym that welcomes powerlifters... there is not another one like it anywhere near here. 60 plus miles maybe lol... all I can do is hope or else back to the PF knock off gym which sucks balls.
It does big time, finally in a gym that welcomes powerlifters... there is not another one like it anywhere near here. 60 plus miles maybe lol... all I can do is hope or else back to the PF knock off gym which sucks balls.
Go to the knockoff and recruit lol
FFS, the new gym I signed up is struggling and might close Jan 1.... just getting numbers up and like the atmosphere... hoping they get it figured I just re upped 4 months a week ago
Damn, finally find a gym that’s not extra crowded and has the right stuff for S/B/D and they can’t keep their doors open. Go figure. Sucks that its like that. Before I started going to my current gym I used to go to an old school gym like that. No a/c, rusty weights, powerlifting platforms, combo racks, squat cages, 200lb dbells, crazy old school equipment, rumors of people shooting up n the locker room. It really was THE HARDCORE gym in town and the owner passed away. Wife sold it to some slap dick and once he paid it off he sold it to an investor , now it’s some office building. What a shame.
Damn, finally find a gym that’s not extra crowded and has the right stuff for S/B/D and they can’t keep their doors open. Go figure. Sucks that its like that. Before I started going to my current gym I used to go to an old school gym like that. No a/c, rusty weights, powerlifting platforms, combo racks, squat cages, 200lb dbells, crazy old school equipment, rumors of people shooting up n the locker room. It really was THE HARDCORE gym in town and the owner passed away. Wife sold it to some slap dick and once he paid it off he sold it to an investor , now it’s some office building. What a shame.
Pretty close minus the shooting up lol. Well they are trying generate some cash and keep the doors open, I got the rest of this month and December for sure. Who knows maybe they will get enough to stay open. My membership at the knock of is good until end of Jan so wont be completely gymless. Looking at other options too.
They just opened a Planet Fitness in the next town over. We've already had a bunch from my gym defect over there. Hoping the gym doesn't go out of business over it.
They just opened a Planet Fitness in the next town over. We've already had a bunch from my gym defect over there. Hoping the gym doesn't go out of business over it.
Yeah it sucks, especially when they have what you want and need, knowing there is not another that compares. I do have one option, it's free, close to home, the only issue is amount of dumbell weight, and tough to deadlift there.
I have another option that's abort the same distance, it's just they're closed all day on Sundays. If it wasn't for that I'd probably be a member already because they have better equipment.
They just opened a Planet Fitness in the next town over. We've already had a bunch from my gym defect over there. Hoping the gym doesn't go out of business over it.
Good, weed out the weak. Those people just get in the way but you’re right they do keep the doors open.