Cowboy's Switch the Darkside

That's definitely the upside as long as they stay in business.
I don’t think my gym is in danger of going out of business. Options where I’m at would be an almost USAPL exclusive gym, some small power lifting gym that’s way too expensive and completely on the opposite side of the city, box gyms or put a fucking combo rack and a platform in my garage. It really is a niche market
I don’t think my gym is in danger of going out of business. Options where I’m at would be an almost USAPL exclusive gym, some small power lifting gym that’s way too expensive and completely on the opposite side of the city, box gyms or put a fucking combo rack and a platform in my garage. It really is a niche market
If I had the cash, I think at this point I would set up at home
The way I would do it 4-5 g for a legitimate set up.
-TSS, Rouge, Elite FTS (choose 1) combo rack 1550-2500
-500 kilo calibrated plates 2000
-powerbar and deadlift bar 600-800
Rouge deadlift platform. 300

Maybe less if anything can be found used

Sure there’s much cheaper ways to go but It’s a buy once cry once thing IMO. Instead of buying entry level equipment and then upgrade every other year and no be able to get rid of the old shit.
The way I would do it 4-5 g for a legitimate set up.
-TSS, Rouge, Elite FTS (choose 1) combo rack 1550-2500
-500 kilo calibrated plates 2000
-powerbar and deadlift bar 600-800
Rouge deadlift platform. 300

Maybe less if anything can be found used

Sure there’s much cheaper ways to go but It’s a buy once cry once thing IMO. Instead of buying entry level equipment and then upgrade every other year and no be able to get rid of the old shit.
Looks like a good set up for sure and your right do it right the first time. If I had a few k to blow it would happen
I did it, Craigslist and time/patience. A piece here, a piece there.
The place I can go for free will work except for DL. I could start by setting up for DL at home first. Then build from there but may take a long time to get done, I ain't rich
3 rep week
Squat intensity
225x5 tweaked knee
345x2 amrap set knee said no more

Bench volume
185x4x5 supposed to be 175 decided add 10lbs

Leg accessories skip

High incline DB press
The knee can’t be too bad if you kept going. Where’s the pain coming from?
It hurts inner lower and upper outer. It wasn't horrible or anything like that at the time. It did get worse after my squats and Inwas limping. Iced it when I got home and some ibuprofen. Seems ok right now
It hurts inner lower and upper outer. It wasn't horrible or anything like that at the time. It did get worse after my squats and Inwas limping. Iced it when I got home and some ibuprofen. Seems ok right now
Do you video your main lifts? It almost sounds like your knees are buckling inward. I used to get pain while squatting because I didn’t control my knees well. Surprisingly, glute work helps that—and focusing on pushing your knees out when coming out of the hole.
Do you video your main lifts? It almost sounds like your knees are buckling inward. I used to get pain while squatting because I didn’t control my knees well. Surprisingly, glute work helps that—and focusing on pushing your knees out when coming out of the hole.
I do video mains when attempt a max or working on something specific with the lift such as form. Thinking about it, I have the mental cue of knees out always. I have been box squating for a couple weeks working on depth. I warmed up box squating without issue and at 225 removed the bench so normal squats. I think I had a mind lapse and the knee did come inside a bit.
So I am thinking of putting in an order for some more test... staying at 200mg a week, I have another week or two on current vial and then 2 more vials left. I hate getting low lol, even though at 200mg it's about 24 weeks left. I was thinking also pick up some var and thought after Christmas, stay on 200mg a week and run the var along side at 50mg a day for 6-7 weeks. Get my cardio back in line as well as diet after xmas, and see what I can do as far as a recomp.

So I am thinking of putting in an order for some more test... staying at 200mg a week, I have another week or two on current vial and then 2 more vials left. I hate getting low lol, even though at 200mg it's about 24 weeks left. I was thinking also pick up some var and thought after Christmas, stay on 200mg a week and run the var along side at 50mg a day for 6-7 weeks. Get my cardio back in line as well as diet after xmas, and see what I can do as far as a recomp.

Sounds like a steady plan. Easy on the body with dosages kept reasonable like you plan to run. Obviously diet will be the big factor. Keep it going!
3 rep week

Deadlift intensity
405x3 amrap set grip gave up before I did, I had more in me

Strict OHP volume

Side laterals


Straight arm pushdown

Felt good today everything moved smoothly
So I am thinking of putting in an order for some more test... staying at 200mg a week, I have another week or two on current vial and then 2 more vials left. I hate getting low lol, even though at 200mg it's about 24 weeks left. I was thinking also pick up some var and thought after Christmas, stay on 200mg a week and run the var along side at 50mg a day for 6-7 weeks. Get my cardio back in line as well as diet after xmas, and see what I can do as far as a recomp.

I think low test is where it’s at for cutting. It will preserve the muscle you Have during a defect and the var should get you some pump/hardness and add to your strength.
So ordered 4 test cyp 250, 200 10mg var.
Gives me 60ml of test cyp 48 weeks worth at 200mg. And not quite 6 weeks worth of var at 50mg a day. I also still have about 2 weeks of drol left at 50mg a day if I so chose