HGH + Insulin + Pioglitazone (Actos) + Metformin

Hi guys, i searched on forum but found old articles posted by some doctors that only told about some benefits in type 2 diabetes

What are your toughts about using Metformin and / or Pioglitazone with HGH and Insulin or HGH alone, to defeat Insulin Resistance?

It seemed to me that Pioglitazone can contrast HGH fat loss Property, but obviously not sure about it. I read a lot of mixed things so i would hear about experiences.. maybe @mands can help too :)
Hi guys, i searched on forum but found old articles posted by some doctors that only told about some benefits in type 2 diabetes

What are your toughts about using Metformin and / or Pioglitazone with HGH and Insulin or HGH alone, to defeat Insulin Resistance?

It seemed to me that Pioglitazone can contrast HGH fat loss Property, but obviously not sure about it. I read a lot of mixed things so i would hear about experiences.. maybe @mands can help too :)
this is good read to se difference between two Effect of Pioglitazone Compared with Metformin on Glycemic Control and Indicators of Insulin Sensitivity in Recently Diagnosed Patients with Type 2 Diabetes

thanks man, any in real life experience? I think i would try both with Slin and HGH, 30mg Pioglitazone and 500mg x 2 of Metformin. Some thought about it? You @MuscleFreak ? @mands @Mac11wildcat ?

Mac11wildcat spoke about his metformin use that helped him a lot, and helped me too regaining insulin sensitivity after messing up with HGH. I ll use Metformin too but would know if adding Pioglitazone would give benefit to fatloss and insulin sensitivity of it can really interfere with HGH fatloss property
thanks man, any in real life experience? I think i would try both with Slin and HGH, 30mg Pioglitazone and 500mg x 2 of Metformin. Some thought about it? You @MuscleFreak ? @mands @Mac11wildcat ?

Mac11wildcat spoke about his metformin use that helped him a lot, and helped me too regaining insulin sensitivity after messing up with HGH. I ll use Metformin too but would know if adding Pioglitazone would give benefit to fatloss and insulin sensitivity of it can really interfere with HGH fatloss property
@Mac11wildcat has a lot of experience and knowledge with metformin,i will just start this week for the first time ...lets see what he thinks about it and also @mands
Hi guys, i searched on forum but found old articles posted by some doctors that only told about some benefits in type 2 diabetes

What are your toughts about using Metformin and / or Pioglitazone with HGH and Insulin or HGH alone, to defeat Insulin Resistance?

It seemed to me that Pioglitazone can contrast HGH fat loss Property, but obviously not sure about it. I read a lot of mixed things so i would hear about experiences.. maybe @mands can help too :)
I'n not certain but it's my understanding taking Pioglitazone can with type 2 diabetes cause fat gain. I do believe that fat gained by individuals is from non healthy life practices. As a body builder and the understanding of training, dieting, working out, etc. shouldn't have any or possibly minute effects on fat gain/loss while running GH with Pioglitazone.

Are you taking currently? Do you have type 2 diabetes?

As far as Metformin and Pioglitazone is there a reason you are wanting to take these along side running insulin?

I'n not certain but it's my understanding taking Pioglitazone can with type 2 diabetes cause fat gain. I do believe that fat gained by individuals is from non healthy life practices. As a body builder and the understanding of training, dieting, working out, etc. shouldn't have any or possibly minute effects on fat gain/loss while running GH with Pioglitazone.

Are you taking currently? Do you have type 2 diabetes?

As far as Metformin and Pioglitazone is there a reason you are wanting to take these along side running insulin?


Sorry Mands i didnt get your point. If you can re-explain It would be appreciated :)

After maybe 8 weeks on HGH and Slin i bloated a lot , maybe for the HGH (and the slin) and i couldn t eat because i had issues due to insulin insentivity. Next time i ll run 6 weeks instead of 8 but since wanna use muscle sensitivity Drugs to move up the enemy, so i ll take Metformin, and wanted to know if Someone for the same purpose uses Pioglitazone also. So i asked to you and @Mac11wildcat , if you could say something about it would be really appreciated
I am not at all familiar with pioglitazone unfortunately. metformin worked for me, and just realize that many of the indications in studies aren’t from healthy, trained individuals. They’re from sedentary people fighting diabetes.
Sorry Mands i didnt get your point. If you can re-explain It would be appreciated :)

After maybe 8 weeks on HGH and Slin i bloated a lot , maybe for the HGH (and the slin) and i couldn t eat because i had issues due to insulin insentivity. Next time i ll run 6 weeks instead of 8 but since wanna use muscle sensitivity Drugs to move up the enemy, so i ll take Metformin, and wanted to know if Someone for the same purpose uses Pioglitazone also. So i asked to you and @Mac11wildcat , if you could say something about it would be really appreciated
I was just trying to relay that most users and studies as @Mac11wildcat just stated, are from individuals with underlying health conditions. That's where you will see fat gain with Pioglitazone. You will see water weight gain as well with that paticular drug.

Now as far as adding Pioglitazone to your protocol I don't see that it's warranted and I personally would never advise it. I have seen individuals use both Slin and Metformin together with GH and get good results.

The amount you mentioned earlier for the Metformin is pretty common dosage for what you are trying to accomplish.

How much GH are you running may I ask?

I was just trying to relay that most users and studies as @Mac11wildcat just stated, are from individuals with underlying health conditions. That's where you will see fat gain with Pioglitazone. You will see water weight gain as well with that paticular drug.

Now as far as adding Pioglitazone to your protocol I don't see that it's warranted and I personally would never advise it. I have seen individuals use both Slin and Metformin together with GH and get good results.

The amount you mentioned earlier for the Metformin is pretty common dosage for what you are trying to accomplish.

How much GH are you running may I ask?

do u run metformin with GH? how was your experience
I was just trying to relay that most users and studies as @Mac11wildcat just stated, are from individuals with underlying health conditions. That's where you will see fat gain with Pioglitazone. You will see water weight gain as well with that paticular drug.

Now as far as adding Pioglitazone to your protocol I don't see that it's warranted and I personally would never advise it. I have seen individuals use both Slin and Metformin together with GH and get good results.

The amount you mentioned earlier for the Metformin is pretty common dosage for what you are trying to accomplish.

How much GH are you running may I ask?


Thanks for your answer man, i used 6iu (3+3) in 2 times ED ,with an interval of 4 hours, with Humulin.. (i had a coach)
Next protocol i ll use 5iu (3+2) and i ll use 500mg Metformin for first and last meal..
Thanks @Mac11wildcat and Mands for your feedbacks on Metformin during HGH..

i think i ll stop HGH and slin after 6 weeks and continue with Metformin and a Keto diet (Only unsaturated fats) for 2 weeks.. then i ll evaluate.. last time i should have stopped first HGH as my coach stated, i stopped at 10 weeks and it was a total mess with bloating stomach enzymes and then i quitted bb because other problems in real life. Next run i ll use Metformin since starting and also 10mg Torasemide as a mild diuretic..and as stated i think i ll do 6 weeks HGH Slin 2 off and Keto..
.btw right now i m at 1iu HGH and doing Keto, TRT with 250mg TEst Enanth, used also today 10mg of Torasemide and everything was ok (i use also 0.5mg Anastrozole splitted in 2 times at week, even if i know its half life is less than 3 days but its ok right now)
I use GH at 4iu per day, and use metformin 500mg with my first and last meal of the day. I get great results with it, and BG is always perfect. One thing I would suggest though is to start of slow with metformin, and slowly increase the dosage over a period of 2-3 weeks. I jumped right in and it caused some pretty nasty gas/bloating at first.
I use GH at 4iu per day, and use metformin 500mg with my first and last meal of the day. I get great results with it, and BG is always perfect. One thing I would suggest though is to start of slow with metformin, and slowly increase the dosage over a period of 2-3 weeks. I jumped right in and it caused some pretty nasty gas/bloating at first.
Thanks man
@mands any info on hgh for someone with diabetes like me. I took it once before when I was on metformin and my blood sugar sky rocketed. I was doing 2 ius a day.

now I’m 26ius a day of tresiba my
Blood sugar is great and I wanted to try hgh again if you knew any ways to take it with someone who has diabetes and take insulin for it already. Thanks
@mands any info on hgh for someone with diabetes like me. I took it once before when I was on metformin and my blood sugar sky rocketed. I was doing 2 ius a day.

now I’m 26ius a day of tresiba my
Blood sugar is great and I wanted to try hgh again if you knew any ways to take it with someone who has diabetes and take insulin for it already. Thanks
Hey big guy. What was your BG levels when you were taking 2 iu's? What is it currently?

I'm a little shocked that 2 iu's a day gave you that much of a problem even being diabetic.

I've seen plenty of studies stating 1 iu over years of injecting had no adverse effects on BG.

I know a few older guys taking 1-2 iu's daily semi fasted and they don't seem to have any issues.

I personally don't see any value for you with your current conditioning, training and your knowledge of nutrition to take exogenous GH. For you to really take advantage of GH you would have to take 5-6 iu's a day. Not worth adding it to your arsenal IMO.

Hey big guy. What was your BG levels when you were taking 2 iu's? What is it currently?

I'm a little shocked that 2 iu's a day gave you that much of a problem even being diabetic.

I've seen plenty of studies stating 1 iu over years of injecting had no adverse effects on BG.

I know a few older guys taking 1-2 iu's daily semi fasted and they don't seem to have any issues.

I personally don't see any value for you with your current conditioning, training and your knowledge of nutrition to take exogenous GH. For you to really take advantage of GH you would have to take 5-6 iu's a day. Not worth adding it to your arsenal IMO.


I found out I had diabetes about year ago. I had no clue I even had high blood sugar. I always get bloods to check my liver. Then my doc say you know your a1c is 8. I had no clue what that was even. So they put me on metformin 1000 mg twice a day. Morning and night

I tried the hgh about 3 months into my metformin I was getting blood sugar value around 120 fasted in the morning. I took 2 ius a day growth and checked my blood sugar about 3 weeks in and it was 300 or so. I stoped that day.

About 3 months ago I was put on insulin and my blood sugar has been great. No problems at all. I thought let me see how gh would add in with my insulin.

Are you saying I shouldn’t add the hgh? Or just not run it at high levels? I totally respect your opinion I know you have lots of knowledge in this area so I wanted to reach out to you.
Thank you for any help and knowledge you have
I found out I had diabetes about year ago. I had no clue I even had high blood sugar. I always get bloods to check my liver. Then my doc say you know your a1c is 8. I had no clue what that was even. So they put me on metformin 1000 mg twice a day. Morning and night

I tried the hgh about 3 months into my metformin I was getting blood sugar value around 120 fasted in the morning. I took 2 ius a day growth and checked my blood sugar about 3 weeks in and it was 300 or so. I stoped that day.

About 3 months ago I was put on insulin and my blood sugar has been great. No problems at all. I thought let me see how gh would add in with my insulin.

Are you saying I shouldn’t add the hgh? Or just not run it at high levels? I totally respect your opinion I know you have lots of knowledge in this area so I wanted to reach out to you.
Thank you for any help and knowledge you have
Wow man that's crazy to hit 300 on 2 iu's. I'm guessing the number was after food?

I personally don't think you should add the GH. You running a low dose won't really add anything to your physique that you don't posses already.

If you are really wanting to add it. I would start at 1 iu in the morning semi fasted. I would then monitor to see how you react. I'm guessing you want have much of a rise in BG while taking Tresiba. I would then increase to 2 iu's if your numbers are good and then re-evaluate.

Again, really don't think you need it. Whichever you decide I would like to hear about it.

do u run metformin with GH? how was your experience
Damn man. I missed this. Sorry about that.

I DO and would take it if I'm running more than 4 iu's which I haven't in a while.

I DO NOT take it if I'm running under that.

Wow man that's crazy to hit 300 on 2 iu's. I'm guessing the number was after food?

I personally don't think you should add the GH. You running a low dose won't really add anything to your physique that you don't posses already.

If you are really wanting to add it. I would start at 1 iu in the morning semi fasted. I would then monitor to see how you react. I'm guessing you want have much of a rise in BG while taking Tresiba. I would then increase to 2 iu's if your numbers are good and then re-evaluate.

Again, really don't think you need it. Whichever you decide I would like to hear about it.


I trust you. I’m going not going to take it. I don’t know much about hgh and I respect your word. Thank you for taking time out to reply. Hope you have a great day. Thanks!


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