Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

I went back through the thread (i was on my phone all day until now) and I do see @mokola posted the invoice showing he ordered from you @Qingdao Sigma Chemicals ... but I still want the date shown. I also want the proof showing that they admitted they fucked it up, because this is another thing you claimed happened in earlier posts and is central to your argument. You refuse to show testing, so, this is pretty much it for you.

@Qingdao Sigma Chemicals the invoice clearly shows an order from you. Response?
I went back through the thread (i was on my phone all day until now) and I do see @mokola posted the invoice showing he ordered from you @Qingdao Sigma Chemicals ... but I still want the date shown. I also want the proof showing that they admitted they fucked it up, because this is another thing you claimed happened in earlier posts and is central to your argument. You refuse to show testing, so, this is pretty much it for you.

@Qingdao Sigma Chemicals the invoice clearly shows an order from you. Response?

We talked too much about this subject..

I started with Qingdao Sigma Chemical on 19th of June as Rep of Meso Rx Fr.
Our date of arrival to french Meso Rx FR is 19/06:

As you will notice, this guy posted his complain the first day:

Which means he never ordred from me.

My alibaba account at that time was Tracy. Joy Lu was an alibaba account of another Qingdao Sigma seller at the time.

The first shop was closed on 12/08, talking about steroids isn't allowed.

New shop was opened later, my account have the new name of Joy Lu. As you can notice in your order, the company name is not Qingdao Sigma, we don't talk in alibaba about products, we don't create orders with name of steroids as in the screen he showed.

And I never had a profile picture in Alibaba.

And since I am in Qingdao Sigma Chemical no client had this problem of unsealed vials.
Is it legal or illegal to sell steroids in China? I hear so much back and forth on this and I'd like to know from you all @Qingdao Sigma Chemicals. thx

I don't live in China so I don't have much info, I think it's complicated legal statue and not defined, production and export is legal I think, we send some orders to some Chinese clients, but I think they should proove it's for exportation not for consumption or something like that,.
I am sorry, but I am not sure about all that to give you a right answer.
Interesting. so which one is it then?

Interesting. so which one is it then?

View attachment 155390

I don't know, okay to sell if it's for exportation purpose ..
I have been a lurker in this forum for almost a year now. I just made this account to warn everyone about them. Even writing about it pisses me off.

I would love to sort the problem with Qingdao, but they have been pretty much ignoring me ever since.

I bought 20 vials of primo from them in June/July (cant remember exactly). I was one of their first customers of finished AAS for sure from the forums.

Their product came underdosed (was sent to Janoshik) but what really pisses me off is the fact that the caps are not sealed properly (I'm not an English speaker so idk how to say this).

Even removing the plastic cap is almost impossible without breaking the whole thing because how shitty the vials are. Once you open them the metal cap is loose and they become unsterile.

When I contacted them, they pretty much said nothing is wrong and basically ignored me. I had to contact Alibaba to get a partial refund (was not much).

I'm basically stuck with 20 vials of primo that I can't use and when I tried to email them for a solution they ignored me. Including the rep you see on this thread.

Shipping them back the vials is not a option as it might put me in trouble in the country I'm from.

For anyone who is interested, I can upload a photo.

I would really not recommend buying from them. If your order came in fine then great, but when it doesn't, you will be sure they will ignore you just like with my case.

Production and sale for export are permitted. Production and sale for "local use" are a no no in the PRC.
You can order raws on Chinese version of Alibaba still. AAS sellers are all over the Chinese social platforms. Only the manufacturers are in trouble if ever caught. All of their packages are in English/German/Russian with random addresses so cops can't find the true manufacturer.
Hello everyone,

I am London from meso fr. (my pseudo here will be changed soon)
I am part of the french French lab test group.
The hgh test lab you saw is one of our private test. This test lab is our property and should not have been out in public.

I confirm that the member @mokola is one of our member.
In the past @Olofmeister was our member who used to publish some our test lab on meso us with our autorisation. Thanks to him. Now that I introduced myself here I might be the one now who will publish some of our test lab.
I also confirm @mokola and us bought primibolan from gingdao sigma chemical.
underdosed product like all 3 steroids we have tested.
Customer service were the worst ever.

For transparancy I will publish our primobolan test lab as a nice gesture from our group.
*underdosed* Primobolan 100mg/ml Gingdao Sigma Chemical
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Hello everyone,

I am London from meso fr. (my pseudo here will be changed soon)
I am part of the french French lab test group.
The hgh test lab you saw is one of our private test. This is test lab is our property and should not have been out in public.

I confirm that the member @mokola is one of our member.
In the past @Olofmeister was our member who used to publish some our test lab on meso us with our autorisation. Thanks to him. Now that I introduced myself here I might be the one now who will publish some of our test lab.
I also confirm @mokola and us bought primibolan from gingdao sigma chemical.
underdosed product like all 3 steroids we have tested.
Customer service were the worst ever.

For transparancy I will publish our primobolan test lab as a nice gesture from our group.
*underdosed* Primobolan 100mg/ml Gingdao Sigma Chemical
why not post all the test results in public?
Yeah, youve paid for them, but so do tons of other people who buy stuff and send to @janoshik and post them..
Would make sense for a board which goal is harm reduction.
But if Olofmeister is one of your great group i can understand that lack of
Hello everyone,

I am London from meso fr. (my pseudo here will be changed soon)
I am part of the french French lab test group.
The hgh test lab you saw is one of our private test. This test lab is our property and should not have been out in public.

I confirm that the member @mokola is one of our member.
In the past @Olofmeister was our member who used to publish some our test lab on meso us with our autorisation. Thanks to him. Now that I introduced myself here I might be the one now who will publish some of our test lab.
I also confirm @mokola and us bought primibolan from gingdao sigma chemical.
underdosed product like all 3 steroids we have tested.
Customer service were the worst ever.

For transparancy I will publish our primobolan test lab as a nice gesture from our group.
*underdosed* Primobolan 100mg/ml Gingdao Sigma Chemical
Look at the price though.. if my 200mg primo came back similarly under-dosed (i.e. 166mg) i would be happy for 28$ per vial to be honest