STOCK UP: Don't say you weren't warned! (US)

Do you have any evidence that the US is either planning to, or already has started using this technology operationally to scan cargo / packages at ports of entry into the US?
It’s been a week since I asked this of @Ghoul & no reply from him, despite his having posted again in this thread. I think it’s safe to assume he has no evidence & every one of his many posts on the topic was just baseless speculation & scaremongering.
It’s been a week since I asked this of @Ghoul & no reply from him, despite his having posted again in this thread. I think it’s safe to assume he has no evidence & every one of his many posts on the topic was just baseless speculation & scaremongering.

Suspect bipolar disorder and ADHD. Sometimes he comes online and responds madly every 5 seconds. Other times, when challenged and he doesn't have blog links or reddit posts to cite, he ghosts.

Combined with the character attacks, I think support the BPD/ADHD claim.
The equipment is already 100% in place in the UK. The US will need a few years because they're so expensive.

By getting people through security faster there's more time to shop at the stores and eat at the restaurants on the other side.
This is wrong - the UK’s 3 biggest airports (Heathrow / Gatwick / Manchester) haven’t started using the technology yet & because of technical problems with the technology, both the UK & EU have just brought back the 100ml liquid rule for all flights:

Airport liquid limit: Why have EU and UK brought back 100ml rule?
I am talking collection of different ugls they used since the beginning of their steroid journey, anyone here who juiced for more than 10 years have hold on to some random 5ml bottle of tren they can’t throw away because of nostalgia.

I'm glad I'm not the only one that does this lol. I have a vial from 24k, that's probably my oldest. A few from vendors who were busted or exited too
I remember my MIL telling me she used to have to buy birth control on the black market back in the day. The image of this tiny woman figuring out the black market in rural mid America just cracks me up.

Here we are years later still going around the system. I am curious though, what is actually illegal? All the HGH, peptides, everything or only some of it?
Suspect bipolar disorder and ADHD. Sometimes he comes online and responds madly every 5 seconds. Other times, when challenged and he doesn't have blog links or reddit posts to cite, he ghosts.

Combined with the character attacks, I think support the BPD/ADHD claim.
Does he seem to have specialized legal knowledge to you, though? IDK I have seen a couple posts and thought he might be some sort of lawyer, maybe LE?
I've no dog in this fight, but I did read this article from Sept 14 NYT. Nice summary of de minimus situation.

To bring goods into the United States, retailers have traditionally arranged for shipping containers full of products to arrive from China at U.S. ports. Those goods would then be trucked to a company’s warehouses and retail stores before being sold to consumers.

But retailers have been increasingly bypassing that process by individually packaging and shipping items directly from China to consumers under the de minimis law. With that method, the shopper is the official importer, rather than the retailer or e-commerce platform, and the value of the shipments largely stays under an $800 threshold.

In addition to avoiding tariffs, sellers do not have to provide as much information to U.S. Customs and Border Protection as with larger shipments.

That model has taken off since the Trump administration in 2018 and 2019 imposed tariffs on many Chinese goods that retailers brought to the U.S. through traditional channels. The surge in online ordering during the pandemic also helped to popularize such shipments, which now make up roughly a fifth of e-commerce orders.

The number of packages entering the United States each year under the de minimis rule has ballooned to more than one billion in 2023, up from 140 million a decade ago. China is by far the biggest source for such packages, sending more than all other countries combined, according to the customs agency.
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what about wirelessly getting data off your phone ie pictures website u go to etc etc without ur knowledge.. won't have "Specifics" but enough info will be gathered off ur electronic footprint to pull you aside...

AI will certainly shut down QSC as will automatically detect where its coming from who sent it etc by packaging tape location mass etc.

times they are a changing and amazing what will happen in next 5 years.
dont get me started on centralized digital currency as our conservative leader want to start when he gets into power... somehow folks think conservative = freedom.. but simply not the case. more conservative a country, the less free it is.. more liberal a country the more freedom u have. not sure if people forget that once put into practice EVEN THE SIDE YOU HATE can use it when they are in power, and why no politician is talking about it...
Does he seem to have specialized legal knowledge to you, though? IDK I have seen a couple posts and thought he might be some sort of lawyer, maybe LE?
I've come across quite alot of @Ghoul posts... not just legal but he may be one of those dual or triple doctorate guys... farting around and producing brilliant sh**.
Well if he is any of the above I guess we should thank him for the heads up?