100mg test 400-500mg npp


New Member
Currently running 100 test 400mg npp, and i was wondering why everyone is so afraid of deca dick?
This shit is a god tier for hairloss friendly cycle for me at least
Im way hornier on the npp than on trt alone.
Managing estrogen is key?
Why would anyone just make up that 2:1 ratio stuff, this is literally the coolest shit of all time. Gains + Hair? Gah damn.
Also, would bumping the npp to 500mg be a noticeable difference or meh?
Honestly I've been wondering this as well, I don't know the scientific reason or if it's just bro science but everyone says run test twice the amount of nandrolone. I figured you could run it at trt doses and as long as you're controlling estrogen you'd be good and the gains would be dryer with less bloat? Was thinking of running 600 deca onto my trt for a bulk. I'm interested to hear people's response on this.
Honestly I've been wondering this as well, I don't know the scientific reason or if it's just bro science but everyone says run test twice the amount of nandrolone. I figured you could run it at trt doses and as long as you're controlling estrogen you'd be good and the gains would be dryer with less bloat? Was thinking of running 600 deca onto my trt for a bulk. I'm interested to hear people's response on this.
i think you’ll be fine! Its wonderful in my specific anecdotal experience
It's something that I wanted to try in the past, tried it and was satisfied. But I get influenced a lot by everyone saying "if you want size you must run test highhhhh" so that's it lol. I need to try a bulking phase like yours. Please keep us updated.
Im way hornier on trt test and some nandrolone rather than trt alone. Lol
I think nandrolone is best for "cruising" "trt" rather than blasting
Alright i guess this will be a short log. I’ll keep everyone updated. As of now everything is beautiful
NPP Is wonderful. Never had any dick ossues with it. NPP makes me feel like people say tren makes them feel regarding sex drive and everything. NPP makes me look huge and lean, I wanna fuck 3x per day, i do get the sweats and some insomnia with it. NPP is amazing and by far my favorite compound to blast with so far.
NPP Is wonderful. Never had any dick ossues with it. NPP makes me feel like people say tren makes them feel regarding sex drive and everything. NPP makes me look huge and lean, I wanna fuck 3x per day, i do get the sweats and some insomnia with it. NPP is amazing and by far my favorite compound to blast with so far.
Do you get crazy hunger on it? I'm week 5 of 450npp with 250 test and holy crap. I'm blowing out my cals every day. Constantly hungry. I get zero hunger from MK and am able to go on 2k cals with ease most days. But not I have to eat every hour or just hunger pains.

I also get the night sweats. No insomnia as of yet
So its wierd. Im always horny on nandrolone but sometimes my dick has some glitches. Im on a lot of npp rn. Ive heard that prolactin is released in your system after orgasm which is what makes you flacid after. I think because of the higher release i am having some minor dick issues as opposed to deca where it felt like I could go a few rounds with bowl of fruit haha (early donald glover reference).
Wait till week 6-12. Your dick needs DHT to perform. With to much DHN in the system with no competition it’s only a mater of time before your erections go to shit or you get none at all. 100mg test and 400mg nandrolone might be fine for some but probably not the majority. I would add a DHT to the mix. Just a little will go along way.
I’m on my first cycle of NPP. Running it at 300mg/wk. I absolutely love it. Same thing, crazy sex drive and eating like crazy also. My mood has been great, a bit agitated this past week (wk 6). I am also running test prop. I started at 200/wk and felt great. Bumped it up to 300 and honestly feel better at the 200. I’ll prob finish this cycle at 300/wk and reevaluate for next cycle.
I’m on my first cycle of NPP. Running it at 300mg/wk. I absolutely love it. Same thing, crazy sex drive and eating like crazy also. My mood has been great, a bit agitated this past week (wk 6). I am also running test prop. I started at 200/wk and felt great. Bumped it up to 300 and honestly feel better at the 200. I’ll prob finish this cycle at 300/wk and reevaluate for next cycle.
Man I felt myself start to go hypo today when I was just sitting in the sun but hadn't eaten in like 45 minutes. Runningaround trying to find a granola bar from one of the labourers
Man I felt myself start to go hypo today when I was just sitting in the sun but hadn't eaten in like 45 minutes. Runningaround trying to find a granola bar from one of the labourers
Dude my wife thinks I’m crazy lol. I eat dinner, hour or so after lay down in bed, and I have to get up and go eat again.
Dude my wife thinks I’m crazy lol. I eat dinner, hour or so after lay down in bed, and I have to get up and go eat again.
It's ridiculous. I may need to make a thread about it. I've never consistently felt such hunger. I'll try and get some glucose readings next time to confirm it.

Well you've got me to back ya with the wife haha
Nandrolone interacts with estrogen and progesterone receptors, impacting libido in a dose dependent manner. Nandrolone and its derivatives (including tren) are crazy progestogenic, yielding downstream anti-androgenic effects in some ways, specifically in regards to the libido.

They actually activate estrogen receptors without interacting with aromatase first. Tren even severely interacts with glucocorticoid receptors, which is why it excels at muscle sparing during a severe caloric deficit, but won't necessarily build the highest amount of muscle during a severe surplus.

The libido isn't merely impacted by androgens and estrogen, it's impacted by a myriad of hormones. It just so happens that Nandrolone happens to impact some of these other hormones in a manner you don't generally see in other AAS.

It's also more suppressive, and quite possibly the most cardio-toxic AAS in existence, outside of something like cheque-drops, or lesser known AAS that were dropped during clinical trials.
Nandrolone interacts with estrogen and progesterone receptors, impacting libido in a dose dependent manner. Nandrolone and its derivatives (including tren) are crazy progestogenic, yielding downstream anti-androgenic effects in some ways, specifically in regards to the libido.

They actually activate estrogen receptors without interacting with aromatase first. Tren even severely interacts with glucocorticoid receptors, which is why it excels at muscle sparing during a severe caloric deficit, but won't necessarily build the highest amount of muscle during a severe surplus.

The libido isn't merely impacted by androgens and estrogen, it's impacted by a myriad of hormones. It just so happens that Nandrolone happens to impact some of these other hormones in a manner you don't generally see in other AAS.

It's also more suppressive, and quite possibly the most cardio-toxic AAS in existence, outside of something like cheque-drops, or lesser known AAS that were dropped during clinical trials.

what are you trying to say here? Not to put your science down but we’re all telling you our dicks are working great.

I also tend to get frustrated with the “more suppressive” argument. As soon as you introduce exogenous testosterone no matter the type, your body will shut down its own production.
what are you trying to say here? Not to put your science down but we’re all telling you our dicks are working great.

I also tend to get frustrated with the “more suppressive” argument. As soon as you introduce exogenous testosterone no matter the type, your body will shut down its own production.
Your dicks will work fine for awhile, until the anti androgenic effects pile on over a prolonged period. Further, deca dick lasts clear into pct, and even beyond for some guys, because progesterone may not normalize with endogenous testosterone. Plenty of guys (even on tren) will have seemingly normal blood work (at least according to a less expansive panel), while not being able to get an erection. To compound the situation, nandrolone metabolites are detectable up to a year after use, and may actually interact with progesterone and estrogen receptors for a very long time after you cycle off.

I always have to laugh at the idea that once you're suppressed you're simply suppressed, as the literature is quite clear, each compound is individually suppressive in a dose dependent manner. The idea is simply justification for less than ideal cycling protocols. Suppressing the HPTA isn't as simple as recovering the testes back to full size and production, as you can see from the way nandrolone impacts other hormones in the body. But even when limiting the concept of suppression to testicular function, you'll certainly see different levels of suppression and varying levels of time required to get back to physiological normalcy.

SARMs illustrate this concept quite effectively, since the average person could run 5 mg a day of something like ostarine (possibly indefinitely) without any suppression, or 15-25 mg a day while running clomid in tandem and end their cycle with more total T than they started with.

Is there merit to the idea that once you've essentially shrunk your balls into non-functionality it doesn't matter which compounds or dosages you've utilized? To an extent, but the time required to get the HPTA back to physiological normalcy can certainly vary depending on the cycle that shut you down. Ask the guys who blast only tren for their first cycle, and have severe low T side effects 6-8 months after ending the cycle, even with "normal" blood work.

You see threads on here all the time where these guys are asking for help. But yes, all AAS (and SARMs) are individually suppressive in a dose dependent manner.
Your dicks will work fine for awhile, until the anti androgenic effects pile on over a prolonged period. Further, deca dick lasts clear into pct, and even beyond for some guys, because progesterone may not normalize with endogenous testosterone. Plenty of guys (even on tren) will have seemingly normal blood work (at least according to a less expansive panel), while not being able to get an erection. To compound the situation, nandrolone metabolites are detectable up to a year after use, and may actually interact with progesterone and estrogen receptors for a very long time after you cycle off.

I always have to laugh at the idea that once you're suppressed you're simply suppressed, as the literature is quite clear, each compound is individually suppressive in a dose dependent manner. The idea is simply justification for less than ideal cycling protocols. Suppressing the HPTA isn't as simple as recovering the testes back to full size and production, as you can see from the way nandrolone impacts other hormones in the body. But even when limiting the concept of suppression to testicular function, you'll certainly see different levels of suppression and varying levels of time required to get back to physiological normalcy.

SARMs illustrate this concept quite effectively, since the average person could run 5 mg a day of something like ostarine (possibly indefinitely) without any suppression, or 15-25 mg a day while running clomid in tandem and end their cycle with more total T than they started with.

Is there merit to the idea that once you've essentially shrunk your balls into non-functionality it doesn't matter which compounds or dosages you've utilized? To an extent, but the time required to get the HPTA back to physiological normalcy can certainly vary depending on the cycle that shut you down. Ask the guys who blast only tren for their first cycle, and have severe low T side effects 6-8 months after ending the cycle, even with "normal" blood work.

You see threads on here all the time where these guys are asking for help. But yes, all AAS (and SARMs) are individually suppressive in a dose dependent manner.
Most men on fina dont get ed. Why would npp be as bad or worse than an actual anti androgen? (Ik 5ar inhibitor)