145 to 197 in 4 months: Now looking for advice


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Quick run down

5’ 11”. Used to lift throughout highschool/college. Went from 125 to 180 naturally. Life got busy, stopped lifting, later got pretty depressed, etc, etc. This year did bloods and ended up having low T. Got on TRT and has been a complete life changer.

Back in the gym, diet, etc. In 4 months I’ve gone from 145lbs to 197lbs. Staring on 200mg per week, then going into a 500mg/20mg dbol blast.

I only track calories and protein as I’m bulking. Calories are 4200-4500 & protein is 220-250 grams.

About 10 weeks or so into the blast. For the past 1-2 weeks I’ve been stuck, fluctuating between 193-198lbs. I can’t not see my macros pushing me into the 2s. My goal is 220 and then cut.

Did I just push through the initial response & the rest will be a slow gain? Pic of progress…

220 by spring. 4500 calories isn’t enough to maintain 200lbs?
its based of metabolic rate. How Many calories are you burning in a day. Then add 500 cals on top of that and you will start to gain mass. you could start at just adding 250cals if 500 is too much. Going over 500 can start to add fat but if you're like me you don't get fat so by all means stuff your face. mk677 is amazing.
Also if you're trying to get to 220 it sounds like you have a high metabolism so you're going to have to eat a lot of food dude over 5k for sure maybe even 6k so add in shakes or gainers or chipotle burritos and shit like that but not too much of greasy food. shit chipotle is pretty clean actually, sushi, chicken and rice bowls, add healthy fats sometimes not too much cuz that can cause appetite problems. think of this, I used to literally plan my day around my meals and I took all kinds of shit for digestion because when you're putting down 5k a day of clean food digestion becomes very important. im rambling, just focus on eating as much clean foods as you can, take digestive enzymes, avoid too much fats(cause appetite to go down), a lot of clean carbs and 1 gram per lb of protein is enough when bulking.
BMR is irrelevant once you start eating at this level. I finish my offseason over 6000cals and stop gaining weight. That’s 3000cals over my BMR. Your body acclimates.
yeah this is true. But you also have waaaay more muscle then the average person so that shit wouldn't apply to anyone with the amount of muscle you carry. and training alone burns a lot of calories. but for this guy I think the bmr calc could help him Get an Idea.
I was eating 4500 calories at 175 and still not gaining weight Monster protein smoothies helped me a long way, olive oil, peanut butter, oats thrown in the mix adds a lot of 'easy' cals
When deep in off-season you can easily consume 6k a day. At these calories day in and day out you should focus very much on digestion if not it’s gonna be unbearable.

Find foods you digest fast and easy eat a lot of those a true quality gainer can make life easy.

Personally I eat
Fish , beef , chicken , eggs
Rice , potatoes
Granola , lactose free milk , Greek yogurt
Banana , watermelon , peanut butter
Quality gainer and whey.

That’s pretty much all the foods I eat year round bulking or cutting I digest them very well and can get serious calories out of those.

As far as anabolics if you have high metabolism you wanna stay away from compounds that raises too much the metabolism example trenbolone or very high testosterone.

Your best bet is testosterone to a certain dosage nandrolone primo equipoise are pure anabolics you can utilise those they don’t raise the metabolism to much.

As far as food eat more as you grow and as your appetite grow , if you need to force feed to grow something is wrong that’s my opinion. Body needs to be stress free to grow.

IMO after a certain threshold upping more calories will fuck things up in term of digestion and bloating. Most guys do well on 4-5k a day so I wouldn’t push a lot more food.
If adding 500cals of food and fuck my digestion it isn’t worth it. If adding 100mg of an anabolics doesn’t give me more side effect and I continue to grow .

I’d rather up the anabolic rather fuck my digestion up and end the off-season.
Quick run down

5’ 11”. Used to lift throughout highschool/college. Went from 125 to 180 naturally. Life got busy, stopped lifting, later got pretty depressed, etc, etc. This year did bloods and ended up having low T. Got on TRT and has been a complete life changer.

Back in the gym, diet, etc. In 4 months I’ve gone from 145lbs to 197lbs. Staring on 200mg per week, then going into a 500mg/20mg dbol blast.

I only track calories and protein as I’m bulking. Calories are 4200-4500 & protein is 220-250 grams.

About 10 weeks or so into the blast. For the past 1-2 weeks I’ve been stuck, fluctuating between 193-198lbs. I can’t not see my macros pushing me into the 2s. My goal is 220 and then cut.

Did I just push through the initial response & the rest will be a slow gain? Pic of progress…

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You should do a body composition to find out what you are gaining. It’s obvious that there is definitely some muscle gain. Drol will result in water retention. If you are talking quality muscle, you are synthesizing very well. You also have to keep in mind that the demand on the cardiac system went pretty high pretty fast. So don’t rush too much. Also you need to stabilize your weight in order to mature the muscle and make it very dense. Otherwise you will cut and lose an extreme amount of muscle because it hadn’t matured. Remember if you gain fast you lose faster.
You should do a body composition to find out what you are gaining. It’s obvious that there is definitely some muscle gain. Drol will result in water retention

What exactly is he going to use to test? Even a dexa will show all that glycogen as muscle.

Also you need to stabilize your weight in order to mature the muscle and make it very dense. Otherwise you will cut and lose an extreme amount of muscle because it hadn’t matured. Remember if you gain fast you lose faster.

Idk if I buy this. Lean tissue is lean tissue. If the gains are basically water, then yes, they’ll leave quickly. But I don’t know if actual tissue will just disappear more easily because it hasn’t been around long enough.
What exactly is he going to use to test? Even a dexa will show all that glycogen as muscle.

Idk if I buy this. Lean tissue is lean tissue. If the gains are basically water, then yes, they’ll leave quickly. But I don’t know if actual tissue will just disappear more easily because it hasn’t been around long enough.
Hydrostatic weight will be more accurate to determine body fat testing. I’m not really sure how water retention reflects on hydro methods. Water retention is a major side effect of anadrol.

It’s very difficult for even Ramy to put on that much muscle in a year let alone 4 months so it’s highly unlikely that he has synthesized that much muscle. As far as muscle density is concerned, that’s a definite! You can see the difference between new muscle vs mature muscle. The hardness and dryness only comes with mature muscle. The yo yo effect is much less with mature muscle density.