I’ve been on a strict diet and caloric deficit pretty much continuously since Late April 2023. I had become a fat, out of shape tub of goo. I hit my all time high weight of 242 lbs weighing in for my hsa $ bio screen at cvs in November 2022. My workout and dieting efforts were not getting good results and I had a few injuries and was getting pretty depressed over it. April ‘23 was my breaking point and I decided to stop trying to do incrementally more and do everything and anything I had ever heard of to lose weight and get in shape with all the discipline I could muster.
I did finally start making good progress, began a well planned and blood tested TRT regime as well thanks to mesorx, many sincere thanks. I knew I had been on a diet and cutting for too long and should take a diet break and gain but I had severe anxiety because of my recent fatness. I wanted to get to 10-12% before starting a surplus / mass gain.
Yesterday I weighed in at 181 and got 6.6% body fat reading on a dexa scan! All time leanness record for me and definitely time to bulk! I guess I overshot the mark and clearly have some body image dismorphia going on. From a muscle progress perspective, for example, I have the most pull-ups I’ve ever had, doing 48 strict pull-ups over 4 sets last week.

And an A+ for body composition

Silly as this sounds my “bulk” consists of making sure I eat at least 2k calories per day starting yesterday (felt very full after dinner, I have a problem I know) for a week hoping for a gain of 0.5-1lb per week for 8-12 weeks. Adding 200 calories a week if necessary / possible to get that level of weight gain. Do a month of maintenance then try to get cut down again and see how jacked and ripped I can be
My “cycle” consists of 140mg test per week which gives me about ~1,200 ng/dl total and ~350 pg/ ml free. 70 mg week primo, 70mg week npp, 1.5iu Gh daily. I know it’s baby doses but I’m just getting started and I’m not eating enough to really pack on any significant muscle. I have the primo bc it makes me feel pretty great and definitely helps with lean muscle for me and will hopefully help with any ai issues that could pop up w/ npp. The npp is for my joint issues (I’m 51, played D1 lax and power lifted too much for awhile ) and I’ve read it’s great for adding muscle. I will take 25mg of Proviron eod for andro support bc I’m worried about the possible 19-nor Deca dick / mental sides issues. As I progress the dosages may go up a bit but I’m hopeful these “therapeutic” doses will get me on a good path and I can always increase as necessary and as doesn’t impact my lipid / cardiovascular health.
Anyway that is my story and since meso has been such a great resource for my health and fitness I just wanted to share that it’s enabled a pretty incredible turnaround in less than a years time for me. I for sure have the best physique / condition of my life, legit 6 pack that would be 8 except I’ve got a loose skin issue that is only slowly improving. Thank you mesorx
Please let me have it with any insight and / advice for my gain cycle nutrition or cycle or training. Silly as it sounds I’ve planned two meso cycles of RP’s Thor workout split for my gain
. I’ve never had big arms and hopefully this will make it happen (relatively for me).
I did finally start making good progress, began a well planned and blood tested TRT regime as well thanks to mesorx, many sincere thanks. I knew I had been on a diet and cutting for too long and should take a diet break and gain but I had severe anxiety because of my recent fatness. I wanted to get to 10-12% before starting a surplus / mass gain.
Yesterday I weighed in at 181 and got 6.6% body fat reading on a dexa scan! All time leanness record for me and definitely time to bulk! I guess I overshot the mark and clearly have some body image dismorphia going on. From a muscle progress perspective, for example, I have the most pull-ups I’ve ever had, doing 48 strict pull-ups over 4 sets last week.

And an A+ for body composition

Silly as this sounds my “bulk” consists of making sure I eat at least 2k calories per day starting yesterday (felt very full after dinner, I have a problem I know) for a week hoping for a gain of 0.5-1lb per week for 8-12 weeks. Adding 200 calories a week if necessary / possible to get that level of weight gain. Do a month of maintenance then try to get cut down again and see how jacked and ripped I can be
My “cycle” consists of 140mg test per week which gives me about ~1,200 ng/dl total and ~350 pg/ ml free. 70 mg week primo, 70mg week npp, 1.5iu Gh daily. I know it’s baby doses but I’m just getting started and I’m not eating enough to really pack on any significant muscle. I have the primo bc it makes me feel pretty great and definitely helps with lean muscle for me and will hopefully help with any ai issues that could pop up w/ npp. The npp is for my joint issues (I’m 51, played D1 lax and power lifted too much for awhile ) and I’ve read it’s great for adding muscle. I will take 25mg of Proviron eod for andro support bc I’m worried about the possible 19-nor Deca dick / mental sides issues. As I progress the dosages may go up a bit but I’m hopeful these “therapeutic” doses will get me on a good path and I can always increase as necessary and as doesn’t impact my lipid / cardiovascular health.
Anyway that is my story and since meso has been such a great resource for my health and fitness I just wanted to share that it’s enabled a pretty incredible turnaround in less than a years time for me. I for sure have the best physique / condition of my life, legit 6 pack that would be 8 except I’ve got a loose skin issue that is only slowly improving. Thank you mesorx
Please let me have it with any insight and / advice for my gain cycle nutrition or cycle or training. Silly as it sounds I’ve planned two meso cycles of RP’s Thor workout split for my gain