2nd cycle input Test/Mast/VAR/(EQ VS Nandrolone)


Stats:5'10 220lbs. 16-18% bodyfat.
Considering this is only my second cycle.

I know this seems like quite a bit of AAS a week for someone that is still new, but based off of WHAT I READ and would appreciate input is that EQ mg for mg is not as potent as any other AAS. Should I just run the same cycle or would it hurt to throw in another compound?

I plan to get blood work 3 weeks of starting the blast and then every 4-5 weeks after. My bloods looked solid through my first cycle. Lipids improved after dropping primo and allowing my e2 to rise.

So I finished up my 1st cycle as I got shingles, and I felt overall exhausted.
The stuff I have tried so far that I have agreed with
First cycle was
test C 600
300 Primo E which turned into 600 Mast E
HGH 4-6 IU
lets just say Anavar most of the cycle, I definitely loved it preworkout

the Primo didnt do well for me. I really did want to make it work as I enjoyed aesthetic appearance but I was irritable.

So I was thinking of running
1-16w(or 20)Test C 400(I Felt 600 was a bit much)
1-16w(or 20)Mast E 400
1-12w Anavar 50mg daily VS 25mg everyday entire cycle
HGH constant 4.8IU(split into 2) twice at night. I use this as a sleep aid too ironically. I get up in the middle of the night and give myself an extra dose, its just natural now.
1-16w M W F NPP 200mg(I could titrate this up to 400mg granted side effects)


1-16w(or 20)Test C 400
1-16w Mast E 300-400mg a week(or throw it out)
1-12w Anavar 50mg daily VS 25mg everyday entire cycle
HGH constant 4.8IU(split into 2) twice at night. I use this as a sleep aid too ironically. I get up in the middle of the night and give myself an extra dose, its just natural now.
1-16w EQ 600mg a weeks

OPTION 3(First cycle 2.0)
1-20 Test C 400-500mg a week(was 600 before)
1-20 Mast E 600mg a week
1-20w Anavar 25mg everyday(Was contemplating 50mg of anadrol jump start for 3 weeks and then shift into 50mg of anavar from 6-20
HGH constant 4.8IU(split into 2)

Nandrolone route: NPP 200mg a week or Deca 200mg a week?
-can dose escalate based off side effects if I utilized NPP
-Nandrolone is tried and true for mass/strength gaining

-I am a very sexually active and do not want my dick to break
-I have an issue with water retention(I just dont like the bloat)
-fear of depression

Would the MAST block the water retention from nandrolone though? If it does, then I would be leaning to ward NPP Route and atleast I can hop off if the side effects suck

EQ 600mg with a (1500mg a week front load for first week, I know this is controversial)
-very tolerable AAS
- my HCT runs at 42 and my HGB is 14. I doubt I would need phlebotomy
-lean dry gains

-Seems like some people do not respond well to it
-I do not want my dick to break either, but it seems like 600mg is a safe range.
-love/hate from the general population
-fear of anxiety
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My first 3 cycles were test only, so I’m gonna vote with test only (you made it an option in your second paragraph, so I’m gonna run with it).

However, if you insist on running more, just add 1 compound. That’s it. At this point I’ve run several cycles and my current cycle of test/mast has been just as productive as some of the heavier cycles I have run. To be fair, I’m speaking more from a strength perspective than a size perspective, but I still think you’ll be fine with test/mast, test/var, or test/eq. Save the nandrolone for later.

Also, if you’re worried about depression, I would be very leery of both bold and nand.
My first 3 cycles were test only, so I’m gonna vote with test only (you made it an option in your second paragraph, so I’m gonna run with it).

However, if you insist on running more, just add 1 compound. That’s it. At this point I’ve run several cycles and my current cycle of test/mast has been just as productive as some of the heavier cycles I have run. To be fair, I’m speaking more from a strength perspective than a size perspective, but I still think you’ll be fine with test/mast, test/var, or test/eq. Save the nandrolone for later.

Also, if you’re worried about depression, I would be very leery of both bold and nand.
because of your response I added in what I ended on the first cycle/enjoyed
I really like test/mast cycle with whatever oral you prefer. I run 500test/600mast for blast so far. When i cruise i still keep mast in at same dose as test which is 150.

I am in the same boat as you tho. I am considering adding bold cyp or npp to my next blast this spring/summer.
I really like test/mast cycle with whatever oral you prefer. I run 500test/600mast for blast so far. When i cruise i still keep mast in at same dose as test which is 150.

I am in the same boat as you tho. I am considering adding bold cyp or npp to my next blast this spring/summer.
Actually on a "TRT/CRUISE" with 180 T and 120 mast.

I probably need to focus more on intake food than AAS, but its kind of nice to see what would work with me. thinking about NPP is nice because it is an easier way to take it out of the cycle if it isnt "my thing"
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because of your response I added in what I ended on the first cycle/enjoyed
I’m not saying don’t use whatever steroids you want. We all have things we want and things we like/prefer. But, IMO, it’s best to just add one thing at a time. Although that does make me a bit of a hypocrite based on some of my previous experiences. It’s certainly not a death sentence to add that much stuff at once, but it’s hard to know what’s causing any potential side effects, and on the spirit of harm reduction, adding multiple compounds at once certainly isn’t ideal.

Also, if you can look inward and say you probably need to focus more on diet, its almost certain that you need to focus more on diet.

Whatever your choice, good luck, I gave my 2 cents, and because of inflation, it’s only worth 1 cent now
I’m not saying don’t use whatever steroids you want. We all have things we want and things we like/prefer. But, IMO, it’s best to just add one thing at a time. Although that does make me a bit of a hypocrite based on some of my previous experiences. It’s certainly not a death sentence to add that much stuff at once, but it’s hard to know what’s causing any potential side effects, and on the spirit of harm reduction, adding multiple compounds at once certainly isn’t ideal.

Also, if you can look inward and say you probably need to focus more on diet, its almost certain that you need to focus more on diet.

Whatever your choice, good luck, I gave my 2 cents, and because of inflation, it’s only worth 1 cent now
Oh I'm not taking your input as anything negative. I think it's a good point to take in from others. I wouldn't have made this if I wasn't open to people's opinions or ideas. As long as it's not from someone who robs pharmacies.
i agree your making it way too complicated, simplify.
if you start out using all that gear where are you going to go from their?
i also dont know why you would use mast and var together. your wasting money using two compounds that do the same thing.
i agree your making it way too complicated, simplify.
if you start out using all that gear where are you going to go from their?
i also dont know why you would use mast and var together. your wasting money using two compounds that do the same thing.
You are right. I am. I believe I was originally using the mast as a form of e2 side effect control as I ditched the primo and then it would up turning into a high anabolic dosage. Also for a libido boost
Actually on a "TRT/CRUISE" with 180 T and 120 mast.

I probably need to focus more on intake food than AAS, but its kind of nice to see what would work with me. thinking about NPP is nice because it is an easier way to take it out of the cycle if it isnt "my thing"
I agree with the npp. I did that with tren on my last blast. I used tren A so i could drop it if it didn’t agree with me.

I am going to use either bold cyp or npp, i just need to determine my goals. I’ve got a good friend trying to get me to prep for a show in Aug so i am considering it. That will determine which one i take. I have considered using both but I haven’t used either so i am hesitant.

Diet is always the key in my opinion. I have been really consistent with my diet for the last year and i have seen great gains from it so i am definitely a believer that diet is way more important than gear once you get lean. You can take all the gear you want at 10%bf or less but unless you eat right you will not realize the full potential of the gear. It become just as much work to eat as it does to train. I think it fun really.
You are right. I am. I believe I was originally using the mast as a form of e2 side effect control as I ditched the primo and then it would up turning into a high anabolic dosage.
I started using mast for the same reason but i now use it more for they way it keeps bloat down with me. I tend to be prone to bloat with higher test even with a low sodium clean diet.
I'd say go for the NPP. You'll probably get a tiny bit more gains on 200mg NPP than 600 EQ. I'm not an expert though.

Some do say Masteron above 12% bf is useless but I've heard conflicting stories.
i agree your making it way too complicated, simplify.
if you start out using all that gear where are you going to go from their?
i also dont know why you would use mast and var together. your wasting money using two compounds that do the same thing.
I think at higher bf they work the same but when you get lean i saw a real difference between them with mast being the winner. I dont know if it was the mirror only but when i got below 10% i feel like mast really came alive. I will say tho var has underwhelmed me, but i am a outlier because i love winny and get no bad sides from it.
I also would say use test an 1-2 other compounds. It’s your second cycle, you don’t need 10 things thrown together. I have also heard mast is best when used at 10-12% bf.
gains will stalled as well so it becomes counterproductive to run a stack of AAS that you ain't benefiting from in terms of gains
makes plenty of sense. the original reason I did 16 weeks was because they say EQ should be ran that long supposively.

I appreciate the input, Thats why I like getting views from other people ot avoid fuckups.

Ill target the run for 10-12 weeks.

Right now I am leaning toward this

10-12 weeks of
injection M W F

400mg of test C
400mg of mast E for anabolism/boat control.
200-400mg of NPP(Will titrate starting from 200 a week and see how I feel)
4.5-5 units of hgh daily
still unsure about a low dose anavar of 25mg daily through the entire cycle.

I know ironwill said mast+var does the same thing, but I believe science wise that anavar acts no where has "Serm like" effects. Where the creation of mast was for estrogen receptor control.
I also would say use test an 1-2 other compounds. It’s your second cycle, you don’t need 10 things thrown together. I have also heard mast is best when used at 10-12% bf.
There is alot of conflicting information on this with mast.
I am a trt guy. Even before all of this.

You are probably right. Fatigue starting hitting me at 10 weeks
If you're on TRT then you can run NPP. If you PCT I wouldn't recommend it.

You could run
Test E or C @300-350 weeks 1-14
NPP @400 weeks 3-14
Mast @400 weeks 2-14 or run it higher at the back end @600 weeks 10-14

I plan to run the above come April. Dosages seem to center around these values. Some run test higher and NPP up to 600 per week. The Mast keeps DHT levels higher so you dont get libido issues from the nandro. And keeps water bloat at bay. Keep test lower to minimize aromatization and let the NPP shine.

I'd advise against EQ. It's good at raising your Hematocrit and blood pressure. NPP wont. And the strength and size gains are much better with that compound. Kicks in faster than EQ which didnt do anything for me besides high anxiety.

You could run Anadrol if you tolerate it the last 4 weeks. I plan to. Love that shit.

Get bloods at week 6 to assess AI needs. With NPP you must keep E2 in check.