A GH and fat loss protocol (rhGH lipolysis) that is science-based

Ampouletude: Combined RhGH & GLP-1: Rationales & Practical Use for Recomp (↑↑ Fat Loss & ↑Muscle Gain) (Article)

A related article for the hardcore readership.

Pertinent, especially, to:

Discussion (Thread): MESO-Rx Exclusive - Ozempic and Mounjaro for bodybuilders - more than just weight loss drugs
You've probably spoken about my next question, however, would you explain the risks of rHGH on the cardiovascular system mainly heart enlargement. I've read few studies with contradicting findings so it's confusing. How much is too much of a dose that would most certainly cause heart enlargement and what's the acceptable limits before the red zone? I'm quite aware that it's individual and varies from person to person but there must be an average range.
Thanks bro.
Why are you doing


of this?

Training is good in moderation... but I emboldened the keyword that describes your scenario.

You are either an elite-international athlete (e.g., Michael Phelps), in which case you are about to be banned; or you are an exercise addict and/or trying to make up for lost time, in which case, permit me to speak freely: there is no making up for lost time.
I thought HGH was relatively undetectable? Especially via urine tests. I suppose a ban is imminent hahah.
Ampouletude: Combined RhGH & GLP-1: Rationales & Practical Use for Recomp (↑↑ Fat Loss & ↑Muscle Gain) (Article)

A related article for the hardcore readership.

Pertinent, especially, to:

Discussion (Thread): MESO-Rx Exclusive - Ozempic and Mounjaro for bodybuilders - more than just weight loss drugs
I posted an empty link.

Correct link: Ampouletude: Combined RhGH and GLP-1 Agonist: Rationales and Practical Use for Recomp (simultaneous fat loss & muscle gain)
You've probably spoken about my next question, however, would you explain the risks of rHGH on the cardiovascular system mainly heart enlargement. I've read few studies with contradicting findings so it's confusing. How much is too much of a dose that would most certainly cause heart enlargement and what's the acceptable limits before the red zone? I'm quite aware that it's individual and varies from person to person but there must be an average range.
Thanks bro.
There's not an iota of evidence showing that "GH timing" affects cardiomyopathy, that's broscience. But there is a plethora of human data demonstrating that GH/IGF-I excess causes cardiomyopathy.

We can say that while the evidence for rhGH's potential to cause LVH is inferential yet logical and drawn from case studies as well as clinical trials demonstrating rapid reversal of LVH by suppression of GH hypersecretion in acromegalic patients.

The data is extensive, from the clear normalization of cardiomyopathy in acromegalics started on octreotide, to the well-described progression of cardiomyopathy secondary to GH excess. I've written about this here:

This one's handy: Schwarz, E. R., Jammula, P., Gupta, R., & Rosanio, S. (2006). A Case and Review of Acromegaly-Induced Cardiomyopathy and the Relationship Between Growth Hormone and Heart Failure: Cause or Cure or Neither or Both? Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 11(4), 232–244. doi:10.1177/1074248406296676
I know this reply doesn't answer your question pertaining to dose. To which, the answer is that which results in acromegalic GH. And if you want to learn more, you'll have to wait for my book. Sorry bro, there's a lot about this in there, and it was work.
I know this reply doesn't answer your question pertaining to dose. To which, the answer is that which results in acromegalic GH. And if you want to learn more, you'll have to wait for my book. Sorry bro, there's a lot about this in there, and it was work.
Sorry if this is a dumb question but is jet-injection subq and needle-injection IM?
Thank you
View attachment 276460
Sorry if this is a dumb question but is jet-injection subq and needle-injection IM?
Thank you
That's actually a very good question that probably should have been asked by now.

This graph does not plot i.m. pharmacodynamics. Ignore the jet-injection results and view the needle-injection curve as s.c.

How would this compare to a "no GH" control group? Were they fasted the entire time?
How would this compare to a "no GH" control group? Were they fasted the entire time?
That's also a good question that probably should have been asked by now.

The normal 24-hour pattern of FFAs is characterized by high values prior to a meal and low levels post-meal.

In the fasted state, endogenous GH (secreted by energy deprivation, sleep, exercise stress) has an important influence on FFA activity, its (GH's) being released for its anticatabolic effects (to promote nitrogen retention) & switch substate utilization from glucose towards fat.

This study did not involve any dietary intervention besides abstaining from alcohol.

If you can't quite visualize this, you can search for 24-h FFA secretion in the basal or fasted states, fed states, etc.
That's also a good question that probably should have been asked by now.

The normal 24-hour pattern of FFAs is characterized by high values prior to a meal and low levels post-meal.

In the fasted state, endogenous GH (secreted by energy deprivation, sleep, exercise stress) has an important influence on FFA activity, its (GH's) being released for its anticatabolic effects (to promote nitrogen retention) & switch substate utilization from glucose towards fat.

This study did not involve any dietary intervention besides abstaining from alcohol.

If you can't quite visualize this, you can search for 24-h FFA secretion in the basal or fasted states, fed states, etc.

FFA patterns follow meal timing to a tee in this study. Makes sense.

What dose GH in that study? Cuz not radically different from non-GH users (middle row: obese subjects before weight loss, after low cal diet, and controls).

c-hgh linked to Alzheimers

Not what we are using

"The patients we have described were given a specific and long-discontinued medical treatment that involved injecting patients with material now known to have been contaminated with disease-related proteins," he added.
This is from before e choli was used to make growth hormone.
I know this reply doesn't answer your question pertaining to dose. To which, the answer is that which results in acromegalic GH. And if you want to learn more, you'll have to wait for my book. Sorry bro, there's a lot about this in there, and it was work.
Have there been any direct studies that monitored acromegaly and it’s relationship to hgh dosages? If so I can’t find them. What are you thought on this? Is there a dose where this risk begins w HGh?
Have there been any direct studies that monitored acromegaly and it’s relationship to hgh dosages? If so I can’t find them. What are you thought on this? Is there a dose where this risk begins w HGh?
Of course there are, they're in my book.

Do you feel shame at aggressively free-loading, or do you manage to compartmentalize it and/or rationalize it? Serious question!
Of course there are, they're in my book.

Do you feel shame at aggressively free-loading, or do you manage to compartmentalize it and/or rationalize it? Serious question!
When is your book for sale?

I don’t understand your question lol
Free loading taking hgh whenever? I don’t think I feel shame :)