Well, a lot don't get away with it, but you don't see or hear about those people as they never become so main stream, they must quit due to bad genetics, bad health way before that. The top pro's are genetic freaks and that includes immunity to aas related sides.
But in all honesty, for instance, how much ALS is there in BB? Like, if you don't use hcg or don't supplement with progesterone and you either cycle all the time or are on trt you don't produce progesterone, which is responsible for myelination of neurons (
and other important things in the brain study link) and without it comes a host of issues like ALS, Multiple Sclerosis, for example ...
How many BB's have huge, and I mean HUGE visceral deposits of fat? Due to insulin use, excess carb intake, and also some insulin resistance due to GH? All of them lawl. And you know what visceral fat does? A shit ton of things. Including systemic inflammation and insulin/metabolic issues. Now, I presume you would find a lot of users with problems if you did a deep dive and worked in nsa or cia or something, but as a mere mortal you are not privy to this info. Also, a lot of it is hidden, nobody want's to admit that their personality changed and they started having fantasies of being fucked in the ass by a Thai transgender due to excess nandrolone use.
And also, cognitive decline is a slow process (for some it can be quick) and you don't notice it immediately. Also, when you catch it, you can reverse/halt it with dietary changes (keto, fasting, anti-inflammatory agents like cerbrolysine, naltrexone, etc.). But again, you wont hear about pro's crying to the general public about being fucked up in the head. Also, most mo-fo's are some stiff ass headed people, not the brightest of the bunch. Maybe they don't even notice that theyz aint so smarty pantsy any more. I mean the level of intellectual and meditative proves isn't excelling in the BB community, let's be honest.
Also, wait until all the current top level pro's get older. But then again, if you use enough insulin to offset any insulin resistance, idk, maybe there is less harm done. I'm not a neurobiologist, just a bro on the forum. But how many reading this topic are injecting slin? If ya'll worried about meal timing and stuff, you are probably not using insulin ...