Almost 3000 alt from 2 weeks of tren…

I was healed by the time I followed up with my doc and labs were good by then. It wasn't until I did research that I realized what probably happened.
Now I know what rhabdomyolysis actually is. It's supposed to be rare but aas can make it more common. If I take a long break from the gym I just have to take things REALLY slow. I mean 1 exercise only per body part and low reps. I get sore very easy if I haven't been in the gym too long.
yeah when i go back after a long hiatus like a year ill just do one excerise a couple sets. You have to remember since we train so much we are able to break down more muslce each rep than the average joe. Our mind muscle connection is just better so 2-3 sets for us is enough to do some good amount of damage ha thats my theory anyway
i think i figured this out. You were sold injectable oral tren and not actual tren. that would explain this. and it looks the same in the bottle. Im almost positive this is what happened. Because there is no way tren would do this, and injectable oral tren is liver toxic and i you were using a lot more then you should if given you thinking it was tren this is exactly what would happen. Who was the source if you dont mind me asking?
i think i figured this out. You were sold injectable oral tren and not actual tren. that would explain this. and it looks the same in the bottle. Im almost positive this is what happened. Because there is no way tren would do this, and injectable oral tren is liver toxic and i you were using a lot more then you should if given you thinking it was tren this is exactly what would happen. Who was the source if you dont mind me asking?
I kind of doubt it because it was QSC and it was their mast test tren blend. I know it was tren in some form because I coughed once and it hurt to pin. But I took an AAS urine test on it, and only came back for masteron, no tren, 2 weeks after last injection same thing, masteron no tren, though my urine was quite dilluted.
I kind of doubt it because it was QSC and it was their mast test tren blend. I know it was tren in some form because I coughed once and it hurt to pin. But I took an AAS urine test on it, and only came back for masteron, no tren, 2 weeks after last injection same thing, masteron no tren, though my urine was quite dilluted.
interesting it came back no tren, well i think that makes my theory even more relavant then dont you? If it wasent tren what was it? Was the oil have that golden color to it? And honeslty how come people trust QSC so much? I dont understand arent they really cheap? In my experience cheap gear
= shit gear.
interesting it came back no tren, well i think that makes my theory even more relavant then dont you? If it wasent tren what was it? Was the oil have that golden color to it? And honeslty how come people trust QSC so much? I dont understand arent they really cheap? In my experience cheap gear
= shit gear.
I’m color blind but yea it was golden ish. Also I was pinning everyday, and my glutes were extremely sore, and super bruised. Maybe it wasn’t tren but some completely other drug. I tren coughed real hard though. I trust QSC because of other peoples vouches and their quality tests. Also It is much much cheaper
This sounds like Non-Alcoholic or Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease / Liver Cancer / Hepatitis.

Take your fucking ass to the doctor's.
It was the test tren mast blend, maybe that’s what I get for being such a cheap fuck, 17.5$ a vial.
Bro, I have that stack too. I was taking 300mg test, tren and mast weekly, plus HCG.

My ALT got to 92 after working out, up from 12/15. See my thread for results. Anemia or Elevated RDW after cycle of Test/Tren/Mast/HCG -> HCG -> Enclomiphene PCT?

You are in serious danger. Go to the fucking doctors and get a referral to a liver specialist. They're called Hepatologists.

I seriously think you have fatty liver / cancer / hepatitis, but I hope not.
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gigantic is rigt brio go see a specialist for liver idk what theyre called maybe a heptalogist? idk but i agree with gigantic theres more to this
gigantic is rigt brio go see a specialist for liver idk what theyre called maybe a heptalogist? idk but i agree with gigantic theres more to this
I dont exactly know what is wrong. I that annoys me. But I have no liver problems, the doctors ran dozens of tests. My bloodwork has returned to normal..
Bro, I have that stack too. I was taking 300mg test, tren and mast weekly, plus HCG.

My ALT got to 92 after working out, up from 12/15. See my thread for results. Anemia or Elevated RDW after cycle of Test/Tren/Mast/HCG -> HCG -> Enclomiphene PCT?

You are in serious danger. Go to the fucking doctors and get a referral to a liver specialist. They're called Hepatologists.

I seriously think you have fatty liver / cancer / hepatitis, but I hope not.
Bro it was classified as “hepatitis “ that’s what it is with those levels. I went to one of the top hepatologists in the COUNTRY. Remember that these doctors really don’t know much about AAS so I can’t really get his opinion on if it was injectable oral tren or real tren ace , etc. Do you not realize this post is multiple months old? Do you just skip certain sections of the thread? I appreciate your concern though, because it truly is weird and troubling to me that it happened
I dont exactly know what is wrong. I that annoys me. But I have no liver problems, the doctors ran dozens of tests. My bloodwork has returned to normal..
You need a hepatologist, not an ER doctor and most definitely not a primary care physician.

PCPs can do far more blood tests than an ER doctor can usually do. You have to specifically ask for certain tests if they don't know what to look for, and quite frankly a non-hepatologist is not likely to fully understand what to look for.

You should do genetic testing for fatty liver, and get a CT scan of your liver to check for lesions, etc. You also need a test for infectious hepatitis, and you may even need an oncologist.

I don't believe you went to the top hepatologist in the country, at least not in the United States.

People need to stop blindly trusting ER doctors or Primary Care Physicians for stuff like this. They literally don't know what the fuck do to, mate.

I'm not trying to put you down, I'm concerned for your health. I've read the entire thread, and you didn't share enough information with us. These high liver values are likely to return later, and are likely the cause of something more serious.
I dont exactly know what is wrong. I that annoys me. But I have no liver problems, the doctors ran dozens of tests. My bloodwork has returned to normal..
ok then it was contaminated gear. if the docs ran tests and you dont have fatty liver/ liver disease/ liver cancer. It was somethign in that gear did you values return to normal right?
ok then it was contaminated gear. if the docs ran tests and you dont have fatty liver/ liver disease/ liver cancer. It was somethign in that gear did you values return to normal right?
The conclusion was I react to tren worse than anyone, I don’t know what else to do , lol. Yes they have returned to normal
You need a hepatologist, not an ER doctor and most definitely not a primary care physician.

PCPs can do far more blood tests than an ER doctor can usually do. You have to specifically ask for certain tests if they don't know what to look for, and quite frankly a non-hepatologist is not likely to fully understand what to look for.

You should do genetic testing for fatty liver, and get a CT scan of your liver to check for lesions, etc. You also need a test for infectious hepatitis, and you may even need an oncologist.

I don't believe you went to the top hepatologist in the country, at least not in the United States.

People need to stop blindly trusting ER doctors or Primary Care Physicians for stuff like this. They literally don't know what the fuck do to, mate.

I'm not trying to put you down, I'm concerned for your health.
My brother in Christ, I went to the hepatologist, I had scans done, I had dozens and dozens of blood test done too. He was not a ER doctor