Can I run tren again after being hospitalized by it?

Poisoning the well? How smooth.
So who are these people at TNation you spoke with? Interesting. I was accused of many things but in many years at TNation was never accused of being LE.

Evidence or are you just making stuff up?
I mean if you are who they say you are, then why would I throw them into the fire as well?

I'm also not saying that you are, or aren't. It's purely hypothetical, for now. I take people's opinions on the internet very lightly, if at all. I just found it a bit interesting is all

What's your side of the story on why you were banned there?
I think he just means that you don't have any actual experience in what you preach, outside of maybe TRT protocols. You're really good at copying and pasting studies, parroting/paraphrasing/regurgitating what you've read, but without the actual experience, your scope of understanding is at best--limited. Kind of like a medical student that just graduated college, they've read a bunch of books (perhaps thoroughly), and have an understanding of biomechanics and medical processes (or in this case pharmacokinetics), but if you stick them in the emergency room or operating room, they flounder around like a fish. If you were going into surgery would you rather have a doctor that read some books, or a doctor that read the same books, and also has 30+ years of Actual experience, in this hypothetical example. You don't need to answer that. It's a rhetorical question. Everyone knows they'd choose the doctor with actual experience over the doctor with no experience that is good at regurgitating information.

I think everyone's for harm reduction and better gear testing. It's your antics that people oppose. The same antics that have gotten you banned on multiple forums as well as flagged as a potential LE member, atleast according to some of the people on t Nation that I spoke with, out of general curiosity. I thought you would have atleast adapted your approach after that ordeal, but i guess not
It's hard to find guys as well-read as him who have been juicing their minds out for 30+ years. They exist but they aren't plenty and they aren't sharing information like this guy does.
I'm not sure why experience is so valuable all of the time. Sure it counts for a lot in a lot of conversations but when we're just looking at graphs and discussing pharmacokinetics, it doesn't make a difference if someone has run the drug or not. That's why we love data - because it doesn't care if you've been there or not. The numbers are going to tell the story.

Again, and i'll say it again and again, I don't get why you guys have such a problem with this guy. I'm starting to think it's an ego thing, personally. A lot of guys who hang around these spaces have big egos whether they want to acknowledge it or not, and don't appreciate a guy who goes around correcting people's mistakes. I respect a guy who does that for me. I appreciate it. If I'm wrong about something I need to know about it yesterday. I want the graphs, the data, the studies. I don't give a shit if the guy linking them to me has taken the drugs himself. It counts for absolutely sweet fuck all in my mind. I care about what the results of the research.

Believe me, if the guy starts to get under my skin you'll all be the first to know about it. I just don't see a problem with what he's doing right now AT all. I see a problem with the way people are lashing out at him. It's starting to look a lot like bullying.

This is a place where we're supposed to share as much information as possible and give time to people who are doing extra work to get us more information. We should appreciate him regardless of how you feel about his interpersonal skills. We should be taking advantage of a guy who likes to do this boring shit for us for free. @readalot you want to come over and pork my wife sometime just let me know.
It's hard to find guys as well-read as him who have been juicing their minds out for 30+ years. They exist but they aren't plenty and they aren't sharing information like this guy does.
I'm not sure why experience is so valuable all of the time. Sure it counts for a lot in a lot of conversations but when we're just looking at graphs and discussing pharmacokinetics, it doesn't make a difference if someone has run the drug or not. That's why we love data - because it doesn't care if you've been there or not. The numbers are going to tell the story.

Again, and i'll say it again and again, I don't get why you guys have such a problem with this guy. I'm starting to think it's an ego thing, personally. A lot of guys who hang around these spaces have big egos whether they want to acknowledge it or not, and don't appreciate a guy who goes around correcting people's mistakes. I respect a guy who does that for me. I appreciate it. If I'm wrong about something I need to know about it yesterday. I want the graphs, the data, the studies. I don't give a shit if the guy linking them to me has taken the drugs himself. It counts for absolutely sweet fuck all in my mind. I care about what the results of the research.

Believe me, if the guy starts to get under my skin you'll all be the first to know about it. I just don't see a problem with what he's doing right now AT all. I see a problem with the way people are lashing out at him. It's starting to look a lot like bullying.

This is a place where we're supposed to share as much information as possible and give time to people who are doing extra work to get us more information. We should appreciate him regardless of how you feel about his interpersonal skills. We should be taking advantage of a guy who likes to do this boring shit for us for free. @readalot you want to come over and pork my wife sometime just let me know.
I respect your opinion.
Show me some examples.
Lonewolf was permabanned?

Narta is another one.(Unsure if he was permabanned)

Were they a bit overboard? Yes. But both were still helpful to those who were seeking it.

Narta was especially helpful on homebrewing

Is his advice wrong? No. Is it direct and a bit blunt, yes. Did he use more curse words than necessary of course. However, I’d much rather have someone tell me directly how they feel if I asked for opinions. In those threads the questions and comments were people justifying doing something Ill advised and wouldn’t listen to others opinions even when they asked for it. The other thread is him overreacting to people being lazy and asking to be spoon fed information versus searching the forum themselves, so they want others to do the work for them.

When I read your advice a lot of it is helpful but some of your advice is just based on research in a vacuum and we all know the human body responds uniquely to the individual. So having a balance between a rough around the edges very experienced person is as important as those that just read and are regurgitating what they read from someone else without first hand knowledge.

To only listen to one and not the other is reckless and possibly dangerous for the individual.
So for every readalot we need a lonewolf, some who has donealot. So it’s best for everyone we have both ends of the spectrum and I’m sure we can find a way to keep both better than we have.
The thing that gets me is that I learned to ignore him.

Then he repeatedly tags me into posts about why I am not a "well known member". It really is a form of harassment on the forums and unsure of why he isn't being punished for it

It's him randomly to get into an argument or get off to me talking trash to him online.

He is spamming his threads into most pages. He loves the attention

The fact that senior members are being banned is a concern.

These are members who were more contributing to actual PED use and not just a TRT protocol

I am all for testing gear, upholding certain guidelines but he is someone who has contributed nothing to meso in terms of harm reduction and testing.
It's hard to find guys as well-read as him who have been juicing their minds out for 30+ years. They exist but they aren't plenty and they aren't sharing information like this guy does.
I'm not sure why experience is so valuable all of the time. Sure it counts for a lot in a lot of conversations but when we're just looking at graphs and discussing pharmacokinetics, it doesn't make a difference if someone has run the drug or not. That's why we love data - because it doesn't care if you've been there or not. The numbers are going to tell the story.

Again, and i'll say it again and again, I don't get why you guys have such a problem with this guy. I'm starting to think it's an ego thing, personally. A lot of guys who hang around these spaces have big egos whether they want to acknowledge it or not, and don't appreciate a guy who goes around correcting people's mistakes. I respect a guy who does that for me. I appreciate it. If I'm wrong about something I need to know about it yesterday. I want the graphs, the data, the studies. I don't give a shit if the guy linking them to me has taken the drugs himself. It counts for absolutely sweet fuck all in my mind. I care about what the results of the research.

Believe me, if the guy starts to get under my skin you'll all be the first to know about it. I just don't see a problem with what he's doing right now AT all. I see a problem with the way people are lashing out at him. It's starting to look a lot like bullying.

This is a place where we're supposed to share as much information as possible and give time to people who are doing extra work to get us more information. We should appreciate him regardless of how you feel about his interpersonal skills. We should be taking advantage of a guy who likes to do this boring shit for us for free. @readalot you want to come over and pork my wife sometime just let me know.
I don’t have a problem, he’s only in this conversation when he decided to judge someone else based on their language
I respect your opinion.
To sectors point it seems that it is his delivery that’s rubbing people the wrong way. Which is ironic because that’s the exact issue I was pointing out on people getting banned for poor vernacular versus being coached. He only became a topic of conversation to me by happily providing examples of the poor language used by a member in question.
Lonewolf was permabanned?

Narta is another one.(Unsure if he was permabanned)

Were they a bit overboard? Yes. But both were still helpful to those who were seeking it.

Narta was especially helpful on homebrewing

The thing that gets me is that I learned to ignore him.

Then he repeatedly tags me into posts about why I am not a "well known member". It really is a form of harassment on the forums and unsure of why he isn't being punished for it

It's him randomly to get into an argument or get off to me talking trash to him online.

He is spamming his threads into most pages. He loves the attention

The fact that senior members are being banned is a concern.

These are members who were more contributing to actual PED use and not just a TRT protocol

I am all for testing gear, upholding certain guidelines but he is someone who has contributed nothing to meso in terms of harm reduction and testing.
FYI All. Perhaps @Millard should "sticky" his words above. They are powerful.

Do better @Sector instead of attempting to look cool with your "buddies". You are drinking from a firehose and that's OK.

Nice to see some are coming around on the enhanced testing. Well done @Spaceman Spiff .
Exactly this. I ignore him then he continues to poke me in threads, even unprovoked. He enjoys doing this to a lot of people. Then when someone responds to him and levels him off, they're being a "bully".

These are the "antics" I'm referring to. Everyone's for harm reduction. His delivery methods are just piss poor and childish, and like Spaceman said, he hasn't contributed anything towards testing or actual harm reduction.
Exactly this. I ignore him then he continues to poke me in threads, even unprovoked. He enjoys doing this to a lot of people. Then when someone responds to him and levels him off, they're being a "bully".

These are the "antics" I'm referring to. Everyone's for harm reduction. His delivery methods are just piss poor and childish, and like Spaceman said, he hasn't contributed anything towards testing or actual harm reduction.
The thing that gets me is that I learned to ignore him.

Then he repeatedly tags me into posts about why I am not a "well known member". It really is a form of harassment on the forums and unsure of why he isn't being punished for it

It's him randomly to get into an argument or get off to me talking trash to him online.

He is spamming his threads into most pages. He loves the attention
Alright it looks like you guys have your reasons. I've seen him do this sort of stuff a few times but I thought he was poking fun. I must be just completely out of the loop and talking out of turn like an idiot. It's probably because I only skim the surface of the threads started on here, so I don't see a lot of what you're describing and really don't like to see someone getting trashed on when they're working hard.
Alright it looks like you guys have your reasons. I've seen him do this sort of stuff a few times but I thought he was poking fun. I must be just completely out of the loop and talking out of turn like an idiot. It's probably because I only skim the surface of the threads started on here, so I don't see a lot of what you're describing and really don't like to see someone getting trashed on when they're working hard.
Nice post. I’ve seen this and feel like some of the long time members are getting poked and baited into arguments to then lose their cool which gets them banned which feels a bit harsh and unfair. I just want both sides to be treated equally as we need science and experience.
Alright it looks like you guys have your reasons. I've seen him do this sort of stuff a few times but I thought he was poking fun. I must be just completely out of the loop and talking out of turn like an idiot. It's probably because I only skim the surface of the threads started on here, so I don't see a lot of what you're describing and really don't like to see someone getting trashed on when they're working hard.
Nah it’s childish antics. Even earlier today he tagged spaceman and spaceman hasn’t acknowledged him in days. Once someone comes at him he posts the rules and tags Millard like a 4 year old.
I never had any problems with him. He's a bit different kind and has an unpopular opinion that's the way I see him. Never seen him being overly toxic or something. I kinda like some of his stuff he posts, but of course not everything and I don't necessarily agree with him most of the time, but it's not an issue, I believe. I just treat people like they treat me, that's the way I am.

As for forum fights in general, it got old for me. What is there to prove lol. Measuring dicks is not exactly productive from a harm reduction point of view. I just see it like there's nothing to prove. Besides it's the internet. Not a real world, you are not gonna gain anything, just waste time and energy and well your brain cells which are already affectes by steroids I'm pretty sure. Peace.
Exactly this. I ignore him then he continues to poke me in threads, even unprovoked. He enjoys doing this to a lot of people. Then when someone responds to him and levels him off, they're being a "bully".

These are the "antics" I'm referring to. Everyone's for harm reduction. His delivery methods are just piss poor and childish, and like Spaceman said, he hasn't contributed anything towards testing or actual harm reduction.
He's been banned for repeatedly taunting / provoking other members and intentionally encouraging conflict. But really you guys gotta work on controlling your emotions and not getting so easily triggered. Some of the things you do in response (e.g. the threats via PM, the private stalking, etc.) are a little concerning and can't be overlooked.

It would be nice to have a forum discussion for grown-ups than feeling like moderating a bunch of children.
He's been banned for repeatedly taunting / provoking other members and intentionally encouraging conflict. But really you guys gotta work on controlling your emotions and not getting so easily triggered. Some of the things you do in response (e.g. the threats via PM, the private stalking, etc.) are a little concerning and can't be overlooked.

It would be nice to have a forum discussion for grown-ups than feeling like moderating a bunch of children.
Respectfully, I never threatened him.
Dude, I remember you, you’re the Liver King dude, and I don’t mean the guy selling fake supplements, so get the fuck off these compounds… you are a drug addict, not a body builder.

Stick to TRT and food and see if your liver values dislike that.
Nah it’s childish antics. Even earlier today he tagged spaceman and spaceman hasn’t acknowledged him in days. Once someone comes at him he posts the rules and tags Millard like a 4 year old.
I see it now and I feel like a dipshit for sticking up for him. I saw him as a nerd who was getting picked on for having poor social skills. I'm not sure why I didn't realize what he was doing.
That's the funny thing about manipulation...
I ended up stopping tren last time with a 300mg run for like 15 days and bloodwork came back alt 2900 ast 900 bilirubin .9 ggt 33-35. Creatine kinase was like 500. I want to start running 70-100mgs a week again. How dumb would this be? Went to the hospital and the doctors never gave any ruling or whatever. Can I be alright if I just get bloodwork a week or so in?
sounds like you want to play roulette with your health?
He's been banned for repeatedly taunting / provoking other members and intentionally encouraging conflict. But really you guys gotta work on controlling your emotions and not getting so easily triggered. Some of the things you do in response (e.g. the threats via PM, the private stalking, etc.) are a little concerning and can't be overlooked.

It would be nice to have a forum discussion for grown-ups than feeling like moderating a bunch of children.
Even though I don't agree with his ban and hopefully it's not permanent. People need to get their shit together. Most of the time when someone is angry here on the internet, they have some issues at the moment. They unleash that here, cuz they feel like they will not be responsible for their actions, plus they stay anonymous. Also when someone has too much time to waste they feel the need to always stay relevant, by all means even if it's toxic. So yeah, take a break when shit goes sideways in life is best for you and this community.
Even though I don't agree with his ban and hopefully it's not permanent. People need to get their shit together. Most of the time when someone is angry here on the internet, they have some issues at the moment. They unleash that here, cuz they feel like they will not be responsible for their actions, plus they stay anonymous. Also when someone has too much time to waste they feel the need to always stay relevant, by all means even if it's toxic. So yeah, take a break when shit goes sideways in life is best for you and this community.
I know we get along.

Remember how you sometimes mistook me for being angry because of a language barrier? When I am not

This is kind of the opposite. Guy would instigate arguments if I stopped attacking him. Repeatedly tagging me and other users like @Fattyone