Can I run tren again after being hospitalized by it?

This one? You literally made the exact same thread months ago

I'm not clicking the sketchy link. If you want to post the picture, go ahead
Brother it isn’t sketchy it’s an imgbb link fcs

This one? You literally made the exact same thread months ago

I'm not clicking the sketchy link. If you want to post the picture, go ahead
You can literally see people replying to it
I see that you've made the exact same thread 3x in a row, months apart. Got the answers you didn't want to hear, and obviously kept making the same thread, only to do what everyone advised you against anyways. Goodluck on your death wish. Maybe don't bother making a 4th thread when you f*ck yourself up again, if you live to tell about it this time

I see that you've made the exact same thread 3x in a row, months apart. Got the answers you didn't want to hear, and obviously kept making the same thread, only to do what everyone advised you against anyways. Goodluck on your death wish. Maybe don't bother making a 4th thread when you f*ck yourself up again, if you live to tell about it this time

You slut. I was about to make this exact post but I got caught up actually reading through those threads lol.
I see that you've made the exact same thread 3x in a row, months apart. Got the answers you didn't want to hear, and obviously kept making the same thread, only to do what everyone advised you against anyways. Goodluck on your death wish. Maybe don't bother making a 4th thread when you f*ck yourself up again, if you live to tell about it this time

LMAO year bro I can’t lie I’m an idiot. I’m just doing tren replacement therapy this time and gonnna do it as safe as possible I’ll pull bloods in a week. Hopefully I’ll be alive in a few months.
LMAO year bro I can’t lie I’m an idiot. I’m just doing tren replacement therapy this time and gonnna do it as safe as possible I’ll pull bloods in a week. Hopefully I’ll be alive in a few months.

Tren replacement therapy is not a thing. You don't naturally produce tren- you can not replace it in a therapeutic way. You had it right the first sentence just leave it at that. "...I'm an idiot. I'm just doing tren..."
Thanks op for helping me realize how addictive peds are. Is this where everyone ends up in the end? I bet you’re not the first guy here who faced health issues and still tries to find ways to justify further drug use.
Is this post even real. Hey guys I have liver disease levels can I run one of the most harsh toxic compounds again. Wtf is wrong with people. I love Tren, my body handles it great, but it's still fucking TREN lol if I had any issues with health I'd drop everything to get my self right.

BTW Tren didn't give you those levels in 2 weeks lol
I run blast cruise test and test Tren all the time and my levels are nowhere near that
ALT 30
AST 47
Bilirubin 7
That's at 8 weeks of 500 test 300mg Tren and and 40mg Tbol.

You should go see a doctor and specialist

Here is the answer you seem to want to hear, yes run tren but this time, run 750mg Tren E pin every 3day for 52 weeks. But wait there is more screw waiting for the Tren E to kick in front load with 200mg Tren A pin Every day for the first 26 weeks. Caber don't need it, it's for pussy. Test base nope drop that Tren is God and gods don't need help

Your welcome
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Tren replacement therapy is not a thing. You don't naturally produce tren- you can not replace it in a therapeutic way. You had it right the first sentence just leave it at that. "...I'm an idiot. I'm just doing tren..."
Costa Rica:

Surprising to me as well.
Is this post even real. Hey guys I have liver disease levels can I run one of the most harsh toxic compounds again. Wtf is wrong with people. I love Tren, my body handles it great, but it's still fucking TREN lol if I had any issues with health I'd drop everything to get my self right.

BTW Tren didn't give you those levels in 2 weeks lol
I run blast cruise test and test Tren all the time and my levels are nowhere near that
ALT 30
AST 47
Bilirubin 7
That's at 8 weeks of 500 test 300mg Tren and and 40mg Tbol.

You should go see a doctor and specialist

Here is the answer you seem to want to hear, yes run tren but this time, run 750mg Tren E pin every 3day for 52 weeks. But wait there is more screw waiting for the Tren E to kick in front load with 200mg Tren A pin Every day for the first 26 weeks. Caber don't need it, it's for pussy. Test base nope drop that Tren is God and gods don't need help

Your welcome
Bilirubin 7 is automatic jaundice
Maybe because it’s the prescribed medications I take- desvenlafaxine, guanfacine, and divalproex. I’m going to taper them and stop them and see what happens. Or is that retarded?
I see that you've made the exact same thread 3x in a row, months apart. Got the answers you didn't want to hear, and obviously kept making the same thread, only to do what everyone advised you against anyways. Goodluck on your death wish. Maybe don't bother making a 4th thread when you f*ck yourself up again, if you live to tell about it this time

I don't understans people like this. What is their end goal. What are they trying to gain. I know some people in real life that are this way, just not steroids, but other things...
Maybe because it’s the prescribed medications I take- desvenlafaxine, guanfacine, and divalproex. I’m going to taper them and stop them and see what happens. Or is that retarded?
divalproex can cause serious liver damage. Doubt it’s fully responsible but it could definitely contribute