Is this post even real. Hey guys I have liver disease levels can I run one of the most harsh toxic compounds again. Wtf is wrong with people. I love Tren, my body handles it great, but it's still fucking TREN lol if I had any issues with health I'd drop everything to get my self right.
BTW Tren didn't give you those levels in 2 weeks lol
I run blast cruise test and test Tren all the time and my levels are nowhere near that
ALT 30
AST 47
Bilirubin 7
That's at 8 weeks of 500 test 300mg Tren and and 40mg Tbol.
You should go see a doctor and specialist
Here is the answer you seem to want to hear, yes run tren but this time, run 750mg Tren E pin every 3day for 52 weeks. But wait there is more screw waiting for the Tren E to kick in front load with 200mg Tren A pin Every day for the first 26 weeks. Caber don't need it, it's for pussy. Test base nope drop that Tren is God and gods don't need help
Your welcome