Can I run tren again after being hospitalized by it?

Nah man, this is common. Steroid rep will only get worse in the years ahead. Let people filter themselfs. There should be no grieving for people like this, doesnt matter if its not a morale thing to do! LET THEM COOK.

Said it in a nice way, if i told my feelings transparently I would get ban pretty sure.
I’ve noticed the sharp uprise in stupidity and threads being recreated to get people to tell them it’s ok to do the moronic thing they want to do. But didn’t realize it’s gotten this bad. I’ve noticed some of the more well known members that give great advice here coming in less or getting banned for finally losing their cool on some of these people. It’s very sad to see. Glad there are still some sensible experienced members left.
No one is alarmed by that list of meds in conjunction with running tren? ADD, bipolar and an SSRI with tren…….seems intelligent
I’ve noticed the sharp uprise in stupidity and threads being recreated to get people to tell them it’s ok to do the moronic thing they want to do. But didn’t realize it’s gotten this bad. I’ve noticed some of the more well known members that give great advice here coming in less or getting banned for finally losing their cool on some of these people. It’s very sad to see. Glad there are still some sensible experienced members left.
You dont even realise what people are doing outside meso. 2024 is crazy for gearheads. Everyday I think the mayority needs to be locked in a mental hospital. Its becoming absurd.
I’ve noticed some of the more well known members that give great advice here coming in less or getting banned for finally losing their cool on some of these people. It’s very sad to see.
Really? How do make that connection? No one was banned in this thread. No one who gives great advice is banned for "losing their cool". If there is a pattern of behavior of blatantly and repeatedly violating the rules, that is another story.
Really? How do make that connection? No one was banned in this thread. No one who gives great advice is banned for "losing their cool". If there is a pattern of behavior of blatantly and repeatedly violating the rules, that is another story.
Nothing to do with this thread Millard, this thread is just part of a pattern I’ve noticed where people are being more reckless with their choices and on here to get attention and validation of their poor choices. More so than usual. I know some of the bans of well known members are not just based on an isolated incident but is tied to those members getting frustrated with these posts and losing their temper. Part of it is on them for not handling it the best way but I think some of the permanent bans in the past few months could have been avoided with a side conversation. That and other long time members being less active because of it. Just a commentary on what I’ve noticed and seen that’s making meso less helpful or less great than it was in the past. It’s still helpful overall but compared to the past I think it’s not the same.
Really? How do make that connection? No one was banned in this thread. No one who gives great advice is banned for "losing their cool". If there is a pattern of behavior of blatantly and repeatedly violating the rules, that is another story.
As a person who had behaviour issues, I think this can apply to me. However, over time I have put a lot of effort in trying to control my temper and anger management. I still work with myself to overcome issues and embrace some things I just don't like. I try my best to avoid the triggers. However, some good people on this very forum have helped me and I appreciate that, including you. I respect Meso for what it stands and it's great to be a part of this awesome community. Everyone has a bad day once in a while and when someone is WKN member it's just more noticeable, I guess. Anyway, I think some people would benefit from some time off and then come back fresh. Thanks.
Anyway, I think some people would benefit from some time off and then come back fresh. Thanks.
I definitely find myself needing months away from Meso after a particularly spectacular run of moron threads get put up.

It wears on your self control.
I definitely find myself needing months away from Meso after a particularly spectacular run of moron threads get put up.

It wears on your self control.
Completely agree with both of you and you’ve done a fantastic job of knowing yourself and doing what you need to do. It’s members like you that make this place amazing and have really helped myself and others in the past. I’m here to CJ untie to learn, share my experiences, and try to help others too. I’m just asking for more patience and forgiveness for some long time members that have contributed greatly in past having some unfortunate missteps. Maybe a 60 day ban or something vs permanent.
No one is alarmed by that list of meds in conjunction with running tren? ADD, bipolar and an SSRI with tren…….seems intelligent
Mental illness is a hell of a drug. People will do the craziest shit imaginable and think it's fine (see: human history). The fact that he's even thinking about doing this makes you wonder if he has something wrong with him. Well he obviously does. He's medicated for it and he's still having problems, and now he wants to reduce his medication just so he can run fuckin tren. Talking to him about it isn't going to do much because he's already justified it in his mind. I wish there was someone in his life who could take control of the situation for him before he fucks something up here. That's the problem with mental illness: if a sick person doesn't have anyone close to them who will advocate for their well-being when they're slipping, anything can happen. He's obviously been hurting himself and wants to find ways to keep doing it. Probably until the job is done. I feel bad for this dude.
A perfect gentleman. Kinda miss him; he was growing on me.

Unfortunately he was not a huge fan of the forum terms and rules.


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Is his advice wrong? No. Is it direct and a bit blunt, yes. Did he use more curse words than necessary of course. However, I’d much rather have someone tell me directly how they feel if I asked for opinions. In those threads the questions and comments were people justifying doing something Ill advised and wouldn’t listen to others opinions even when they asked for it. The other thread is him overreacting to people being lazy and asking to be spoon fed information versus searching the forum themselves, so they want others to do the work for them.

When I read your advice a lot of it is helpful but some of your advice is just based on research in a vacuum and we all know the human body responds uniquely to the individual. So having a balance between a rough around the edges very experienced person is as important as those that just read and are regurgitating what they read from someone else without first hand knowledge.

To only listen to one and not the other is reckless and possibly dangerous for the individual.
So for every readalot we need a lonewolf, some who has donealot. So it’s best for everyone we have both ends of the spectrum and I’m sure we can find a way to keep both better than we have.
A perfect gentleman. Kinda miss him; he was growing on me.

Unfornunately not a real stickler for the forum terms and rules.


as those that just read and are regurgitating what they read from someone else without first hand knowledge.

Is this an attempt at straw man argument or am I missing your point?

To only listen to one and not the other is reckless and possibly dangerous for the individual.

Sounds kinda good on the surface but you will have to help me if you don't mind. Someone reading and heeding my posts may be putting themselves in danger? Or are you speaking just in general?

Regurgitating? Again, just a general comment?

See, I think someone destructively interfering and abusing a member pushing for enhanced impurity testing is completely out of step with a harm reduction philosophy.
Is this an attempt at straw man argument or am I missing your point?

Sounds kinda good on the surface but you will have to help me if you don't mind. Someone reading and heeding my posts may be putting themselves in danger? Or are you speaking just in general?

Regurgitating? Again, just a general comment?

See, I think someone destructively interfering and abusing a member pushing for enhanced impurity testing is completely out of step with a harm reduction philosophy.
I think he just means that you don't have any actual experience in what you preach, outside of maybe TRT protocols. You're really good at copying and pasting studies, parroting/paraphrasing/regurgitating what you've read, but without the actual experience, your scope of understanding is at best--limited. Kind of like a medical student that just graduated college, they've read a bunch of books (perhaps thoroughly), and have an understanding of biomechanics and medical processes (or in this case pharmacokinetics), but if you stick them in the emergency room or operating room, they flounder around like a fish. If you were going into surgery would you rather have a doctor that read some books, or a doctor that read the same books, and also has 30+ years of Actual experience, in this hypothetical example. You don't need to answer that. It's a rhetorical question. Everyone knows they'd choose the doctor with actual experience over the doctor with no experience that is good at regurgitating information.

I think everyone's for harm reduction and better gear testing. It's your antics that people oppose. The same antics that have gotten you banned on multiple forums as well as flagged as a potential LE member, atleast according to some of the people on t Nation that I spoke with, out of general curiosity. I thought you would have atleast adapted your approach after that ordeal, but i guess not
Is this an attempt at straw man argument or am I missing your point?

Sounds kinda good on the surface but you will have to help me if you don't mind. Someone reading and heeding my posts may be putting themselves in danger? Or are you speaking just in general?

Regurgitating? Again, just a general comment?

See, I think someone destructively interfering and abusing a member pushing for enhanced impurity testing is completely out of step with a harm reduction philosophy.
It’s a comment that you cannot base a decision solely on research. This is why in STEM there is a research element and a laboratory element. Same as in pharmaceuticals, you research, you create, you test, and you trial. If we just launched new drugs without trials would pharma companies be hurting as much as helping? Probably. So my point is while we need someone to bring points of research they’ve read, and hopeful the person asking the question has done their own reading, we also need those who have tested on themselves, irregardless of their rough delivery of the message. So is your opinion dangerous, no, could someone take your opinion instead of doing any reading of their own and make a decision assuming wholistic truths to your reading? The answer is yes and that can be dangerous because the lack of first hand knowledge or requesting accounts from people who have tried it.

The issue with the testing is you’re asking for a utopia that will never exist, especially in UGL. So your point is very valid but not overly practical so anyone that injects anything UGL has to understand the inherent risk involved. So I think it’s great to point out flaws and even better if you have a solution but if it’s not practical than I can see the frustration in continuing with that argument.

But this is not about you it’s about senior members with great experience first hand not being around to share those experiences for the benefit of the meso community because their communication style was overly aggressive or a bit vulgar. I’d prefer temporary punishment and coaching versus banning, for the betterment of the community.
I think he just means that you don't have any actual experience in what you preach, outside of maybe TRT protocols. You're really good at copying and pasting studies, parroting/paraphrasing/regurgitating what you've read, but without the actual experience, your scope of understanding is at best--limited. Kind of like a medical student that just graduated college, they've read a bunch of books (perhaps thoroughly), and have an understanding of biomechanics and medical processes (or in this case pharmacokinetics), but if you stick them in the emergency room or operating room, they flounder around like a fish. If you were going into surgery would you rather have a doctor that read some books, or a doctor that read the same books, and also has 30+ years of Actual experience, in this hypothetical example. You don't need to answer that. It's a rhetorical question. Everyone knows they'd choose the doctor with actual experience over the doctor with no experience that is good at regurgitating information.

I think everyone's for harm reduction and better gear testing. It's your antics that people oppose. The same antics that have gotten you banned on multiple forums as well as flagged as a potential LE member, atleast according to some of the people on t Nation that I spoke with, out of general curiosity. I thought you would have atleast adapted your approach after that ordeal, but i guess not
The same antics that have gotten you banned on multiple forums as well as flagged as a potential LE member, atleast according to some of the people on t Nation that I spoke with
Poisoning the well? How smooth.
So who are these people at TNation you spoke with? Interesting. I was accused of many things but in many years at TNation was never accused of being LE.

Evidence or are you just making stuff up?