Can I run tren again after being hospitalized by it?

Maybe because it’s the prescribed medications I take- desvenlafaxine, guanfacine, and divalproex. I’m going to taper them and stop them and see what happens. Or is that retarded?
Yet that info never came up with the attending physicians at the ER?
Maybe because it’s the prescribed medications I take- desvenlafaxine, guanfacine, and divalproex. I’m going to taper them and stop them and see what happens. Or is that retarded?
So you are also on Anti depression meds, ADHD or BP meds, and Bipolar or migraine meds and you also want to keep Tren in your're insane. Have you ever seen tren and the sides once it kicks in....I know how about hop on a shit ton of Deca see how you depression love you then. Ffs it's scary how many people think PEDS are a joke
Maybe because it’s the prescribed medications I take- desvenlafaxine, guanfacine, and divalproex. I’m going to taper them and stop them and see what happens. Or is that retarded?
Troll of epic proportions. You know the answer to this question. Stopping your medications for mental health will not end well. Adding tren on top of it is just

I suggest geting a scan or mri for your liver just incase you have some growth, those numbers scream something is off somewhere.

There are few guys over at ProMusc who found adenomas on their livers and attribute it to tren abuse. They suspect it more tren related than orals.

Get it checked man, better earlier than finding it out when nothing can be done.
I don't understans people like this. What is their end goal. What are they trying to gain. I know some people in real life that are this way, just not steroids, but other things...

Sometimes when you want to make a terrible decision you just need to find one knucklehead who supports it. That’s one of the most concerning things on the internet IMO. You can find an echo chamber for ANYTHING.

I knew a guy who justified why he should get with a girl who has herpes because “it’s not that taboo in other countries. Other people don’t fear it as much as Americans”
Costa Rica:

Surprising to me as well.

Well I’m about to hit chest and shoulders. My delts will definitely be sore after. Gonna go ahead and take my therapeutic tren and deca beforehand lol
Sometimes when you want to make a terrible decision you just need to find one knucklehead who supports it. That’s one of the most concerning things on the internet IMO. You can find an echo chamber for ANYTHING.

I knew a guy who justified why he should get with a girl who has herpes because “it’s not that taboo in other countries. Other people don’t fear it as much as Americans”
Over 70% of us have herpes. That's not a real good comparison lol

I have never had an outbreak or been exposed. Part of me wonders if I am a carrier though
Deca see how you depression love you then.
Now that is some true shit for me, man I hate deca. It makes me depressed. Even tren makes me feel better, although overly aggressive, but better than feeling like a woman on a pms. Something is off with it, nothing makes me such a mess. Weird compound for sure.
Over 70% of us have herpes. That's not a real good comparison lol

I have never had an outbreak or been exposed. Part of me wonders if I am a carrier though

Yeah I thought it would go without saying I wasn’t referring to a scenario for the herpes that almost everyone has and is asymptomatic for.

To clarify, I know a guy who justified trying to sleep with a girl who needed regular medication for her severe genital herpes outbreaks. Why? Because he found people online who told him it’s not that bad.
Sure it won’t kill you. And you’re not even guaranteed to get the virus. But that wouldn’t be my first choice…. Or tenth choice. Or any choice tbh.

When someone wants to do something dumb they just need the tiniest bit of justification. It doesn’t even have to be rational. I think the unanimous decision here was that OPs an idiot (said it himself) and that was somehow enough to green light his tren use again lmao.
Maybe because it’s the prescribed medications I take- desvenlafaxine, guanfacine, and divalproex. I’m going to taper them and stop them and see what happens. Or is that retarded?

Huh I could have swore somebody asked you when you started this thread if you take any medications.

I dont think anyone is going to give you an opinion on anything moving forward.
Maybe because it’s the prescribed medications I take- desvenlafaxine, guanfacine, and divalproex. I’m going to taper them and stop them and see what happens. Or is that retarded?
Man...please stop what you're doing and take a big step back here. You're acting crazy enough as it is. You're talking about stopping your psychiatric medication, and you're going to do that so you can do something even dumber.
You need to go have a real talk with your doctor and tell him you're having problems with impulsiveness and you're starting to justify doing stupid shit.
Now that is some true shit for me, man I hate deca. It makes me depressed. Even tren makes me feel better, although overly aggressive, but better than feeling like a woman on a pms. Something is off with it, nothing makes me such a mess. Weird compound for sure.
Yeah I can only handle deca to a Max of 250mg before I hate my life lol....Tren and me get along way better...I'll only run low deca for joints now
maybe try some Mast instead. Or just stay on some TRT. Don’t ruin your life over the juice box bro.. it’s addicting but I would say at the very least take a break for a while and diet and drink tons of water for a while.
maybe try some Mast instead. Or just stay on some TRT. Don’t ruin your life over the juice box bro.. it’s addicting but I would say at the very least take a break for a while and diet and drink tons of water for a while.
Next life bro, next life!
I just got shot in the head and lived, would it be a good idea to put this loaded gun in my mouth and pull the trigger?

Literally what I got from this post lol. Whether it’s from the tren or not who knows. But you only get one life, why take an unnecessary risk?
I won’t run tren at all anymore due to how it affects my body in my late 30’s, I had some good blasts with it in the past but now it causes way too many problems with my liver/cholesterol values even with support supplementation. If you are willing to deal with the issues at hand, do what you want. Just remember you only get one body….
Lol these kind of guys love the attention, i know its a harm reduction forum, but this kind of people are lost causes. Let him figure it out the hard way. He clearly isn't going to follow anyones advice
This has to be fake. Someone just wanting attention and knows being harm reduction he will get a lot of reactions. Then to keep replicating the thread. There are some real dumb people that post but this one is so stupid it’s hard to believe it’s real.
This has to be fake. Someone just wanting attention and knows being harm reduction he will get a lot of reactions. Then to keep replicating the thread. There are some real dumb people that post but this one is so stupid it’s hard to believe it’s real.
Nah man, this is common. Steroid rep will only get worse in the years ahead. Let people filter themselfs. There should be no grieving for people like this, doesnt matter if its not a morale thing to do! LET THEM COOK.

Said it in a nice way, if i told my feelings transparently I would get ban pretty sure.