Almost 3000 alt from 2 weeks of tren…

ive always read tren could be bad for liver but people here are saying it doesnt affect liver at all .... which is it?
I don’t know exactly what to tell you. I don’t think tren is liver toxic, but clearly in my case that’s wrong, but it could have been something else I was injecting, even though I did tren cough. I don’t think it’s as liver toxic as orals, but I don’t know at this point
I have only seen liver enzymes that high with ischemic hepatitis stemming from cardiac arrest or very low blood pressure for a prolonged period of time and rhabdomylosis. How were your other readings, any other abnormalities? Did they run a CPK level on you? Rhabdomylosis can cause the enzymes to spike up incredibly high as well. Not sure how intense your training is.

Are you taking any over the counter supplements?

Obviously you’re doing the correct thing by following up. Stay off all gear for now. Keep us posted.
No. Just no.

Intense training has a big impact on ALT values for sure in some people. It could double or triple levels - so you'll could see something upwards of 100 IU/L, which is relatively dramatic and enough to concern a doctor.

But considering that the reference range for ALT levels that we usually see is measured at 7 to 55 IU/L, an ALT of 2800 suggests something more serious.
I can actually speak on this as it's just happened to me.

My fat ass just started training again about 2 weeks ago and 3 days after my first workout had a blood draw. ALT 112 and AST 169.

Had another redraw this week, again 3 days after training and now ALT 74 and AST 37. Alt still highish but my body is just getting used to working out.
I can actually speak on this as it's just happened to me.

My fat ass just started training again about 2 weeks ago and 3 days after my first workout had a blood draw. ALT 112 and AST 169.

Had another redraw this week, again 3 days after training and now ALT 74 and AST 37. Alt still highish but my body is just getting used to working out.
I'm kind of in the same boat; I'd taken a month off of training and then hit it hard for three days, including the day of the blood draw. My AST (98) and ALT (65) were high. I was also taking Ashwagandha (3 times recommended dose). I'm getting my blood retested next week, so I'm hoping it'll be lower and then I can chalk it up to getting back into the swing of things.
I'm kind of in the same boat; I'd taken a month off of training and then hit it hard for three days, including the day of the blood draw. My AST (98) and ALT (65) were high. I was also taking Ashwagandha (3 times recommended dose). I'm getting my blood retested next week, so I'm hoping it'll be lower and then I can chalk it up to getting back into the swing of things.
Probably. But obviously not the case for OP with values that high lol.

I'm still following up with a gastroenterologist too but also for other reasons. But never hurts to get checked.
update: my levels have returned to normal range, extremely happy about it. I’m asking for your guys opinions on if I’ll ever be able to touch tren again? Something around the 10mg/day range. Also, tren is definitely liver toxic, but is it truly the only liver toxic injectable? I’m just now starting up at 250 test 37.5var. Is this ill advised? I’m thinking of getting masteron, or primo for this cut. I know primo is better for a bulk so maybe I’d be better off spending a little bit more money for the primo (if it’s better for cutting too). Also, Is it soon to start blasting again? And I have realized the tren dose was not actually a “low” dose, it was moderate and still very damaging. If you guys think var is gonna be bad I’ll drop it.
Years back I got a physical and lab work done for a new job. The Doc doing the physical kinda freaked out over the lab numbers (alt, ast and creatine). I can't remember the exact numbers but they where insane was over 2000. He said he'd never seen numbers that high before and recommended I follow up with my PC. I was VERY sore that day from an intense workout. You know, when your chest is so sore you can barely move your arms. Almost "rhabdomyolysis" type sore!
Had follow up blood work done about 2 weeks later. Everything was within normal range with this lab. I know I was on cycle but I can't remember the stack.
Since then I make sure I'm always fully recovered before doing labs.
Years back I got a physical and lab work done for a new job. The Doc doing the physical kinda freaked out over the lab numbers (alt, ast and creatine). I can't remember the exact numbers but they where insane was over 2000. He said he'd never seen numbers that high before and recommended I follow up with my PC. I was VERY sore that day from an intense workout. You know, when your chest is so sore you can barely move your arms. Almost "rhabdomyolysis" type sore!
Had follow up blood work done about 2 weeks later. Everything was within normal range with this lab. I know I was on cycle but I can't remember the stack.
Since then I make sure I'm always fully recovered before doing labs.
damn how do you guys get that sore?
I train till i cramp and im never sore its weird. my recovery is retarded good tho its fucking weird how fast i grow. Its colorado projectesq after i downsize im litertallly like casey viator
damn how do you guys get that sore?
I train till i cramp and im never sore its weird. my recovery is retarded good tho its fucking weird how fast i grow. Its colorado projectesq after i downsize im litertallly like casey viator
Haha, I hadn't been to the gym in weeks. Then I hit it way to hard on my return. That's all I can think of. I was too strong and should have started much lighter.
I think that I actually had a mild case of rhabdomyolysis. My piss was a light brown like cola for about 1/2 day. I know now what it is. If it ever happens again off to the ER. Shit can destroy your kidneys.
Oh and OP i dont think gesr is for you it sounds like you have bad genetics for gear i cant imagine what your liver enzymes would be after a cycle of anadrol shit i dont think tren even moved my liver enzymes at all . Or there was a toxin in your gear you were un aware of that was taxing the fuck out of your liver. or you gf/wife was putting anti freeze in your gear (its rare but it happens a bodybuilder actually died from this i saw on the news recently)
ohh yeah ive done that with my arms once i didnt train for a while and went too hard they were like inflammed bro
Mine was so bad you could see where fluid leaked from the muscle and was pooling under the skin. It's not good when this happens lol
Mine was so bad you could see where fluid leaked from the muscle and was pooling under the skin. It's not good when this happens lol
oh yeah sounds like you had that thing you said where you actually have too much muscle destruction damn what did the doctor say?
oh yeah sounds like you had that thing you said where you actually have too much muscle destruction damn what did the doctor say?
I was healed by the time I followed up with my doc and labs were good by then. It wasn't until I did research that I realized what probably happened.
Now I know what rhabdomyolysis actually is. It's supposed to be rare but aas can make it more common. If I take a long break from the gym I just have to take things REALLY slow. I mean 1 exercise only per body part and low reps. I get sore very easy if I haven't been in the gym too long.
Usually takes me about 2 wks of low intensity then I'm back to being able to hit it hard. Now I recover in about a day.