

Well-known Member Supporter
I have dropped to a cruise to get life situated. 400 mg per week 200 mg mon and thurs.

I going to see someone for medication, making apointment, and umtil then, making changed for mental health.

What medications have or are you on in time of overstress and need? Depression/anxiety/mental health?

I am having trouble getiing everything done that i want, and i am not sure if its anxiety/ ocd/adhd? So seeing a doctor. I rather steer clear of SSRI.

I have ventured into many supplements and going to put my efforts into this. Some is situational some are inhertited.

First line is just as needed, propalonol? I take gabapentin which works, but also fatiguing. Maybe its more adhd, seeing doc soon
I take wellbutrin or however you spell it.... just during a time of high stress. Planning to be on it less than a year. It helps me cope w some things but also has given me some minor difficulties with my mental sharpness. So now I just have a mere mortal's mind lol.
It has also interfered w my sleep. So now i take trazadone regularly (which is also an anti-depressant).

Do you track your BP well? High BP can exacerbate anxiety...
The BP high/low with oscilating pulse for compensation, could give symptoms of anxiety ...

The sleep is a very important factor for vellbeing in general, in my case 15mg of mirtazapine taken every evening at around 8 o'clock is assuring me a good night of sleep .