Anyone familiar with Sxript

Guys I’ve ordered from him it’s not that other brand your referring too I’m pretty sure of it and everything I have used was painless I haven’t gotten bloods or testing or labs so I can’t give you info on quality or I would but he does good business I do know that and offers a wide wide variety of different compounds and PWO injectables
Well, @Drbronson527 was happy with what he received.

The UGLs on source boards get to pay fees assuring good reviews and the ability to coverup crap like this. Post pics on one of those other boards and you’ll see exactly how it works. Vets who receive freebies will defend the UGL and bully the fuck outta you. But if you dare fight back, you’re “starting drama” and they’ll ban you. It’s totally fucked.

This is truth absolutely the truth
This is what I got from them I can’t say anything on quality didn’t have it tested nor did I do labs just posting up so you guys can tell if what you got is similar to see if your referring to the Same UGL
Yes , exactly which makes me feel more confident about it. And they’re donated Aas for blind testIng
The only thing that makes me somewhat leary is that I think thier testing procedure requires that a sample be sent to that 1 administrator ( Scoobs ....??? ) who in turns sends it out to the lab. So who is to say that the lab itself isn't using an alt handle to send Scoobs a sample specifically made to test well.....IDK??? But like you mentioned , there has been bad labs posted too but I don't think that the lab with the bad results were ever booted off the board. Again...IDK???
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This is what I got from them I can’t say anything on quality didn’t have it tested nor did I do labs just posting up so you guys can tell if what you got is similar to see if your referring to the Same UGL
When did you get these? They look like the old vials that the original guy was selling. Since Karl's hostile takeover, they've been selling scirrox stuff.
They are also apparently sending me another 4 vials of testosterone. I'll probably filter them to be safe
There was a split and both use the name sxript and both use the name redbird. The one on eroids uses a website sxript dot net. This is Karl from Sciroxx.