Arent we mistaken about DNP?

Hey guys,
I was thinking for a while.... arent we confused about DNP. What I mean is dosage!
You can find out literature from the very beginning recommending very high doses....and thats combined with Dan Duchaine recommending going up to 1000mgs. All of these crazy doses are associated with extreme fat burning effects...combined with terrible potential side effects.

Now for a second imagine...if Duchaine would do something like that with Clen. He would introduce it to BBing industry, and would recommend starting at 160 - 200 mcgs!!! Yes we would see very aggressive fat burning and thermogenic effects...combined with terrible side effects!!

Why not just use 100mgs? Molecule still exerts its effects.....of course not so drastically fast....but with much less side effects. Why arent we just patient and use dose...that I read recently, with Vitamin C will probably not exert any cataractogenic effects? Just 100mgs of DNP; 25mgs of Ephedrine and later little T3 to combat suppresion caused by DNP...and use it longer.

What do you guys think?

Also one question: Did anybody here (male) actually developed cataracts?
Hey guys,
I was thinking for a while.... arent we confused about DNP. What I mean is dosage!
You can find out literature from the very beginning recommending very high doses....and thats combined with Dan Duchaine recommending going up to 1000mgs. All of these crazy doses are associated with extreme fat burning effects...combined with terrible potential side effects.

Now for a second imagine...if Duchaine would do something like that with Clen. He would introduce it to BBing industry, and would recommend starting at 160 - 200 mcgs!!! Yes we would see very aggressive fat burning and thermogenic effects...combined with terrible side effects!!

Why not just use 100mgs? Molecule still exerts its effects.....of course not so drastically fast....but with much less side effects. Why arent we just patient and use dose...that I read recently, with Vitamin C will probably not exert any cataractogenic effects? Just 100mgs of DNP; 25mgs of Ephedrine and later little T3 to combat suppresion caused by DNP...and use it longer.

What do you guys think?

Also one question: Did anybody here (male) actually developed cataracts?
Search the dnp thread, they have detailed discussions on everything. There’s even articles written by different gurus about it.
If you need to use DNP, you're not patient...

There is a thread on PMuscle, easy to find ;)
Idea is :Why not use a compound that shifts metabolism towards burning fats, and not glucosis or aminoacids....even if it does so slowly?Long term you would have huge difference with minimal side effects (on 100mg).
Idea is :Why not use a compound that shifts metabolism towards burning fats, and not glucosis or aminoacids....even if it does so slowly?Long term you would have huge difference with minimal side effects (on 100mg).
I think you need more knowledge about DNP to answer that question.

There is a thread named DNP Experience on PMuscle. Page 3 I think.

Quite a few pages, enjoy...

Tried DNP once for me, first and last time...
Theres lots of guys using 50-150mg as a part of their cut. The high dose stuff, being >300mg, is usually done by lazy people trying to use it as a crutch ime.

Low dose DNP can be a good addition to a well planned cut imo. But if you can get the job done without it, i would prefer that. It tends to make you drag ass no matter what dosage you run it at so you might as well push it a little when you first implement the drug. But dont be an idiot, the poison is in the dose.
Theres lots of guys using 50-150mg as a part of their cut. The high dose stuff, being >300mg, is usually done by lazy people trying to use it as a crutch ime.

Low dose DNP can be a good addition to a well planned cut imo. But if you can get the job done without it, i would prefer that. It tends to make you drag ass no matter what dosage you run it at so you might as well push it a little when you first implement the drug. But dont be an idiot, the poison is in the dose.
This is what Im talking about!!
I think you need more knowledge about DNP to answer that question.

There is a thread named DNP Experience on PMuscle. Page 3 I think.

Quite a few pages, enjoy...

Tried DNP once for me, first and last time...
Man I dont want to be rude, but do you get what Im talking about. Poison and medicine being different...just by a dose.... If we were all told from beginning: "Guys take just 100-150mgs or you gonna get crazy side effects" Whole history of the product could have been different.
Man I dont want to be rude, but do you get what Im talking about. Poison and medicine being different...just by a dose.... If we were all told from beginning: "Guys take just 100-150mgs or you gonna get crazy side effects" Whole history of the product could have been different.
I do understand what you mean, I was there before too, no worries ;)

I maintain that I think you need more education about the subject...
No one is getting leaner than show ready bodybuilders. and basically no reasonably competitive bodybuilders or reasonably knowledgeable coaches use DNP.

that should answer absolutely everyones questions on if DNP is worth it or a good idea.
Thanks for reasonable response... Only idea might be...well maybe people with really terrible fat genetics....are not even trying to compete because of that?...
Well some people have genetics that fights hard to separate muscle and fat (disregarding appetite in this one). So even with perfect diet and hormones...theyr body either not lose weight...or if they push harder they lose significant amount of muscle with fat being "burned".
fat genetics is a shit excuse. same with people who say they have bad genetics and cant gain weight. genetics doesnt change the fact that a calorie surplus will result in weight gain and a calorie deficit will result in weight loss. a "perfect diet" where they're not losing weight means theyre eating too much.
fat genetics is a shit excuse. same with people who say they have bad genetics and cant gain weight. genetics doesnt change the fact that a calorie surplus will result in weight gain and a calorie deficit will result in weight loss. a "perfect diet" where they're not losing weight means theyre eating too much.
None of that I dispute and Im honestly pretty allergic to it. WHO THE FUCK CARES ABOUT WEIGHT GAIN? - If you excuse my language please. We want muscle gain!! Nobody cares about weight loss- we want fat loss. And thats my main point here- what to do...when body rather burns muscle instead of fat..... Endomorphs vs. Mesomorphs is not entirely new thing man.
PS: Excuse my language, but its crazy..
theyr body either not lose weight
this is not based in reality. if you are in a proper deficit you will lose weight. if you arent losing weight, you arent in a deficit.
end of story.

or if they push harder they lose significant amount of muscle with fat being "burned".
Catabolism, the process buy which your body sacrifices muscle tissue to meet energy demands when in a very steep deficit, is unavoidable.
however it can be easily minimized by proper, gradual diet practices.

It takes a lot more for your body to liberate muscle tissue to meet energy requirements than fat, and will preferentially sacrifice fat to meet energy demands rather than muscle tissue.

yes some people have a higher propensity for catabolism when in a calorie deficient state, however these genetic differences are relatively minute when compared to differences in diet practices, protein intake, and training.

TLDR; if youre dieting properly, with a slight, gradual deficit, maintain a diet with sufficient protein and carbs (which are protein sparing), and maintaining training intensity throughout a cut, then you should see VERY little muscle loss. Even as a natural. When we through exogenous hormones and PEDS into the mix, the margins get far wider.

You WILL lose more muscle when using DNP than dieting intelligently through traditional means.
when body rather burns muscle instead of fat..... Endomorphs vs. Mesomorphs is not entirely new thing man.
your body will never priorotise muscle over fat to meet energy needs. thats a simple physiological fact.
your body can burn muscle allong with fat if it detects that metabolizing existing fat tissue is not sufficient to meet energy demands, IE when your in too steep of a deficit.

There is no such thing as a endo or mesomorph.
Mesotypes are not a real thing, and have never been a real thing.
They have been THOUROUGHLY disproven repeatedly.
your body will never priorotise muscle over fat to meet energy needs. thats a simple physiological fact.
your body can burn muscle allong with fat if it detects that metabolizing existing fat tissue is not sufficient to meet energy demands, IE when your in too steep of a deficit.

There is no such thing as a endo or mesomorph.
Mesotypes are not a real thing, and have never been a real thing.
They have been THOUROUGHLY disproven repeatedly.
Fat cannot be used for "fast energy" source metabolically. Your body will burn muscle if it needs glucosis quickly.