MESO-Rx Sponsor Axle Labs - US Domestic

@janoshik can you weigh in on the testing nightprowler had done. I see it says guaiacol present however on scruff’s test it says trace amounts present. Is there a way to know the amount of guaiacol in the sample?

Looks like another contamination issue in the tren too if I’m not mistaken.

@Axle Labs care to explain this?
@janoshik can you weigh in on the testing nightprowler had done. I see it says guaiacol present however on scruff’s test it says trace amounts present. Is there a way to know the amount of guaiacol in the sample?

Looks like another contamination issue in the tren too if I’m not mistaken.

@Axle Labs care to explain this?
Well, while I cannot quantify guaiacol in samples exactly, I can compare the amounts between the samples. I will buy a standard soon and will be able to to give precise quantity once we're a tiny bit less busy.
Thanks for testing and sharing.

What batch is the Tren-A? We are going to just shift away from peristaltic pump setups.. all bottle top now to prevent the possibility of any contamination.

NPP shouldn’t have trace Guaiacol - but as stated in previous solution - we have changed to multi setups now and also we’re discontinuing peristaltic pump setups. It’ll be bottle top only going forward.

TNE is supposed to have Guaiacol as per product description, we will scale up raw usage by 10% though,

Email for store credit / reimbursement / whichever you prefer.
Guacamole Labs

In all seriousness, I think as a good faith effort, @Axle Labs needs to have some batch testing for the next few months (if not, indefinitely) that includes guaiacol testing.
Guacamole Labs

In all seriousness, I think as a good faith effort, @Axle Labs needs to have some batch testing for the next few months (if not, indefinitely) that includes guaiacol testing.
Should be testing all raws and batches regardless. But yeah. Definitely something he can come back from. Just need to prove yourself consistent at this point and will pay off later.

Or fuck off and rebrand.

All could have been a lot worse but being handled well.
Should be testing all raws and batches regardless. But yeah. Definitely something he can come back from. Just need to prove yourself consistent at this point and will pay off later.

Or fuck off and rebrand.

All could have been a lot worse but being handled well.
Any source worth their weight in cum should be testing like that. But specifically with Axle, he should be testing every batch for guaiacol from now on. Either that, or get a new brewer.
Any source worth their weight in cum should be testing like that. But specifically with Axle, he should be testing every batch for guaiacol from now on. Either that, or get a new brewer.

I agree it should be added to all oil testing done for a while. At least until his own and customer blind test can verify his new process is effective to prevent this issue going forward.
This time it was Test in the NPP. The last time it was EQ in the Tren. And it was confirmed by his “alleged” ex partner that other compounds were also cross contaminated. That’s nothing to just shrug off. It’s a pattern with this brewer. At the very least it shows that he doesn’t know what the fuck he’s doing but I guess it’s okay because you aren’t going to OD:)o_O
Ah yea, and this magically hasn’t appeared in all the other blind Axle tests. Maybe face the fact that the MC crap you’re injecting is the cross contaminated / underdosed gear.
Lol I guess we’ll see in a couple weeks when members post their results from the “no guaiacol in that compound” testing. I’m sure you’ll still be here defending it though. Until then enjoy your NPP/Test blend… or Tren/EQ or whatever tf it is lmao
In light of the recent test results I just wanted to bring back up this argument I was having with Axles alt account
Will be curious to see how other vendors fare w/ guac testing. We have the 3(?) mentioned in this thread so far. Might cause it to become more commonly tested for which is a win for everyone.
Alt accounts, selling weird mixes as single compounds, guaiacol contamination. This source is trash. Scamming trash vendor. But don't worry! He has an excuse for all his bullshit. If you end up buying from this guy just know that you pretty much need to test every single vile so the price is going to be outrageous because who knows what he's going to send you. His alt accounts will calm your worries though and assure you he's gtg!
Glad he's gone, but what did he do?

Not sure, but I bet admins saw that he was spending far too much time on this board, commenting on literally every post + thread being created, and felt for his wellbeing. Wellness check.

Not sure but he consistently tagged other members, inciting conflict.

My two cents is don't take this shit personally. Discuss experiences and testing etc. It works better without hot-heads drunk-typing and name-calling or making threats.
Between the cross contamination and the alt accounts, I'm just seeing a ton of reasons to homebrew.

US dom supplier is going to start accepting credit card payments for raws, make an absolute killing, then get shut down in a few months. Hopefully no one goes to jail.

*Edit: this could have been posted in any thread.