MESO-Rx Sponsor Axle Labs - US Domestic

@janoshik can you weigh in on the testing nightprowler had done. I see it says guaiacol present however on scruff’s test it says trace amounts present. Is there a way to know the amount of guaiacol in the sample?

Looks like another contamination issue in the tren too if I’m not mistaken.

@Axle Labs care to explain this?
I think scruf sent in the same batch as me, and mine came back negative. @Scruf what was your batch number ? C54?
Alt accounts, selling weird mixes as single compounds, guaiacol contamination. This source is trash. Scamming trash vendor. But don't worry! He has an excuse for all his bullshit. If you end up buying from this guy just know that you pretty much need to test every single vile so the price is going to be outrageous because who knows what he's going to send you.
Yea... way too many mess ups. Plus all of that even underdosed gear.
Does america have no sources lol?
@Axle Labs

More cross contamination !!! Wow

This source needs to go !!! Enough of the excuses, and enough of all you idiots saying oh ok he will be better. He’s prob brewing outta a dirty ass kitchen with meth on the counter as well. Bunch of clowns who keep sticking up for him.

Source is terrible !!!!!!!!
Are you that stupid ? Look at the other results too with NPP in Tren A !!! Quit posting everywhere like you you have knowledge, you have none.
What I’m doing is logical, clearly his product is underdosed, I’m going to get my money’s worth brah …get money all day everyday brah what are you going to to about that
What I’m doing is logical, clearly his product is underdosed, I’m going to get my money’s worth brah …get money all day everyday brah what are you going to to about that
So in your head, something that contain 20% of something else entirely is underdosed and your solution is to just double your dose? You’re beyond saving.
So in your head, something that contain 20% of something else entirely is underdosed and your solution is to just double your dose? You’re beyond saving.
I mean if his brewers are dumb enough to cross contaminate what makes you doubt they underdose products? We're potentially talking about men or women who couldn’t pass basic algebra and chemistry in junior high. He needs to improve his hiring process for employees.
I mean if his brewers are dumb enough to cross contaminate what makes you doubt they underdose products? We're potentially talking about men or women who couldn’t pass basic algebra and chemistry in junior high. He needs to improve his hiring process for employees.
Yet you’re dumb enough to inject it. Pot, meet kettle.
I’m running batch c54 of test e 250 and batch c56 mast 400 no issues with pip very smooth no smell at all either so possibly just a bad shot not endorsing anything just giving my insight that’s all gaining great on both
Why are positive reviews always a new member these are deff fake reviews there’s not one well known member saying this lab is good I don’t see why someone would even want to order from axle I’m looking around at different labs within 5 min of reading about axle I already know they are not good to go at all way to many red flags and I haven’t really seen them post any lab reports no blind tests done either from what I see
That still doesn't change the fact that there are 49million kangaroos in Australia and 3.5million people in Uruguay which means if the kangaroos were to invade Uruguay, each person will have to fight 14 kangaroos
Best comment ever. Not sure WTF sourred this but proud of you for speaking truth to power.