MESO-Rx Sponsor Axle Labs - US Domestic

I think scruf sent in the same batch as me, and mine came back negative. @Scruf what was your batch number ? C54?

Don't be surprised these batch numbers don't mean shit. Guy is probably just slapping lables on whatever is brewed and calling it a certain batch.
Batch numbers are only related to the raws used. Not an individual brew. @Axle Labs has confirmed this. Could be many brews with the same batch numbers. So no way aside from testing to know what a vial contains.
Fucking blows my mind people are still accepting this shit. Readalot would have died from a stroke if he was still here. People need to stop shilling and accepting this shit source. There is a very big increase in young guys using steroids probably coming over from Reddit and getting screwed over. This forum has definitely gone soft.
See, here's the deal. People have been telling you forever that your shit smells like it has Guiacol In it. I don't know this to be a fact but I've heard multiple people say you're using the same brewer as muscle candy who shit also smells like it has Guiacol In it. But you failed to address it even though you've been told multiple times you've got an issue. Now you've been caught multiple times with cross contamination and a substance in your oils that your you've stated isn't in your product. What the fuck is wrong with you? Seriously. You're putting people's health at risk you fuckhead. Anyone who uses this source deserves what they get.
Fucking blows my mind people are still accepting this shit. Readalot would have died from a stroke if he was still here. People need to stop shilling and accepting this shit source. There is a very big increase in young guys using steroids probably coming over from Reddit and getting screwed over. This forum has definitely gone soft.

Just "Nostrame" it. By doubling the dose the NPP and Guaiacol neutralize each other and you're left with the product on the label at the correct concentration.
You’d have to be a complete moron to inject this labs gear. Rampant cross contamination, bs batch numbers, autistic brewer, and compulsive liar. This guy would have been ripped limb from limb and shown the door in the past but guys want to give him chance 68 now. SMH.
You’d have to be a complete moron to inject this labs gear. Rampant cross contamination, bs batch numbers, autistic brewer, and compulsive liar. This guy would have been ripped limb from limb and shown the door in the past but guys want to give him chance 68 now. SMH.

This guy got screwed by his brewer, but this is the point where you call it a loss. Shut down, find a new brewer, and return after some time as some other unconnected brand. "Wheel Bearing Labs", or maybe "Head Gasket Labs" lol.
All this money…just wasted. I’m at a loss for words, now that I have no clue whether my test has an ai or deca mixed in. Maybe it’s not even test at all. Fuck this
This guy got screwed by his brewer, but this is the point where you call it a loss. Shut down, find a new brewer, and return after some time as some other unconnected brand. "Wheel Bearing Labs", or maybe "Head Gasket Labs" lol.
There is no brewer, Axle is the brewer and the one continually fucking things up. (Blame's it on his non existent brewer to deflect the situation off him) Don't believe anything this scumbag says.