MESO-Rx Sponsor Axle Labs - US Domestic

Excuse me? Don’t call me obnoxious, if anything you’ve been nothing but obnoxious. And of course I look at results posted, if I see something I want I get it, big deal. That doesn’t mean I have to share my results. I emailed the products of QSC to Tracy since we’re close, but I couldn’t care less to share it with any person I don’t know on here.
What a tool! Selfish piece of crap. There are guys on here that only have money for their gear and would really benefit from testing to keep them informed of what they are buying. Why are you even on these forums?
Don't hurt me 1 bit. He might have multiple accounts. I used to do that selling things on Ebay to get highest bid.

His gear test out.

When someone sends exact same batch to Janos with different results, someone should ask how that happens. If they are in fact same batch, why only 1. If the person who cried wolf happens to have a substance in his non sealed, self made small batch he sent in, just so happens to say it was contaminated with, comes up positive? Pretty odd, or coincidence?
Your post history is curious, and the arguments you make therein are familiar. It’s unusual.

Maybe it’s nothing, maybe it’s something.
Wonder how much free gear I could get if I said the 6 different sources of gear in my oil case smelled like guac then submitted 6 test samples I made myself (contaminating them with guaiacol ) instead of sending a new SEALED vial(intentionally of course, because I'm too cheap to send a new sealed vial) ? Wonder if I could stir the pot on a few sources. Sad part is Karen's stir the pot intentionally everyday, ruin people's reputation everyday. Why? Because they have nothing better to do, no life, no hope, and likely are democrats in the end.
You've never sent anything to janoshik have you? Ups chargers by parcel size and weight. JUST to send a 6x9 bubble mailer with a 1ml perfume sample container it's 150+ dollars. 74 if you use pirate ship. Plus janoshiks shipping cost. Sending a box with a full vial would be at least 200-250 dollars via ups. Again plus the testing cost. I bought 4 vials of tren. Please explain to me how that's remotely practical or logical.

You think everyones out to get axle, youre very paranoid. I had very polite and respectful conversations with axle privately and publicly (ill be happy to post them). I dont have a bad word to say about the guy, His professionalism is something you need in business leadership. I'm positive he can run a successful business.

He even explained how guiacol got in the oil, but youre still thinking im trying to ruin his reputation for some unknown reason. You need to take a step back and look at things as a whole, and not in your tunnel vision.

it's sad someone does something for you (giving you free testing to products you're using) and your response is to try to tarnish their character.
Gone so soon? Seriously want to know if that profile was linked to Axle as well.
The only thing that makes me think maybe he wasn't is that he got unbanned for a day or so before they rebanned him. Why give him another shot if he was another Axle alt account? He certainly acted like it though.
The only thing that makes me think maybe he wasn't is that he got unbanned for a day or so before they rebanned him. Why give him another shot if he was another Axle alt account? He certainly acted like it though.
May have been banned for another reason then found to be an alt? It's all speculation. Those 2 "new member" accounts that showed up a couple days ago and were shilling hard le as well as trying to divert conversations are incredibly suspicious. Both were created years ago and were active for a Time but not very much. Then went dormant for years and then all the sudden just show up in Axle's thread defending him. Both of them have posts from years ago for the same vendor as well.

Pretty sure Axel figured out how to mask his alt accounts, but it's not a coincidence that those two accounts that are eerily similar just reappear in the same time frame to come to his defense and then both vanish as quickly as they appeared.
Idk, FWIW I'm running axel's test C 300 at the moment at 120/wk after being off TRT for 4 years because of cancer. Just got bloods this morning and I'll post results when I get them, but test isn't exactly the best metric to judge the quality of the rest of the gear off of being so cheap. It's definitely got my energy levels back tolerable and a legitimate libido again. Feels like any 120/wk I've ran before of anything else, ugl or pharma.

Im running his HCG as well 250mcg m/w/f and haven't dealt with any ball shrinkage or pain, it's been about 60 days now.

I've got aromasin on hand from him but haven't used it.

I'd have to wait down the line to see how well the other issues are addressed before I'd buy anything else other than the basics, but so far it's been a pleasure to do business. Stupid fast shipping and great prices.
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Nothing this source says can be viewed as credible at this point. His willingness to carry a lie from sst to meso with indisputable evidence should really tell us all we need to know. Now with all the cross contamination and guaiacol popping up this lab has been shown to be absolute clown shoes.

I know guys get mesmerized by fast shipping and brand appeal. I mean fuck look at all Ford and Chevy guys. But just use your head and look at the facts. If axle brews up 200 vials, which is on the low side for a supplier. That would mean 4 grams of another substance was stuck in the lines to end up at 20mg contamination. You can’t be foolish enough to fall for that notion. Plus when jano receives his standard for guac I’m guaranteeing we see that we’re not looking at trace amounts but intentionally added guaiacol. Guys a pathological liar and will ride a lie till the wheels fall off.

It’s up to us as individuals to make our own choices on the substances we put in our body and where we choose to source them. But it would be my hope that wanting to minimize the risks we are all taking with our health would be paramount. I just don’t think the juice is worth the squeeze in this scenario.
Clenbuterol is back in stock!


We may need to bump the minimum slightly once more after this sale.

Idk, FWIW I'm running axel's test C 300 at the moment at 120/wk after being off TRT for 4 years because of cancer. Just got bloods this morning and I'll post results when I get them, but test isn't exactly the best metric to judge the quality of the rest of the gear off of being so cheap. It's definitely got my energy levels back tolerable and a legitimate libido again. Feels like any 120/wk I've ran before of anything else, ugl or pharma.

Im running his HCG as well 250mcg m/w/f and haven't dealt with any ball shrinkage or pain, it's been about 60 days now.

I've got aromasin on hand from him but haven't used it.

I'd have to wait down the line to see how well the other issues are addressed before I'd buy anything else other than the basics, but so far it's been a pleasure to do business. Stupid fast shipping and great prices.
Thank you and best wishes for your cancer prognosis (if not already in remission)!

Shoot us an email for a freebie.
Idk, FWIW I'm running axel's test C 300 at the moment at 120/wk after being off TRT for 4 years because of cancer. Just got bloods this morning and I'll post results when I get them, but test isn't exactly the best metric to judge the quality of the rest of the gear off of being so cheap. It's definitely got my energy levels back tolerable and a legitimate libido again. Feels like any 120/wk I've ran before of anything else, ugl or pharma.

Im running his HCG as well 250mcg m/w/f and haven't dealt with any ball shrinkage or pain, it's been about 60 days now.

I've got aromasin on hand from him but haven't used it.

I'd have to wait down the line to see how well the other issues are addressed before I'd buy anything else other than the basics, but so far it's been a pleasure to do business. Stupid fast shipping and great prices.
And you been here 2 months :) how ironic lol
And you been here 2 months :) how ironic lol
I've only been in remission for 3, lmao. I've been a bit focused on other stuff the last few years :p

I figured this comment was coming after reading through the thread, haha. He just so happened to be the first vendor I gave a shot returning to this.

I'll be around here for awhile at this point now that I can safely get back to schedule, and I've been in plenty of other thread aside from here;)
I am not a new member, and I do send samples to Jano if a source thread gets interesting enough.

I got an axle pack on the way, so, in the event I do send out samples, I just want to clarify: the batch numbers on the vial are only meant to reference the raws from which the oil was brewed, and, therefore, a test result provided by Axle with a given batch number may not necessarily match my sample with the same batch number?
I am not a new member, and I do send samples to Jano if a source thread gets interesting enough.

I got an axle pack on the way, so, in the event I do send out samples, I just want to clarify: the batch numbers on the vial are only meant to reference the raws from which the oil was brewed, and, therefore, a test result provided by Axle with a given batch number may not necessarily match my sample with the same batch number?
This seems to be a correct assumption, yes

I also want to say that some of you guys in here are absolutely ruthless. People make mistakes, and yes they deserve to be held to the fire (this is important for better quality control going forward), but atleast he's making the efforts to correct the mistakes, and has replaced batches that were contaminated/compromised. I think he's handled it professionally, and better than some of these other vendors like QSC would. We'll see what happens with the blind tests going forward

Idc about the marketing gimmicks or Alt accounts personally, but I understand why others would leverage this in their arguments.

@Axle Labs
I think a better system going forward from a raws/batch perspective would be to include the raws and batches on the labels (example: C54.001 --with c54 referring to the raws, and 001 referring to the specific batch). Obviously it might not be cost efficient and practical to test literally every batch of every compound brewed, but I think selecting samples periodically to test from different batches could paint a good overall picture of the rest of the batches. Obviously the methods of testing would be up to you, and you'd want to do this in a cost efficient manner that ensures quality product, but also a high return on investment to you. Just an idea I'm throwing out there

Just trying to think of the most logical/practical way to go about this moving forward
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@Axle Labs
I think a better system going forward from a raws/batch perspective would be to include the raws and batches on the labels (example: C54.001 --with c54 referring to the raws, and 001 referring to the specific batch). Obviously it might not be cost efficient and practical to test literally every batch of every compound brewed, but I think selecting samples periodically to test from different batches could paint a good overall picture of the rest of the batches.

Just trying to think of the most logical/practical way to go about this moving forward
Cost considerate? No. Show of good faith? Yes.

