MESO-Rx Sponsor Axle Labs - US Domestic

I think a better system going forward from a raws/batch perspective would be to include the raws and batches on the labels (example: C54.001 --with c54 referring to the raws, and 001 referring to the specific batch).
Great idea but should anyone trust the specific batch numbers printed on the labels at this point when you can't even trust what's in the vial? It feels like batch numbers would only give a false sense of security...
I am not a new member, and I do send samples to Jano if a source thread gets interesting enough.

I got an axle pack on the way, so, in the event I do send out samples, I just want to clarify: the batch numbers on the vial are only meant to reference the raws from which the oil was brewed, and, therefore, a test result provided by Axle with a given batch number may not necessarily match my sample with the same batch number?

If you read the updates we posted, upcoming batches will reflect exact brews. We will be brewing in larger volumes now so each brew can be tracked by batch # as requested by customers.

To refresh:

1) Peristaltic pump setups discontinued. We are only doing bottletop pump setups now per compound so there is no sharing of lines between which can lead to oil mixing.

2) Several bottle-top pump setups in place to also separate out all oils that contain guaiacol for brewing. We sent pics of these as well earlier in the thread.

3) Upcoming batch #s will reflect brews vs. raw batches. This will mean larger volume brews to make this more sustainable and feasible for us also.

Thanks for testing products. We will compensate fully for whatever testing you do.
Wonder how much free gear I could get if I said the 6 different sources of gear in my oil case smelled like guac then submitted 6 test samples I made myself (contaminating them with guaiacol ) instead of sending a new SEALED vial(intentionally of course, because I'm too cheap to send a new sealed vial) ? Wonder if I could stir the pot on a few sources. Sad part is Karen's stir the pot intentionally everyday, ruin people's reputation everyday. Why? Because they have nothing better to do, no life, no hope, and likely are democrats in the end.
Yes, I guess I was a Karen because I smelled guac in the tren ace. But behold, a gracious user sent in the exact tren batch I had and guess fucking what! It came back positive you bafoon.
See our message from a few pages back.

We right away set up multiple brew lines to separate out Guaiacol-containing brews.

We’ve also discontinued use of peristaltic pump setups and are only using bottle top setups to prevent any cross contamination.

Nothing was underdosed in any of the recent blind tests. But yes, the cross contamination is not good. Having an extra 10% NPP in Tren-A is not acceptable but we’ve taken the measures to prevent it from happening again.

All items tested will include Guaiacol testing and if you had Tren-A 200mg/ml shoot us an email for refund/credit whichever you prefer!

We’re striving to improve! Thanks for the feedback / responses.
So question @Axle Labs these bottles of Tren A 200mg I have that are really lite colored compared to a few other 100mg UGL bottles, are contaminated?
So question @Axle Labs these bottles of Tren A 200mg I have that are really lite colored compared to a few other 100mg UGL bottles, are contaminated?
The color has more to do with oxidation of the hormone than anything else. If the brew is heated longer it will become more orange ish. The last blind Tren A 200mg test showed 200mg of Tren-A with “trace Guaiacol” I believe.

It was re brewed since then but if you’d like we can always replace your vial. Shoot us an email.
So how many visits of 'old stock' (vials from past brews that were to be sold under 'old / previous' lab names) do you have that your plan is to just re- label and hope doesn't get specific (gauc) testing done on them guys. My opinion is to be very clear bout your 'old stock' vials and not refilter them or mix with new brews as to down the undesirable gauc/ eo/ mixed compounds. 1 idea is promote a discounted price for these useable products (with complete transparency bout when was brewed and all possibilities of different solvents used and 'older / less disirerable brewing product procedures (even with negligible amounts of anything other than perfectly clean / pure compound and solvent ratios / and/ or possible filter fibers or the like )).
If you do this and provide for bulk options (bs some might feel more at ease filtering them or whatever) and insure thats the last of them and then give incentive for testing the new batches (with precise info on the ba, bb, and mg) that could give more accountability to you and diffuse any future bs bout the label is only our on fresh / new/ proper brewed products. I know smarter/ genuine (not shill shit or trying to get over on you can come up with a better idea).
Maybe with new line have for a short time larger quantity visits so testing won't be 1/10 of a vial or whatever. I'm also down to hear bout all promos to get rid of old stock. But maybe we can just trust you and ALL the future tests will ALL have be from the upgraded brewing precautions your implementing (i mean it's not like it took any type of pressure from any members to get it together... You've been how many brands before and with how many brewers that have a almost perfect track record???)
Fuck it... Guys will order just bs they jam guns & roses and try to get you to sign a guitar or pick for them)
'im not liar or a their' = but guess some liars only pick and choose what to lie about bc their moral compass works from time to time.
Get it together man !
The color has more to do with oxidation of the hormone than anything else. If the brew is heated longer it will become more orange ish. The last blind Tren A 200mg test showed 200mg of Tren-A with “trace Guaiacol” I believe.

It was re brewed since then but if you’d like we can always replace your vial. Shoot us an email.
Mr. Axle I was a little concerned when this guy asked you about thr Tren A 200 and you did not remember to mention that that specific test came back contaminated with actually had no guaiacol detected @rebelscum81Screenshot_20240526_062539_Chrome.jpg
Mr. Axle I was a little concerned when this guy asked you about thr Tren A 200 and you did not remember to mention that that specific test came back contaminated with actually had no guaiacol detected @rebelscum81View attachment 284674
I was confused about the batch number stuff but mine is C58. Didn't smell like guaiacol to me. But did appear lite colored. But I know that stuff varies but with other substances in the mix it would dilute as well. It was 2 bottles of the Tren A 200 in mct. I would like a replacement if the new ones are legit now. I will Email you
The color has more to do with oxidation of the hormone than anything else. If the brew is heated longer it will become more orange ish. The last blind Tren A 200mg test showed 200mg of Tren-A with “trace Guaiacol” I believe.

It was re brewed since then but if you’d like we can always replace your vial. Shoot us an email.
Keep talking and dodging. Tren with 20mgs of Npp that’s a new blend lol. You’re a compulsive liar period. You Will always screw shit up in the long run.

If you read the updates we posted, upcoming batches will reflect exact brews. We will be brewing in larger volumes now so each brew can be tracked by batch # as requested by customers.

To refresh:

1) Peristaltic pump setups discontinued. We are only doing bottletop pump setups now per compound so there is no sharing of lines between which can lead to oil mixing.

2) Several bottle-top pump setups in place to also separate out all oils that contain guaiacol for brewing. We sent pics of these as well earlier in the thread.

3) Upcoming batch #s will reflect brews vs. raw batches. This will mean larger volume brews to make this more sustainable and feasible for us also.

Thanks for testing products. We will compensate fully for whatever testing you do.
Thanks for clarifying and, of course, for the implemented improvements themselves, and as always for compensating testing.
Keep talking and dodging. Tren with 20mgs of Npp that’s a new blend lol. You’re a compulsive liar period. You Will always screw shit up in the long run.
Apologies, yes there was one of the tests which had the trace Guaiacol (not this one though). The grey top Tren A 200 had the above test result.

All the vials were discarded and re brewed. It’s why I offered @Rebelscum81 a replacement.

(I offer this to anyone with the batch). Or a refund. I’ve been saying this since the test was originally posted. Please scroll back and see.

As I said everything has been rebrewed already and replaced on the shelves. So I’m not sure when you ordered @Rebelscum81 but I said regardless if you want we’ll replace the vial.
EQ500 good to go.
Aromasin 12.5 good to go.
Tirzapetide 10mg good to go.
Cialis 10mg good to go.
Turn around time good to go.
Communication good to go.

Entertainment value in this thread 10/10.

I dont put all my eggs into one basket, unless ive known and used that basket for a long ass time. Anyone ordering from Axle right now (a new business) should know the risks and work through the mistakes as they happen... or don't freaking order lol.

There are other, more expensive, domestic sources available who have been around much longer if you cant handle that.
Apologies, yes there was one of the tests which had the trace Guaiacol (not this one though). The grey top Tren A 200 had the above test result.

All the vials were discarded and re brewed. It’s why I offered @Rebelscum81 a replacement.

(I offer this to anyone with the batch). Or a refund. I’ve been saying this since the test was originally posted. Please scroll back and see.

As I said everything has been rebrewed already and replaced on the shelves. So I’m not sure when you ordered @Rebelscum81 but I said regardless if you want we’ll replace the vial.
What’s the batch of tren? I bought 2 bottles about a month ago