MESO-Rx Sponsor Axle Labs - US Domestic

Just finished a 10mg bottle of tirzepitide and man should’ve started at a lower dose because my stomach shut off at that first week. I think I lost like 20 pounds in 14 days and those last 7 days I lost a pound a day . (Paired with 25mcg of clen) definitely a little bit too fast for me so I’m pulling back the dose on tirz from 5mg to 2.5 a week. Paired with the hgh and test and primo I’ve really been enjoying the cut . Another round of bloods scheduled at the end of this month so we’ll see how’s everything looking again .

Think twice about stopping and restarting. There's an effect called "GLP Naïveté" in which you become less sensitive to weight loss effects from this class of drugs with each cycle. It can become completely ineffective for weight loss, even years later it doesn't "reset". Better to stay on a low maintainance dose than to stop completely.
Think twice about stopping and restarting. There's an effect called "GLP Naïveté" in which you become less sensitive to weight loss effects from this class of drugs with each cycle. It can become completely ineffective for weight loss, even years later it doesn't "reset". Better to stay on a low maintainance dose than to stop completely.
Yea that’s what I meant to clarify I’m not stopping it cold and restarting ima drop back the dose to 2.5 on my next inject . I’ve always been a relatively big guy so going from bulking 6 meals a day to barely eating one bowl of soup and sound protein drinks sucked ass big time . I don’t plan on it being forever though it really started at as a test run because my girl has it prescribed for pre diabetes and she knows nothing about all of this so I’m like her litmus test to help her ease into so she has visual feedback of what she’s going to experience as well as what I tell her how I feel . Just also an added excuse to looks bit lean this summer lol
The "Old heads" are the reason you're here. They are the reason that Meso is great. Why are you even here if it's "toxic". If you don't like the style, then maybe you can go find a "safe space" on a pay-to-play form where there's a bunch of positivity from paid shills and comments are deleted and edited by the administrators.

You're the guy who comes to a new awesome place that you had no hand in building then you want to criticize the people who made it awesome and tell them the way they do things is crap? GTFO. Maybe shut up and learn about Meso's history, how it came to be, and learn something about how the forum stays great. Then you can actually participate in a helpful and meaningful way. Or don't just be a whiny
Reply like your reply before this and that’s helpful and meaningful, gtfo with your stupid comments.

Helping build something doesn’t mean you don’t say stupid shit, it just means you’ve been around a while. Reply enough and you’ll show your ass like you are. I want to respect you because of your reply prior to this then you go and reply something stupid. You don’t get respect for being old either. Don’t be stupid

Furthermore with a little reading comprehension, you would understand an old head who simply complains about a new account and has nothing else to say, that is toxic. Not every old head.

Look at your comment before this, that shit was insightful. Then this, plummet like Dwayne Johnson.
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Reply like your reply before this and that’s helpful and meaningful, gtfo with your stupid comments.

Helping build something doesn’t mean you don’t say stupid shit, it just means you’ve been around a while. Reply enough and you’ll show your ass like you are. I want to respect you because of your reply prior to this then you go and reply something stupid. You don’t get respect for being old either. Don’t be stupid

Furthermore with a little reading comprehension, you would understand an old head who simply complains about a new account and has nothing else to say, that is toxic. Not every old head.

Look at your comment before this, that shit was insightful. Then this, plummet like Dwayne Johnson.
you have 25 posts …

23 are in axles thread

Enough said and you’re 300lbs of fat taking Tren, Test 400 etc with BP at 180 / 115. Quiet please lol
Reply like your reply before this and that’s helpful and meaningful, gtfo with your stupid comments.

Helping build something doesn’t mean you don’t say stupid shit, it just means you’ve been around a while. Reply enough and you’ll show your ass like you are. I want to respect you because of your reply prior to this then you go and reply something stupid. You don’t get respect for being old either. Don’t be stupid

Furthermore with a little reading comprehension, you would understand an old head who simply complains about a new account and has nothing else to say, that is toxic. Not every old head.

Look at your comment before this, that shit was insightful. Then this, plummet like Dwayne Johnson.
All I hear is any angry fat guy
Here’s an idea, people with value don’t have to tell other people their value and if you’re not helping the community then you’re tearing it down.

Anyone insulting me or other new members is riding the true old heads dick and gate keeping trying to get a little respect they didn’t earn. Bring out your Alts buns, we know you’re an old head shill.
Here’s an idea, people with value don’t have to tell other people their value and if you’re not helping the community then you’re tearing it down.

Anyone insulting me or other new members is riding the true old heads dick and gate keeping trying to get a little respect they didn’t earn. Bring out your Alts buns, we know you’re an old head shill.
I guess this brings you up to 25 out of 27 posts in this thread. And you're talking about alts and shills. Hilarious.
I guess this brings you up to 25 out of 27 posts in this thread. And you're talking about alts and shills. Hilarious.
That’s all a lot of people do when they complain about new members, see how annoying that default reply is?

I respect people worth respecting who keep awareness at the front and help build the community.

Pointing out the rocky start axle had makes sense, as well as continued efforts to resolve a rocky takeoff.

That’s good information to help make informed decisions.

I gave QSC their flowers, one of the kings of this industry.

Yet newbs like me with fat bodies and bitch tits report out interactions with axle and all of a sudden we’re alts and shitty vendor white knights ?

Doesn’t seem as productive as educating. I haven’t had issues to date, doesn’t mean you won’t.
That’s all a lot of people do when they complain about new members, see how annoying that default reply is?

I respect people worth respecting who keep awareness at the front and help build the community.

Pointing out the rocky start axle had makes sense, as well as continued efforts to resolve a rocky takeoff.

That’s good information to help make informed decisions.

I gave QSC their flowers, one of the kings of this industry.

Yet newbs like me with fat bodies and bitch tits report out interactions with axle and all of a sudden we’re alts and shitty vendor white knights ?

Doesn’t seem as productive as educating. I haven’t had issues to date, doesn’t mean you won’t.
Lol this source didn’t have a “rocky start” or a “rocky takeoff”. He’s had a systemic pattern of being unable to produce the specified drug in the specified amount without cross-contamination, a systemic pattern of creating alt-accounts (that look suspiciously like yours) to pimp his goods and give glowing reviews to himself and shield himself from criticism, and a systemic pattern of making excuses for and flat out lying about the above.

To summarize this source, in his now multiple brand incarnations that have done the above behaviors, as anything else is simply disingenuous to the point of blatant dishonesty.
Lol this source didn’t have a “rocky start” or a “rocky takeoff”. He’s had a systemic pattern of being unable to produce the specified drug in the specified amount without cross-contamination, a systemic pattern of creating alt-accounts (that look suspiciously like yours) to pimp his goods and give glowing reviews to himself and shield himself from criticism, and a systemic pattern of making excuses for and flat out lying about the above.

To summarize this source, in his now multiple brand incarnations that have done the above behaviors, as anything else is simply disingenuous to the point of blatant dishonesty.
Seems like a bit of a reach but I’ll give kudos to anyone capable of such diabolical scheming however I’ve given kudos to qsc.

I doubt a vendor would shout out their plug if they’re the plug.

I believe anyone with a brain can see communication differences.

I’m not disputing behavior that can be perceived as disingenuous or dishonest but I personally don’t see that.

Perhaps I’m naive, perhaps not, as of the moment I’m content purchasing from axle as I’m attaining results I’m after and content with the quality despite other claims.

Truth be told I would have ordered QSC if they had better communication.
Seems like a bit of a reach but I’ll give kudos to anyone capable of such diabolical scheming however I’ve given kudos to qsc.

I doubt a vendor would shout out their plug if they’re the plug.

Exactly why a vendor would do it! To manufacture some plausible deniability...

Think twice about stopping and restarting. There's an effect called "GLP Naïveté" in which you become less sensitive to weight loss effects from this class of drugs with each cycle. It can become completely ineffective for weight loss, even years later it doesn't "reset". Better to stay on a low maintainance dose than to stop completely.
I have not found any data or papers on glp naivete, couple you please post or send me some info on this.
More testing results!

(Guaiacol testing included per compound)

Primo-E (200mg/mL) -> 227.76mg/mL
Tren-E (400mg/mL) -> 424.25mg/mL
Tren-E (200mg/mL) -> 217.41mg/mL
Test-P (100mg/mL) -> 114.11mg/mL

Tirzepatide (15mg) -> 15.66mg, 99.686%
Cagrilintide (10mg) -> 10.64mg, 99.236%
Mazdutide (10mg) -> 10.80mg, 99.244%

View attachment 285010View attachment 285011View attachment 285012View attachment 285013View attachment 285014View attachment 285015View attachment 285016

More Testing Results!

MENT (100mg/mL) -> 101.81 mg/mL
Test-P (200mg/mL) -> 210.86 mg/mL
Halo (10mg) -> 13.77mg

Reply like your reply before this and that’s helpful and meaningful, gtfo with your stupid comments.

Helping build something doesn’t mean you don’t say stupid shit, it just means you’ve been around a while. Reply enough and you’ll show your ass like you are. I want to respect you because of your reply prior to this then you go and reply something stupid. You don’t get respect for being old either. Don’t be stupid

Furthermore with a little reading comprehension, you would understand an old head who simply complains about a new account and has nothing else to say, that is toxic. Not every old head.

Look at your comment before this, that shit was insightful. Then this, plummet like Dwayne Johnson.
I could not care less about your opinion of me.

Let me quote part of your original post because you seem to have short-term memory loss:

Same story with all the old heads in here, you have nothing else to say other than omg let me snap
My wrists and complain about newbies.

It’s rather toxic.

That is exactly what you posted. Back peddle all you want but I commented what you wrote which is trashing ALL the "Old heads". I get it dude, I was young and full of myself at one time as well. Now I'm slightly less retarded. One thing I have learned is when you're new somewhere it's best to shut up and listen. I'm actually pretty decent at that. Hopefully you'll learn that eventually. I have no hate for you, I hope you reach your goals and whatever journey you're on is successful. My previous reply to you still stands though.

I could not care less about your opinion of me.

Let me quote part of your original post because you seem to have short-term memory loss:

That is exactly what you posted. Back peddle all you want but I commented what you wrote which is trashing ALL the "Old heads". I get it dude, I was young and full of myself at one time as well. Now I'm slightly less retarded. One thing I have learned is when you're new somewhere it's best to shut up and listen. I'm actually pretty decent at that. Hopefully you'll learn that eventually. I have no hate for you, I hope you reach your goals and whatever journey you're on is successful. My previous reply to you still stands though.
I hope you prove you’re part of the solution and my replies also stand. I’m 38, I hardly call that young.

I’ll let you have that one because I worded it poorly.