MESO-Rx Sponsor Axle Labs - US Domestic

Here’s an idea, people with value don’t have to tell other people their value and if you’re not helping the community then you’re tearing it down.

Anyone insulting me or other new members is riding the true old heads dick and gate keeping trying to get a little respect they didn’t earn. Bring out your Alts buns, we know you’re an old head shill.
Is this guy @chrispowders or his long lost relative @Axle Labs ?
Is this guy @chrispowders or his nephew?
No clue who that is.

I started lurking / posting around December/ January after watching videos by Trenemy.

I had goals of resolving health complications without doctors treating symptoms and have been successful to date.

I’ve used 2 excellent sources I have been given outside of here though I think pct 24x7 is in here also. I would have to check. I like that vendor also
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I hope you prove you’re part of the solution and my replies also stand. I’m 38, I hardly call that young.

I’ll let you have that one because I worded it poorly.
You’re young to this world. Your physique and knowledge-base demonstrate that, and I don’t mean that as a slight. Were I you, I would read more and argue less, especially with those more versed in this than you.

You may know a lot more than the membership here about coding, dog training, building toasters, or whatever; but you assuredly do not know a fraction of what the more senior membership here knows of anabolics, which is what we are here to discuss.
Ryan Russo has a pretty good video that I think kind of addresses what I think is going on now. A new UGL comes out, puts out overdosed gear, and everyone jumps in and word spreads. The UGL can’t scale, the product declines, and to cut corners, the gear starts being under-dosed. This seems like a new chapter: where a UGL gets called out, starts overdosing again, and everyone defends them that their great (as long as the janoshik tests are high) and then the cycle repeats.
You’re young to this world. Your physique and knowledge-base demonstrate that, and I don’t mean that as a slight. Were I you, I would read more and argue less, especially with those more versed in this than you.

You may know a lot more than the membership here about coding, dog training, building toasters, or whatever; but you assuredly do not know a fraction of what the more senior membership here knows of anabolics, which is what we are here to discuss.
If you re read buns comment he said .(( I get it dude, I was young and full of myself at one time as well. Now I'm slightly less retarded.)) This comment does not address my knowledge in the UGL industry, it addresses my personal age.

As I re-read your comment I can assume you’re going off of this comment or not but my reply about age was in regards to this.

I have some working knowledge of anabolics but sure it’s safe to say I don’t know what someone does that has dedicated their life to it or even studied it.

Instead of insulting people which I’ve seen a lot of experienced people do, take the time to educate and quit the down talk, it doesn’t make you special.
Ryan Russo has a pretty good video that I think kind of addresses what I think is going on now. A new UGL comes out, puts out overdosed gear, and everyone jumps in and word spreads. The UGL can’t scale, the product declines, and to cut corners, the gear starts being under-dosed. This seems like a new chapter: where a UGL gets called out, starts overdosing again, and everyone defends them that their great (as long as the janoshik tests are high) and then the cycle repeats.
I’ll try to find the video and watch it but if you can find it and post a link or guide in the direction that would be amazing. So far everyone has held axle’s feet to the fire and he follows up with resolution and what seems like integrity to me.

What is the life span that Ryan Russo suggests on the supplier because axle has been around half a year now. I would suspect most would buckle under the pressure everyone puts on axle.

To others about stuff I didn’t say in previous messages, it’s easier to respect when education and health is the goal. I suspect that is almost everyone’s goal but calling all newer accounts an alt of axle isn’t going to create a healthy community. Everyone isn’t an axle alt.
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I’ll try to find the video and watch it but if you can find it and post a link or guide in the direction that would be amazing. So far everyone has held axle’s feet to the fire and he follows up with resolution and what seems like integrity to me.

What is the life span that Ryan Russo suggests on the supplier because axle has been around half a year now. I would suspect most would buckle under the pressure everyone puts on axle.

To others about stuff I didn’t say in previous messages, it’s easier to respect when education and health is the goal. I suspect that is almost everyone’s goal but calling all newer accounts an alt of axle isn’t going to create a healthy community. Everyone isn’t an axle alt.


Ironically, he says most UGLs will close shop, rebrand, and then reopen under a new name.
I sent in two blind samples and will post whenever results come in. The test e 20ml 250mg and the 10mg anavar. I also just got bloodwork done exactly 6 weeks in and blood drawn 24 hours after pin on 250/week cruise on his test e.
Btw I just noticed there isn’t really US domestic lab testing blinds only jano and eu. There a reason for this maybe? money to be made whoever decides jumps on that US side
Thanks for
I sent in two blind samples and will post whenever results come in. The test e 20ml 250mg and the 10mg anavar. I also just got bloodwork done exactly 6 weeks in and blood drawn 24 hours after pin on 250/week cruise on his test e.
Thanks for doing this. You’ll be credited for both the jano testing and also bloodwork.