MESO-Rx Sponsor Axle Labs - US Domestic

Great improvement. But you should look at Goodlyfes pastebin for a few recommendations, such as adding shipping cost, format for òrdering and providing shipping information, and adding new testing batch results right after each product.

Bookmark this, fellas. Pastebins are great for up to date pricelists.

This one could use some help with tabs/spacing but worlds better than their original website. Thanks @Axle Labs
Thanks for the feedback. I’ll get this sorted over the next day to make sure the pastebin looks better.

We can have the website more friendly also if you have feedback for improvements on it.
Tried Axle out for the first time and ordered through their site. Gotta say thanks to these guys because T/A from order to arrival was less than 48 hrs - no exaggeration. Plus, I got in on their sale and got an extra goodie as well... Much appreciated!
Tried Axle out for the first time and ordered through their site. Gotta say thanks to these guys because T/A from order to arrival was less than 48 hrs - no exaggeration. Plus, I got in on their sale and got an extra goodie as well... Much appreciated!
Glad to hear! Enjoy the gear :) Merry Christmas.
Made the pastebin a bit more readable for you guys. I will work on adding all the latest testing directly into the pastebin also (right now it just links to the testing page on our website).

I'll work on getting the website more user-friendly also over the coming days.

Thank you for the feedback and keep it coming!
