MESO-Rx Sponsor Axle Labs - US Domestic

You got good testing and answered lab pic requests. The older members here gonna be complaining about the high school drama though so you’re gonna have a tough time till it blows over. Some titty pics would help though.
Counterpoint: he made up a series of dummy accounts to praise his own products and discredit other labs. How about you sit your ass down—preferably not directly on this source’s cock where you’re currently residing—and let the grownups handle the vetting process?
Counterpoint: he made up a series of dummy accounts to praise his own products and discredit other labs. How about you sit your ass down—preferably not directly on this source’s cock where you’re currently residing—and let the grownups handle the vetting process?
How about I say what I want since it’s a forum, mr grownup with your fancy orange name.
You have three posts, including this one. In your intro post, one of the other three, you repeatedly mention how good a specific source on SST was. Even going into specifics about how he got ran off. You then opine that you hope your behavior here won’t look like shilling for said source.

It’s unusual.
Well that’s because I read the rules. I’m a new member here (and everywhere else I’ve joined in the last 2 months) because I just took my first step outside the world of TRT. I was honest in my post, I have never made a UGL purchase before I tried Axles gear, so I don’t have much to compare it to but I was definitely pleased with the way it went. I only showed up on Meso because I saw my “only source” was moving here from that other forum. That is what initially motivated me to join here, but it’s not the only reason—and I genuinely hope to learn from the veterans here and be respectful of the group conscience. All the drama and BS aside, I had a good experience and thought that was worth sharing. I am definitely starting to learn how this all works though and in light of that I’m just gonna shut up for a while lol, my intention is not to “shill” or feed the drama—i just wanted to share my honest experience if it would be of help to anyone.
Well that’s because I read the rules. I’m a new member here (and everywhere else I’ve joined in the last 2 months) because I just took my first step outside the world of TRT. I was honest in my post, I have never made a UGL purchase before I tried Axles gear, so I don’t have much to compare it to but I was definitely pleased with the way it went. I only showed up on Meso because I saw my “only source” was moving here from that other forum. That is what initially motivated me to join here, but it’s not the only reason—and I genuinely hope to learn from the veterans here and be respectful of the group conscience. All the drama and BS aside, I had a good experience and thought that was worth sharing. I am definitely starting to learn how this all works though and in light of that I’m just gonna shut up for a while lol, my intention is not to “shill” or feed the drama—i just wanted to share my honest experience if it would be of help to anyone.
Correction, now FOUR of your five posts are riding this source’s cock.

Not suspicious at all lol
He does has a ton of testing which most sources don’t do. That being said, the sources I use also have tons of testing but not all this drama. It’s pass for me.
Correction, now FOUR of your five posts are riding this source’s cock.

Not suspicious at all lol
lol time will tell I guess but I’m not affiliated in any way other than being a customer twice in the last month (I’ll send you/mods my order confirmation emails if I’m on trial here). I’ve since ordered from two other sources I’d be happy to discuss those as well (steroidify and domestic-supply). I planned to make a post this week about sending gear to Janoshik for testing and if there’s any best practices I should be aware of to make sure I don’t have issues with transit/customs—where would you recommend I post that? Want me to tag you once my post ratio is more favorable to you? lol. I get that it could look suspicious considering the circumstances surrounding the drama and Axles arrival on the scene here, but try and make some room for someone sharing their objective experience cuz that’s all I’m doing here. I’m happy to share what I find after sending to Janoshik as well.
There is only a certain other source that is trying to sidestep their unsanitary brewing by saying we sabotaged them, without any proof. When brought up, they will post screenshots which have no relation to this accusation. No one will actually go through the screenshots though so it doesn't matter. That is what started all this. Live and move on.
Can't imagine why somebody would order Axle over any of the other great sources without drama but hey, Hutech still has customers so there's no telling what stupidity will lead to.
Primo-E + Test-E blend (100mg Primo-E + 150mg Test-E /mL) will be added Monday. We should have testing results for it soon after (along with several other compounds for this round of testing).

Also Primo-E (100mg and 200mg versions) will both be back in stock Monday.
Perhaps he is an Axle customer already and only ever been on SST but recently jumped over after AL ban? Shit, I really hope I’m not just so naive.
This is correct. I was on SST, joined in September looking for my first source to buy from. I placed one order and it went well, so I made another order which also went well. Having never ordered elsewhere, I came to Meso when the ban happened to not lose contact with the only source I’d used up to that time. However, I’ve since made 2 more orders from two other sources as well as I’ve continued to search the forums.
Primo-E is back in stock!

Primo+Test-E blend is added also. It is called PrimoTest (100mg Primo-E, 150mg Test-E per mL). Available for $60.

Further testing on the way.
Just an update on my smaller order. Went out the day after payment and received within just a few business days. Vials triple sealed and all items secured with covered wrap.
Colonial labs...
You think? Their website and product lineup sure look similar, but past that I don’t know. Plus I’d imagine they use a pretty standard webpage format.

I actually used to love me some Colonial Labs. If they were related, I don’t know that I’d mind that. But I have to assume they can’t be terribly related given the unfortunate demise of Colonial.
Just an update on my smaller order. Went out the day after payment and received within just a few business days. Vials triple sealed and all items secured with covered wrap.
Thanks for the review. Enjoy the gear, and let us know how you like it.

We will cover all testing costs + give store credit for testing, so feel free to do that as well.
You think? Their website and product lineup sure look similar, but past that I don’t know. Plus I’d imagine they use a pretty standard webpage format.

I actually used to love me some Colonial Labs. If they were related, I don’t know that I’d mind that. But I have to assume they can’t be terribly related given the unfortunate demise of Colonial.
You’d be surprised at the amount of labs who collapse and come back under a different name. Eroids is pretty much a round robin of the same sources coming back once they exit scam. There’s even some on Meso ;)
You’d be surprised at the amount of labs who collapse and come back under a different name. Eroids is pretty much a round robin of the same sources coming back once they exit scam. There’s even some on Meso ;)
Exactly lol-almost every source on SST where this guy is from the same couple of labs if not all the same one lmao