MESO-Rx Sponsor Axle Labs - US Domestic

why people aren't taking serious.

Huh, didn't know that was the case. Plenty of people taking me serious based on relevant data I've collected.
Your not here to learn

Disagree. Learn?

Your not doing anything for harm reduction with your post

Disagree. I've provided a huge amount of information to help educate the consumer.

Why don't you purchase the necessary test and send it to Janoshik if your that concern with it.

I see from this comment you haven't been following along. I get it, it's complex material.

Even @janoshik doesn't have the appropriate equipment to properly screen UGL gear for residual solvents. I'm hopeful that will change with enough interest.

I'll give kudos to @Axle Labs for apparently sending in a raw sample for ICP analysis. Great start.

If @Chromate is wise he will leverage this opportunity. The business case isn't hard to construct.

My hypothesis: any source who goes to the effort of embracing steps 1 through 4 above will have distinct competitive advantage in this space with discriminating consumers.

"Metals testing" haha (see bold below)

1. HPLC quantitative
2. Structural Impurities (GCMS)
3. Residual Solvents (GCMS)
4. Metals (ICP MS/OES, etc)
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I'm one of the few that's curious about metal testing. Seems like it should be common sense when it comes down to ugl brews? I'm on TRT for life, I'd like to know if my source can be used for years safely if I stock up.
I’m interested as well as willing to pay a little more for the products that have additional testing. I’m a life long test user (TRT and blasts), maybe it would be different if it was just a few cycles? Who knows.
I’m interested as well as willing to pay a little more for the products that have additional testing. I’m a life long test user (TRT and blasts), maybe it would be different if it was just a few cycles? Who knows.
well if his tests dont actually match the products hes selling does it matter?
Don't waste your time. When this guy isn't riding his favorite source dick he's bragging about being 6'1" 220 and 20% bf, like that is somehow impressive for being on gear for many years. Then insulting people and calling names.
lol never once said that or bragged about anything . Keep donwngrding others physique like you did then got called out to post a pic and didn’t. Clown !!!!
You don't like links or reading?

Make your petition directly to MGMT (Millard) instead of your currently ineffective down votes. I'm still here. Make your case that my annoying harm reduction message is deserving of a ban. Interesting how many of your like-minded peer group immediately call to ban someone when they don't agree with their message. Mentally weak.

You think bringing up my ban at TNation and ExcelMale is an effective approach?

Nah. Actually quite proud of it. I don't put commercial interests ahead of what's right, no different when it comes to harm reduction with AAS use.

Also, for the nth time...not just metals testing but instead comprehensive impurities testing. If you were amenable to reading you may be able to understand the difference.

And of course you are wrong again with your nobody cares routine. Clearly some do care.

Do better.
Just like the annoying drunk who gets banned from multiple bars. Feel good about yourself.
Let's not derail the thread anymore with arguing. Try to keep it to experiences with the source only.

Take the arguments to DMs
well if his tests dont actually match the products hes selling does it matter?
To his credit he stated he is going to start testing raws. I am hoping @Axle Labs will leverage all the info on best practices available. Would be a great proof point for the next generation of Meso-Rx harm reduction offerings.
To his credit he stated he is going to start testing raws. I am hoping @Axle Labs will leverage all the info on best practices available. Would be a great proof point for the next generation of Meso-Rx harm reduction offerings.
it doesnt matter if he tests raws. if he provides tests for a finished product that isnt the product hes selling, testing his raws means fuckall
it doesnt matter if he tests raws. if he provides tests for a finished product that isnt the product hes selling, testing his raws means fuckall
Testing raws that go into finished product is first step in comprehensive quality program. Testing raws and testing finished batches are both necessary and serve distinct purposes.
Testing raws that go into finished product is first step in comprehensive quality program. Testing raws and testing finished batches are both necessary and serve distinct purposes.
yes. but if the source gives tests that dont match his products to begin with they mean fuckall
yes. but if the source gives tests that dont match his products to begin with they mean fuckall
People gotta stop putting so much faith into their drug dealers. Same shit happened with that other source selling Sten. His lab test showed it as Sten, a member here sent it in and it was completely different.

You guys need to test everything you put into your body.
You guys need to test everything you put into your body.

This has been going on for months and no one thinks the additional testing is worth it (any of their own money, that is), or else we'd have plenty results by now.

It's not like there's a big problem that needs to be solved.
This has been going on for months and no one thinks the additional testing is worth it (any of their own money, that is), or else we'd have plenty results by now.

It's not like there's a big problem that needs to be solved.
Even worse what if it comes back with impurities? You think the source is gunna dump the raws? Nearly all of these guys are getting them from the same place. No one will really know until a customers sends it in for testing.

A sample is already $120 plus shipping and guys have a hard enough time affording that. You think they’ll spend extra money on something they been injecting for years now and suddenly stop? Highly unlikely but whatever makes you happy.

