MESO-Rx Sponsor Axle Labs - US Domestic

Even worse what if it comes back with impurities?

We've been using this shit for decades. There are probably loads of harmless impurities, if you look hard enough.

If someone wants this degree of testing on their gear, fine. Lobbying for everyone else to pay for it is a different story.
We've been using this shit for decades. There are probably loads of harmless impurities, if you look hard enough.

If someone wants this degree of testing on their gear, fine. Lobbying for everyone else to pay for it is a different story.
Honestly I think readalot should just order some gear, then he can send it in for testing and run any and every test he could possibly want on the gear, rather than badgering the sources repeatedly.

I would have thought he would have already done this already, since he's so gung-ho about it, but I can't figure out why he hasn't, especially since axel would compensate him with credits for the testing

Maybe he has a conflict of interest doing it, either from fear or "other" reasons that prevent him from:

Ordering UGL AAS
Mailing it off for testing
Honestly I think readalot should just order some gear, then he can send it in for testing and run any and every test he could possibly want on the gear, rather than badgering the sources repeatedly.

I would have thought he would have already done this already, since he's so gung-ho about it, but I can't figure out why he hasn't, especially since axel would compensate him with credits for the testing

Maybe he has a conflict of interest doing it, either from fear or "other" reasons that prevent him from:

Ordering UGL AAS
Mailing it off for testing
Great point, why don't you do this impurities testing yourself instead of spamming it on every source's thread? @readalot

you seem to be the only one that cares about it.
but I can't figure out why he hasn't,

You are an intelligent chap. I'm sure you could figure it out if you really wanted to.

All good points; the 1990 ASA did nothing to assist harm reduction. It hampers people like me who desire to improve the quality in this space.

How's the reading on suspensions vs solutions going? Can I be of any further assistance? Take care.
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Just taking measures to ensure volume doesn't get too high, for everyone's safety.
What does this mean? You have to control sales volume via a order minimum in order to ensure product quality and customer safety?

How about just selling only the product you can make accurately with high quality raw ingredients that have been properly tested. You have control over what orders you accept, no?

Perhaps you meant something different, but what you wrote above sounds really bad.
What does this mean? You have to control sales volume via a order minimum in order to ensure product quality and customer safety?

How about just selling only the product you can make accurately with high quality raw ingredients that have been properly tested. You have control over what orders you accept, no?

Perhaps you meant something different, but what you wrote above sounds really bad.
I think he's referring to the amount of parcels he's dropping at one time. Typically vendors do this at night and try to be fast about it. Also I believe he's referring to keeping a fast TA too
I think he's referring to the amount of parcels he's dropping at one time. Typically vendors do this at night and try to be fast about it. Also I believe he's referring to keeping a fast TA too
Thanks for the info. In that case he may be referring to operations security not risk from product formulation. I appreciate it!

Lol. Just taking measures to ensure volume doesn't get too high, for everyone's safety security
What does this mean? You have to control sales volume via a order minimum in order to ensure product quality and customer safety?

How about just selling only the product you can make accurately with high quality raw ingredients that have been properly tested. You have control over what orders you accept, no?

Perhaps you meant something different, but what you wrote above sounds really bad.
I think you misunderstood. It has nothing to do with product quality.

This business we deal in requires us to ship illegal items through the postal service. If volume gets too hot, just statistically the odds of an intercepted pack goes up.
Placed a smallish first order of just Test E as I’m getting things in order for my next blast. Currently cruising on 300mg so I will get bloods in 3-4 weeks and if all looks well will place my follow up order to get everything I need. So far ordering process was very smooth
What does this mean? You have to control sales volume via a order minimum in order to ensure product quality and customer safety?

How about just selling only the product you can make accurately with high quality raw ingredients that have been properly tested. You have control over what orders you accept, no?

Perhaps you meant something different, but what you wrote above sounds really bad.
What does this mean? You have to control sales volume via a order minimum in order to ensure product quality and customer safety?

How about just selling only the product you can make accurately with high quality raw ingredients that have been properly tested. You have control over what orders you accept, no?

Perhaps you meant something different, but what you wrote above sounds really bad.
It means if people order more per pack instead of nickel and diming results in less packs shipped which reduces probability of seized,stolen,lost packs ect. I don't like it either. But makes perfect sense in this type of Business
@Axle Labs ...... Only on TRT with Axles Test E. Good #'s for TRT dosage. I'm working on bringing my cholesterol back to normal with cardio and repatha and high fish diet. Was previously using his Primo Test 250 (2x week). Time to donate as well. View attachment 279325

Reducing your testosterone from 1409 down to more like 600-800 will probably help you recover your cholesterol values a lot faster. Just my two cents.

You are an intelligent chap. I'm sure you could figure it out if you really wanted to.

All good points; the 1990 ASA did nothing to assist harm reduction. It hampers people like me who desire to improve the quality in this space.

How's the reading on suspensions vs solutions going? Can I be of any further assistance? Take care.
Have you thought of trying to open a discord group that funds the harm reduction testing? Like the other testing groups that group fund testing cost. You wouldn't have to physically possess anything so no risk there
Have you thought of trying to open a discord group that funds the harm reduction testing? Like the other testing groups that group fund testing cost. You wouldn't have to physically possess anything so no risk there

How about just funding two of these packages directly with vendors? $500 x 2. (I realize quite a few want me to put some money into this).

Still bummed I don't have a viable RS option yet.

Any recommendations on vendor or raw compound to select?

I figured one of the vendors should be Axle if he comes back with the test he promised. That shows some commitment.
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