MESO-Rx Sponsor Axle Labs - US Domestic

The photo is from my labs taken last Tuesday, March 26, 2024. I take Axle Labs testosterone 250 enanthate and Axle Labs Primobolan 200. This is week 3 of my cycle of 200 test and 100 primo, taken every other day. I feel great, no sides. Axle Labs has amazing customer service. I have been with BodylogicMD for three years and Axle Labs professionalism and service, blows them away. Axle Labs sent me a “how to email” unsolicited on my first order, when I was having problems with the crypto. In fact, I just made the decision to quit my TRT clinic, and I am using Axle Labs exclusively from now on. My only problem is, I don’t like change. So, I need Axle Labs to stay in business for the next 20-30 years, so I don’t have to experiment with anyone else. I’m so concerned with this that I keep ordering every few weeks, stockpiling, for a rainy day. All of my orders have been delivered within 2 days, packaging is awesome. Vacuum sealed, bubble wrapped and inconspicuous. I appreciate their OPSEC and attention to detail, and I’ve never had any issues. I’m a new member but I promise I’m not shilling for them, or nut hugging (maybe a little), but they’re definitely doing right by me, so far.View attachment 280397
So you are taking exactly how much mg per week total??
I thought it was 600 test : 300 primo but I am definitely lower the dosage and frequency of injection after getting these results just now.
Yo axle I got one of ur primo from a deal u had a couple weeks ago with free half filled vails with the next couple orders, I couldn’t find the jano for Primo E 100 MCT batch - C48, if you don’t mind could you post it
The photo is from my labs taken last Tuesday, March 26, 2024. I take Axle Labs testosterone 250 enanthate and Axle Labs Primobolan 200. This is week 3 of my cycle of 200 test and 100 primo, taken every other day. I feel great, no sides. Axle Labs has amazing customer service. I have been with BodylogicMD for three years and Axle Labs professionalism and service, blows them away. Axle Labs sent me a “how to email” unsolicited on my first order, when I was having problems with the crypto. In fact, I just made the decision to quit my TRT clinic, and I am using Axle Labs exclusively from now on. My only problem is, I don’t like change. So, I need Axle Labs to stay in business for the next 20-30 years, so I don’t have to experiment with anyone else. I’m so concerned with this that I keep ordering every few weeks, stockpiling, for a rainy day. All of my orders have been delivered within 2 days, packaging is awesome. Vacuum sealed, bubble wrapped and inconspicuous. I appreciate their OPSEC and attention to detail, and I’ve never had any issues. I’m a new member but I promise I’m not shilling for them, or nut hugging (maybe a little), but they’re definitely doing right by me, so far.View attachment 280397
Those are some high test levels! Shoot us an email for bloodwork credit. Glad you're liking the product!
TD, great TA @Axle Labs !!! I will post a review after I get going on a cycle and get some blood work done. Sounds like everyone is enjoying so if anyone is on the fence I personally wouldn't hesitate trying anything Axle has to offer.
Just ordered Test E 500mg and Anavar 20mg I will keep you guys posted on timing and how well they work.
TD, great TA @Axle Labs !!! I will post a review after I get going on a cycle and get some blood work done. Sounds like everyone is enjoying so if anyone is on the fence I personally wouldn't hesitate trying anything Axle has to offer.
You're giving your endorsement to try anything they sell based on time of arrival and because it "sounds like everyone is enjoying." Wtf is wrong with you? You're endorsement isn't worth shit.
Just shared my lab results — five weeks of Axle's Test E at 225mg/week:

Hey guys, I’m asking for a friend he recently just bought some BPC – 157 and it’s 5mg 2 mL vial what is the amount of BAC water that needs to mix with it for just a normal dose or daily dose
Just shared my lab results — five weeks of Axle's Test E at 225mg/week:

Thank you for sharing. Gave you bloodwork credit via email!