MESO-Rx Sponsor Axle Labs - US Domestic

I love how I get two thumbs down from a well known member for harm reduction questions. That’s awesome lol
Bc u asked basic questions that could be easily answered by urself with a little reading in which u may learn even more. Instead of being spoon fed.
Bc u asked basic questions that could be easily answered by urself with a little reading in which u may learn even more. Instead of being spoon fed.

Sorry I’m late guys

Ice Cream Spoon GIF
Getting back into the flow of things after hitting remission from cancer. Gave axle labs a shot based off recommendations from friends. I'm only running TRT, nothing past that. Test cyp 300, Aromasin, and HCG.

Paid around 11PM Monday night, package in hand Thursday morning.

Everything looks solid. I had my labs ran 3 weeks ago, will be getting followups towards the beginning of June, will absolutely post results. Test test goes in smooth as silk, absolutely 0 pip going sub Q.

Thanks y'all!
Getting back into the flow of things after hitting remission from cancer. Gave axle labs a shot based off recommendations from friends. I'm only running TRT, nothing past that. Test cyp 300, Aromasin, and HCG.

Paid around 11PM Monday night, package in hand Thursday morning.

Everything looks solid. I had my labs ran 3 weeks ago, will be getting followups towards the beginning of June, will absolutely post results. Test test goes in smooth as silk, absolutely 0 pip going sub Q.

Thanks y'all!
300 mg a week isn't trt , but if you want to think that you do you
Glad things are working for you.

The protocols people describe as "TRT, nothing past that..."

Nothing wrong with calling it a little blast, which would be more accurate.

300 mg a week isn't trt , but if you want to think that you do you
Appreciate the advice and all guys, but I'm only stating the product i bought, not what I'm running. The 300mg/ml vials come out a bit cheaper than the other strengths on a dollar/gram basis.

Only doing 150 a week.

I'm a healthcare professional myself, I fully understand what I'm doing, lol.
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Cyp 300 seems to be on(more clear and less thick than I am used to though) mast is the same. Will update if I get to get blood. So far I'm feeling good. Small lump in quad but large injections and can't reach anywhere else to inject(muscled too big)....
Appreciate the advice and all guys, but I'm only stating the product i bought, not what I'm running. The 300mg/ml vials come out a bit cheaper than the other strengths on a dollar/gram basis.

Only doing 150 a week.

I'm a healthcare professional myself, I fully understand what I'm doing, lol.
You have to run ai with that low of a dose? I don't feel like I get any real sides(just testicle gone, slight acne) on anything less than 500. But it can be hard for me to tell.
The consistency of this cyp is very watery incredibly fast injection.
Only doing 150 a week.

You have to run ai with that low of a dose? I don't feel like I get any real sides(just testicle gone, slight acne) on anything less than 500. But it can be hard for me to tell.
The consistency of this cyp is very watery incredibly fast injection.

It's a standard TRT clinic prescription: high dose TRT (borderline cycle) + AI + hCG (probably fake).

They don't bother with blood testing to dial in estrogen so just prescribe an AI. It's explained in the waiver that everyone signs without reading.
New customer. Ordered a couple of vials of oil and a couple of peptide vials on Sunday 3/31. Received package in mailbox in SE US today, Weds 4/3. Haven't tried anything, won't bother testing, but at least the shipping is on point. Based on this thread, I expect the tirz and DHB to be as well.
You have to run ai with that low of a dose? I don't feel like I get any real sides(just testicle gone, slight acne) on anything less than 500. But it can be hard for me to tell.
The consistency of this cyp is very watery incredibly fast injection.
I just keep it on hand. I get labs every 90 days. Would rather have it on hand if something goes off than to need it and not have it. I won't just start taking it though unless my labs show a need or I start getting water retention in my ankles.
You think that’s bad. My TRT clinic prescribed me (usually underdosed) test cypionate, that was compounded with arimidex. I just get an automatic AI. When I switched to twice a injections for stability, it would instantly crash my e2. I followed that terrible protocol for 3 years.
I just keep it on hand. I get labs every 90 days. Would rather have it on hand if something goes off than to need it and not have it. I won't just start taking it though unless my labs show a need or I start getting water retention in my ankles.

Cool. I'm same but only get labs every 6 months or so because I mainly just do "regular" TRT (120, which I guess could still be considered high, but it gets me to ~400 and I feel fine, no sides).

My balls retired a long time ago (total test before TRT <100).
It's a standard TRT clinic prescription: high dose TRT (borderline cycle) + AI + hCG (probably fake).

They don't bother with blood testing to dial in estrogen so just prescribe an AI. It's explained in the waiver that everyone signs without reading.
The reason I asked is that if I take aromasin and don't need it I feel like shit and dick stops working. I know the clinics all throw it in there for liability and to make more prescriptions but if I am on a cruise I don't use it at all. Kinda asking if there was a legitimate reason to do so.

What is fake? The hcg?
Cyp 300 seems to be on(more clear and less thick than I am used to though) mast is the same. Will update if I get to get blood. So far I'm feeling good. Small lump in quad but large injections and can't reach anywhere else to inject(muscled too big)....
Can’t reach your pec ?

Wait … is that you in your pics … (muscled to big) you musta gained 150lbs of muscle recently lol