MESO-Rx Sponsor Axle Labs - US Domestic

Anyone use their black tops? I'm new to gh and have currently been using the black tops but have seen 94% get shit on around meso in general. Is there really a noticeable difference from 94% to 98%. I figured I'd start with 94% and work my way up to see for myself.
Anyone use their black tops? I'm new to gh and have currently been using the black tops but have seen 94% get shit on around meso in general. Is there really a noticeable difference from 94% to 98%. I figured I'd start with 94% and work my way up to see for myself.
I'll only speak to the blue tops... Ran 8 weeks recently. No water retention or side effects. Ran smooth overall. I'm anxious to see the new set of testing coming up. But that's only my experience. Can't speak to black tops. But I assume it would be worth a shot. Just keep reading feedback on here. There's a ton of people who know their shit and resources.
I’ve been pinning 700mg of test c, 350 mast, and 350 primo all of which are axles in mct oil and have very minor to no pip. I don’t warm anything and pin into the quads and ventro gluteal muscles. I pin EOD.
I'll only speak to the blue tops... Ran 8 weeks recently. No water retention or side effects. Ran smooth overall. I'm anxious to see the new set of testing coming up. But that's only my experience. Can't speak to black tops. But I assume it would be worth a shot. Just keep reading feedback on here. There's a ton of people who know their shit and resources.
What are you reconstituting your GH with. 1ml of water?
Ordered a few days ago and came in 4 days later 2 caps of anavar were broke but not a super big deal. Just did my first injection of test e 500mg/ml today. No PIP at all so far happy with the test I will provide bloods in 2 weeks.
I wanted to ask this as well but I’m not a customer. Was it hacked or did he forget the password. How long does customer info stay in the email. Situations like this make me anxious and keep me from branching out to new sources
Proton emails seem to be getting ban a lot lately. I don’t know if it’s traffic or what but i know multiple people having the same problem.