MESO-Rx Sponsor Axle Labs - US Domestic

If the email got flagged that could be a bit concerning. Hopefully the data isn't stored too long after order completion...
I thought proton was suppose to be encrypted. If it’s a ban wouldn’t that mean everything is gone no harm no foul. Or is it more to it.
I thought proton was suppose to be encrypted. If it’s a ban wouldn’t that mean everything is gone no harm no foul. Or is it more to it.
Idk what their policies are. I guess it would depend on what happened with the account.

From what I just read it seems they lock the account, then have you reach out to their company to unlock it (which I definitely wouldn't reccomend doing).
Another order received . Quick and speedy delivery . adding the get huge blend to my stack (test/npp) so looking forward to the results .

Also ordered black top and blue top HGH. Will run the blue top first then black after will keep you guys updated . Last blood results (posted here a week ago) were very good and a stark difference from my off cycle bloods .

Second time running hgh but first time from a reliable source so I’m pretty excited . Also threw a lil provision in there
Haven't had any requests for this so haven't thought about brewing this. If the demand is there, we could try a batch.

Shoot us an email if you paid but the timer ran out.
I haven't seen injectable T-Bol before. Is it brewed aqueous or in oil with an ester?
I'll only speak to the blue tops... Ran 8 weeks recently. No water retention or side effects. Ran smooth overall. I'm anxious to see the new set of testing coming up. But that's only my experience. Can't speak to black tops. But I assume it would be worth a shot. Just keep reading feedback on here. There's a ton of people who know their shit and resources.
What dosage were you running?
i had taken out the other items he usually packs with besides the box ofocurse
I guess dude was talking about how the remaining contents in the photo was packed..... In future reference for a TD photo I would unpack everything and take just a picture of your product... not how it came packed and not a picture of the box it came in. That's probky why he flagged it. No??
What happened with the original one?
Subbed for this answer too
I wanted to ask this as well but I’m not a customer. Was it hacked or did he forget the password. How long does customer info stay in the email. Situations like this make me anxious and keep me from branching out to new sources
If the email got flagged that could be a bit concerning. Hopefully the data isn't stored too long after order completion...
Some competitor / person trying to get money out of us likely managed to get it suspended. Has happened before. We've had our website attacked by competitors as well as people trying to get money as well. Nothing to worry about.
I guess dude was talking about how the remaining contents in the photo was packed..... In future reference for a TD photo I would unpack everything and take just a picture of your product... not how it came packed and not a picture of the box it came in. That's probky why he flagged it. No??
I mean everyone uses usps. It’s no secret. Axle has other things inside the pack to ensure it’s safe. That I did Not picture. All good I had it taken down. No worries
I mean everyone uses usps. It’s no secret. Axle has other things inside the pack to ensure it’s safe. That I did Not picture. All good I had it taken down. No worries
man you'll have to talk to the person that flagged you.. I mean I don't if you take 10 pictures upside down standing on your head...with an axle logo hanging outta you rear-end while your grinning from ear to ear with a weird sense of enjoyment.... I say go for it ... I was just tring to explain to you why he said something. .