MESO-Rx Sponsor Axle Labs - US Domestic

A special thanks to Axle for making an exception for me on the minimum. I generally don't ask vendors that, but money is very tight right now after a large unexpected home repair. And I know Axle has good clean gear from my multiple transactions with him.

I'm running his winstrol right now on my cut, and man my midsection is looking tighter by the day.

How do you like winstrol I’m on a cut right now and cruising on 200mg Test E and 20mg Anavar PWO and have some winstrol and was thinking about using it
What came of the contaminated/under dosed npp? Any other tests done or follow up?
Raws came back fine, and the re-brewed NPP also tested well. We’re waiting on someone with the older batch to send it in as well. Besides that there is not much else we can do. We refunded/replaced anyone with the old batch who asked. IMG_4966.pngIMG_4967.png
How do you like winstrol I’m on a cut right now and cruising on 200mg Test E and 20mg Anavar PWO and have some winstrol and was thinking about using it
I really like the hardness. I like it more than anavar, the strength is staying even on a big cut. I'm probably gonna buy more when I run out next month
How do you like winstrol I’m on a cut right now and cruising on 200mg Test E and 20mg Anavar PWO and have some winstrol and was thinking about using it
I ran there winstrol last blast that stuff is the real deal I did 100mg Ed pumps were insane and strength went up 20 pounds first week

