Balkan Pharmaceuticals/Sp Laboratory EU Domestic.

Let's be very clear upfront here: this topic is clearly within the domain of opinion rather than fact.
You are considered too much of an authority to misspeak so gravely on a topic.
I would contend that it's difficult to misspeak about opinion. You just happen to disagree.
It has been consistent and common practice for european pharma companies to aim well below label claim in order to minimize any chance of being above, as that is considered to have the potential for more significant unwanted side effects than the former.
This is a nonfalsiable statement.

Unless you have verifiable leaked documents from Bayer or other pharmaceutical company executives that prove a conspiracy to defraud consumers and regulatory agents, I will go so far as to say that your opinion is on par with theories about the JFK assassination, second shooters, and the grassy knoll.

I can readily provide links to law enforcement agencies announcing arrests and seizures of counterfeit pharma AAS:

Where are your leaked pharmaceutical company documents? Emails will suffice along with dumps that can be used to associate them with other internal secret materials, for verification.

Search and you'll find a stack of results across the different testing laboratories and years confirming this; here's three of mine picked up from a german pharmacy (you may ask for any evidence you can think of regarding their authenticity):
View attachment 269052View attachment 269053View attachment 269054
Even if you can, which I doubt, prove that these actually came from a German pharmacy beyond a reasonable doubt, they do not prove a conspiracy to underdose medical products in the EU market.

As sources have been banned from posting in every subforum besides this and labtesting, I'm lucky you posted this here as a lot of misinformation everywhere else remains uncorrected now.
I will be convinced that authentic pharma products are significantly underdosed if you provide video that supports your actually picking these up in a German pharmacy.

As it stands, I cannot possibly prove that each and every pharma product sold in the EU meets pharmacopaeia standards, because I am not God. And you probably cannot prove this conspiracy by pharmaceutical companies to underdose medications sold in the EU, because at the very least, you're not a state-sponsored intelligence agency. If you get a chance to, maybe next time you can livestream your picking up the pharma at the chemist, mailing it in to Jano, and Jano can play ball for our stupid game.

So yeah, our opinions differ, and you don't handle that very well.
You are considered too much of an authority to misspeak so gravely on a topic. It has been consistent and common practice for european pharma companies to aim well below label claim in order to minimize any chance of being above, as that is considered to have the potential for more significant unwanted side effects than the former. Search and you'll find a stack of results across the different testing laboratories and years confirming this; here's three of mine picked up from a german pharmacy (you may ask for any evidence you can think of regarding their authenticity):
View attachment 269052View attachment 269053View attachment 269054

As sources have been banned from posting in every subforum besides this and labtesting, I'm lucky you posted this here as a lot of misinformation everywhere else remains uncorrected now.
I would be remiss to not point out the fact that you have an apparent conflict of interest in purporting that pharma brands, even authentic, are underdosed.

As an AAS vendor, this bolsters your product and likely sales volume, so long as it is consistently dosed accurately and you continue to spread FUD about pharma products.
@Type-IIx is the last dude I'd want to get in to arguing with. He knows his shit, some are high standards, but he speaks the truth regardless. Anyway, I hope the cat will not get fat and continue to be productive.
You are considered too much of an authority to misspeak so gravely on a topic. It has been consistent and common practice for european pharma companies to aim well below label claim in order to minimize any chance of being above, as that is considered to have the potential for more significant unwanted side effects than the former. Search and you'll find a stack of results across the different testing laboratories and years confirming this; here's three of mine picked up from a german pharmacy (you may ask for any evidence you can think of regarding their authenticity):
View attachment 269052View attachment 269053View attachment 269054

As sources have been banned from posting in every subforum besides this and labtesting, I'm lucky you posted this here as a lot of misinformation everywhere else remains uncorrected now.
Here's something that's not opinion: The USP Pharmacopeia standards for injectable testosterone (cypionate, enanthate) demand merely that the solutions contain not less than 90.0% and not more than 110.0% the labeled testosterone dose. That's more variation that I would have thought acceptable, but it means that nothing shared here is substandard.

So, no conspiracy needed, I believe that you picked this up at the local chemist. And I commend you for delivering a product that is better than USP Pharmacopeia demands.

Doesn't it kind of seem shocking that legitimate medications can vary this much in contents?
This can only be the result of "replica" pharma.
As it stands, I cannot possibly prove that each and every pharma product sold in the EU meets pharmacopaeia standards, because I am not God.
that the solutions contain not less than 90.0% and not more than 110.0% the labeled testosterone dose. That's more variation that I would have thought acceptable, but it means that nothing shared here is substandard.
Are you fine with mutually disregarding all your posts referencing pharmacopeia guidelines before you had actually checked them? You perceive(d) a conflict of interest because you are judging the quality of the product by the accuracy of its concentration vs label claim, but those amps are dosed exactly as intended, as some manufacturers are using the deviation allowed for by the(ir) pharmacopeia for what they consider potential product improvements solely for their intended (TRT) patients. They are superior to UGL products in various aspects not visible on the test report and that is what they are primarily valued and purchased for.

Mind that not all pharmaceutical test depot manufacters abide by what I showed off (Bayer doesn't iirc) and there are various pharmacopeias to consider/consult depending on the market the product is made for as well, so not knowing all of that you never really had a chance to guess correctly and I won't blame you for it (unless you insist).
Are you fine with mutually disregarding all your posts referencing pharmacopeia guidelines before you had actually checked them? You perceive(d) a conflict of interest because you are judging the quality of the product by the accuracy of its concentration vs label claim, but those amps are dosed exactly as intended, as some manufacturers are using the deviation allowed for by the(ir) pharmacopeia for what they consider potential product improvements solely for their intended (TRT) patients. They are superior to UGL products in various aspects not visible on the test report and that is what they are primarily valued and purchased for.

Mind that not all pharmaceutical test depot manufacters abide by what I showed off (Bayer doesn't iirc) and there are various pharmacopeias to consider/consult depending on the market the product is made for as well, so not knowing all of that you never really had a chance to guess correctly and I won't blame you for it (unless you insist).
I apologize for having not checked the USP Pharmacopeia standards. I am surprised. Relax, Liska. I even commended you for providing quality product, take a goddamn compliment.
Are you fine with mutually disregarding all your posts referencing pharmacopeia guidelines before you had actually checked them? You perceive(d) a conflict of interest because you are judging the quality of the product by the accuracy of its concentration vs label claim, but those amps are dosed exactly as intended, as some manufacturers are using the deviation allowed for by the(ir) pharmacopeia for what they consider potential product improvements solely for their intended (TRT) patients. They are superior to UGL products in various aspects not visible on the test report and that is what they are primarily valued and purchased for.

Mind that not all pharmaceutical test depot manufacters abide by what I showed off (Bayer doesn't iirc) and there are various pharmacopeias to consider/consult depending on the market the product is made for as well, so not knowing all of that you never really had a chance to guess correctly and I won't blame you for it (unless you insist).
Reviewing the points you raise here, it's clear to me that my efforts to not expend any mental energy on my one day off from working that I force myself to take, does not bode well, because of the fact that you raised initially, readers do hold me to a higher standard and expect that my posts are informed. What you wrote just struck me as kicking a man when he's down after a) admitting that I was incorrect about this topic, b) raising the point myself and seeking to correct it, & c) complimenting you for delivering a quality product. I won't take a day off from doing my due diligence in the future since it's a bad look; and again, do apologize for not having reviewed pharmacopeia standards before speaking.

Can you refer me to any standards for pharmacopeia and/or pertinent regulatory standards that the EU market applies, besides the USP pharmacopeia that I already have access to?
Can you refer me to any standards for pharmacopeia and/or pertinent regulatory standards that the EU market applies, besides the USP pharmacopeia that I already have access to?
Yes but considering that we're rudely fucking up a good boy's thread; @Millard could you kindly split these off-topic discussion into a thread in analytical labtesting to fix the mess we made while making it more visible for others interested?
Pretty sure that if we test SP´s Test E, it comes close to perfection LOL, for some reason UGL tests come back closer to what label claims despite SP labs being an extension of balkan
We should test some SP´s Test E just to confirm this theory :):)
I will compensate the expenses for the laboratory test, with products of equivalent value.
Hi Guys.
As you know, I am the representative of Balkan Pharmaceuticals and SP Laboratory products, I have the opportunity to deliver these products to customers in the EU and the US, many here have already tried my service and products.
Until now, the delivery rate to EU countries was 100% including Ireland, England, Denmark.
Some packages were lost to the US.
As you noticed in my list, I have added other products that are in great demand. I can find other products that are not on the list. Ask for a consultation when you need it.
So there has been a "small" hiccups with my order but @Bp-Sp has been dealing with it very professionally and actually resolved the issue in 24hrs.

I believe anyone can make mistakes and shit can happen, the difference between a good source and a bad one is not one that never has problems but is one that when something does go wrong, it works hard and swift to make it right and have his/her customer happy again.

I'll report back when my second package land but right now my trust in this guy is intact and I'm quite pleased how he handled things.
Received my order last Friday, took exactly 14 days from payment to delivery.

Total 3 products - all verified at and came back as legit.

I received a wrong product though, ordered Test E amps, received a vial. Seller apologized and offered the price difference discount on my next order.

Btw: Wasn't there an alternative website to verify the balkan products that also show how many times was that exact UPIC checked? Maybe it was a different brand though, can't remember.
He did the same to me, ordered amps and vials came lol
Hi Guys.
As you know, I am the representative of Balkan Pharmaceuticals and SP Laboratory products, I have the opportunity to deliver these products to customers in the EU and the US, many here have already tried my service and products.
Until now, the delivery rate to EU countries was 100% including Ireland, England, Denmark.
Some packages were lost to the US.
As you noticed in my list, I have added other products that are in great demand. I can find other products that are not on the list. Ask for a consultation when you need it.
Turinabol BP if its possible
What is ingredient/oil in the injection of Balkan and injection of SP?

Balkan use oil ( for enant and cyp) and castor oil for undecanoate?

Sp? Use mygliol , EO, MCT ?
Balkan original don't use mygliol, for me SP now produce his gear and ''fake Balkan rebranding'' gear with the same oil . The original Balkan , done in MOLDAVIA , in the original big factory, have Peach oil and for undecandrol have castor oil.
For the code , i don't know, maybe there is an agreement between Balkan and SP on the codes. But if Balkan wanted to follow the laws, remove all steroids, invest in other drugs, do you think he would use oils not present on the package? on the manufacturer's website?
For me now there is :
Balkan original( pharmacy, legally )
Sp ( ugl for gym people, illegaly)
''brother bac'' balkan ( ugl, done by sp, illegaly)
balkan gives codes to sp.
Maybe sp is in Ucraina.
For me Balkan buy in Moldavia is different from Balkan that it's sell buy reseller of SP
Balkan original don't use mygliol, for me SP now produce his gear and ''fake Balkan rebranding'' gear with the same oil . The original Balkan , done in MOLDAVIA , in the original big factory, have Peach oil and for undecandrol have castor oil.
For the code , i don't know, maybe there is an agreement between Balkan and SP on the codes. But if Balkan wanted to follow the laws, remove all steroids, invest in other drugs, do you think he would use oils not present on the package? on the manufacturer's website?
For me now there is :
Balkan original( pharmacy, legally )
Sp ( ugl for gym people, illegaly)
''brother bac'' balkan ( ugl, done by sp, illegaly)
balkan gives codes to sp.
Maybe sp is in Ucraina.
For me Balkan buy in Moldavia is different from Balkan that it's sell buy reseller of SP
But the real question is whether the BP pharmacy product and the same in the SP ugl vial? If it is the same quality of product in SP as in BP all this is not a problem in reality