Balkan Pharmaceuticals/Sp Laboratory EU Domestic.

But the real question is whether the BP pharmacy product and the same in the SP ugl vial? If it is the same quality of product in SP as in BP all this is not a problem in reality

The problem is the FUCKING OIL.... pharma grade is better for gains , for the slow absorbiment from depot.
People that use testoviron 100mg for week, every Monday , have 1000 for total test and 30/35 for e2 .... because oil is absorbed from depot very slowly( half life is the real half life) .
With gear DOSED but in MCT, Mygliol.... the oil from depot is absorbed too fast, high conversione in the first day, half life is not real.
If you use UGL, you do every day injection for best gains..... old parabolan, deca aspen, sustanon, testoviron, testo norma, rimobolan( nothing is fluid, because big pharma have study half life and absorbiment for oil .
Nothing in pharma use MCT, EO, mygliol... only UGL use this because it's easy for production and it's NO PIP for people
The problem with UGL, isn't the DOSAGE ... 230-240-252.46788-251.222 fuckkk , stupid people.... the problem is the ingredient, the eccopient ( in the oil, in the oral and in the growth hormone) . For hgh genotropin have eccipient , the water for hgh have eccipient( read on Wikipedia) . The problem isn't 9.85/10ui or 9.98/10.... the problem are other ingredient, that big pharma ( people with BIG BRAIN) they put ingredients for a specific reason, for a purpose. Perfect operation is based on that. People only see the big things, but the difference is seen in the details (in the little things)
The problem with UGL, isn't the DOSAGE ... 230-240-252.46788-251.222 fuckkk , stupid people.... the problem is the ingredient, the eccopient ( in the oil, in the oral and in the growth hormone) . For hgh genotropin have eccipient , the water for hgh have eccipient( read on Wikipedia) . The problem isn't 9.85/10ui or 9.98/10.... the problem are other ingredient, that big pharma ( people with BIG BRAIN) they put ingredients for a specific reason, for a purpose. Perfect operation is based on that. People only see the big things, but the difference is seen in the details (in the little things)
I agree on this one, i feel nothing from UGL´s sildenafil but i get stuffy nose within few minutes after taking Pfizer´s sildenafil or Kamagra, how ever i still get better results and feelings from using balkan´s testosteone than regular UGL´s, if it is fake rebranded or not, i´ll never know but i agree excipients, solvents and all of that play a huge role in how the body metabolizes all of this stuff for sure and also there is a reason why pharma grade is pharma grade.
Recently i saw a video about moldova posted by a youtuber from my country and damn that place is very very poor i believe the minimum wage is around 200 eur, WTF?? so i am just guessing bribery and corruption are an everyday thing.
But the real question is whether the BP pharmacy product and the same in the SP ugl vial? If it is the same quality of product in SP as in BP all this is not a problem in reality
You can easily confirm that just by how exactly the vials are and the distintive arrow marking they both share on the vial´s cap, no other brand/UGL uses that vial cap, i also feel no difference between the 2 whereas i do when using other UGL´s testosterone for TRT, having in mind a TRT dose as low as 120 mg per week
Balkan original don't use mygliol, for me SP now produce his gear and ''fake Balkan rebranding'' gear with the same oil . The original Balkan , done in MOLDAVIA , in the original big factory, have Peach oil and for undecandrol have castor oil.
For the code , i don't know, maybe there is an agreement between Balkan and SP on the codes. But if Balkan wanted to follow the laws, remove all steroids, invest in other drugs, do you think he would use oils not present on the package? on the manufacturer's website?
For me now there is :
Balkan original( pharmacy, legally )
Sp ( ugl for gym people, illegaly)
''brother bac'' balkan ( ugl, done by sp, illegaly)
balkan gives codes to sp.
Maybe sp is in Ucraina.
For me Balkan buy in Moldavia is different from Balkan that it's sell buy reseller of SP
Despite all of this, there is no doubt it is the closest to pharma you can get, i am allowed to get one testosterone Cypionate x 250 mg or maybe two per month in my local pharmacy in my country, the carrier is olive oil and for what it´s worth i feel no difference between that and the balka´s testosterone, also 0 PIP on the enanthate which seems to be a very popular topic at the moment.
Touchdown. Package received approx. 2.5 weeks after payment to scandinavia, everything is as ordered. Eager to try out TRT with these products. Communications via telegram has been good, replies within 24hours. All products have holograms and long expiry date, and checks good on product verification @ BP-SP.JPG
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Touchdown. Package received approx. 2.5 weeks after payment to scandinavia, everything is as ordered. Eager to try out TRT with these products. Communications via telegram has been good, replies within 24hours. All products have holograms and long expiry date, and checks good on product verification @ View attachment 269775
Its a good add for TRT i use it from around 6-8 weeks and my estradiol have down with 100mg weekly.

Good Luck
The problem with UGL, isn't the DOSAGE ... 230-240-252.46788-251.222 fuckkk , stupid people.... the problem is the ingredient, the eccopient ( in the oil, in the oral and in the growth hormone) . For hgh genotropin have eccipient , the water for hgh have eccipient( read on Wikipedia) . The problem isn't 9.85/10ui or 9.98/10.... the problem are other ingredient, that big pharma ( people with BIG BRAIN) they put ingredients for a specific reason, for a purpose. Perfect operation is based on that. People only see the big things, but the difference is seen in the details (in the little things)
I agree i see the difference when i use BP / SP Enanthate vs Bayer TE at the same dose i have a better level after 7 and 14 days with Bayer.

The same for the Sustanon ipsen vs SP / BP.

SP /BP = no pip in generally
Bayer / Ipsen = good pip (same for rimobolan)

The question are why the lab use a oil like MCT or other oil very liquide
The good thing about oil like sesame oil with EO, MCT, mygliol.... is fast absorbiment, no pip. The different is in high dosage.... if you use trt dosage, if you Inject every day, with ugl your blood work is good. If you use 250 testoviron every other day, for the same effect you have to pin 2 time for day with test E. People look Ester hahahahah , there is different if you have propinate in castor oil or undecanoate in MCT.... very big difference.
The good thing about oil like sesame oil with EO, MCT, mygliol.... is fast absorbiment, no pip. The different is in high dosage.... if you use trt dosage, if you Inject every day, with ugl your blood work is good. If you use 250 testoviron every other day, for the same effect you have to pin 2 time for day with test E. People look Ester hahahahah , there is different if you have propinate in castor oil or undecanoate in MCT.... very big difference.
Yes i think the mct or eo are used because olive / castor oil are more expensive.
But some UG lab use this type of oil.
SP Laboratory prices for EU.
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SP Gonadotropin 5000-25€
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SP Trenbolon forte 200-60€
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Balkan Pharmaceuticals price for EU.
Anapolon 50mg-20 tabs-15€
Anastrozol 1mg-25 tabs-20€
Apollo 100 (Sildenafil) 10 tabs-15€
Apollo 50 (Sildenafil) 5 tabs-8€
Aquatest 100mg 5amps-18€
BP Enandrol 10ml-30€
BP Fenandrol 10ml-30€
BP Cipandrol 10ml-30€
BP Decandrol 10ml-40€
BP Primobol 10ml-70€
BP Propandrol 10ml-20€
BP Undecadrol 10ml (Test U)-30€
Cipandrol 10 amps-40€
Citomed 50mcg 20 tabs-8€
Clenbuterol 40mcg 25 tabs-8€
Clomed 50mg 20 tabs-10€
Danabol 10mg 25 tabs-7,50€
Decandrol 10 amps-50€
Enandrol 10 amps-40€
Esculap 20mg 4 tabs-8€
Fenandrol 10 amps-40€
Primobol 10 amps-90€
Propandrol 10 amps-30€
Sustandrol 10 amps-40€
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The good thing about oil like sesame oil with EO, MCT, mygliol.... is fast absorbiment, no pip. The different is in high dosage.... if you use trt dosage, if you Inject every day, with ugl your blood work is good. If you use 250 testoviron every other day, for the same effect you have to pin 2 time for day with test E. People look Ester hahahahah , there is different if you have propinate in castor oil or undecanoate in MCT.... very big difference.
Every day for trt? and testoviron every other day?

Who the fuck inject himself for trt more then once a week? Or who the fuck inject testoviron that is test E every other day?

Are you a clown or you just can't write in English and express yourselves properly?
Every day for trt? and testoviron every other day?

Who the fuck inject himself for trt more then once a week? Or who the fuck inject testoviron that is test E every other day?

Are you a clown or you just can't write in English and express yourselves properly?
now I'm writing with the translator.... I said that if I use testo ugl, the oil is absorbed earlier, during a trt like 1-2 pins per week, the testo values are lower than the testoviron (1pin a week ). example: with 100-125mg testoviron per week (1 pin) I and others have 1000-1200 total test e2 30-35, with ugl the blood work is different because oil is absorbed too fast, e2 is high, total is low.. .. To remedy this I tried to increase the frequencies of the ugl test, the total text increased, the e2 decreases if I inject eod/ed. if I do a cycle with 875mg testo ugl, 250mg every other day.... or I use 250mg testoviron every other day.... the effect is much more evident as the dosage increases.
if a person cycles with 2 pin 250mg test for week... or the same guy uses 2 pin testoviron.... It's another power, because bloodwork show TOTAL TEST AND FREE VERY HIGHER THAN UGL
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I'm stripper in the club, and i want my dick , it works good .... if i am in trt , i pin eod, my dick works very good , if i pin trt 1-2 pin, the erection is shit.... after i study WHY? I use pharma grade and BOOM, i see different in libido, i do blood work and it's different.. after i understand the oil and the half life, i ask to people the blood work, i see blood work here on meso , reddit......
People use to much AI, because oil is different from original castor oil only.
THIS IS MY EXPERIENCE, this forum is invented because people write their experience. This is mine