Balkan Pharmaceuticals/Sp Laboratory EU Domestic.

you okay bro? lol
what do you expect the seller to do? How does the seller "take care of the situation" of "counterfeiting reputable gear with their own untested bathtub oil"? you picked the worst source on here, you realize this is an unmoderated forum right? And going back a year now people pointed out multiple giant red flags that should have made you pick any other source

-Balkan website itself says only authorized distrubutors have X email
(source doesnt have that email)
-people talking about batches having mismatched vials/caps/uneven unprofessional labels going back 1+ year
-posts going back a year talking about the source being a scam
-most of the posts this source makes are in regards to "OTHER" fake balkan products in a low iq attempt to pretend they do not have counterfeit products
-fake product photos
-not sending authenticity codes states:

@ashop since you will know better than anyone else, do you know the OP?

Guys for this exact reason I decided to open this topic here on Meso, there are a lot of bad guys who sell Balkan fake products, because it is a very popular brand and there are many people who try to counterfeit it.
I even have a list of a few products that Balkan no longer produces, but are still sold in many shops and this means they are definitely fake. One of this products is Balkan Provimed tablets. This product is no longer manufactured by Balkan for a long time.

its not even his photo
he did a terrible job at hiding the writing on the piece of paper

what a numpty this reseller is

keep us updated

i rarely shit on labs or resellers but this guy keeps pasting his long ass list but his photos resemble a personal stash

his last photo isnt even his and he tried to hide it with a piss poor ms paint job

and the following is a cause for concern as well posted by liska on 1st page states:

why are some of the labels messed up?

He offer to front me a package. I believe it’s a scam. Hopefully you get your pack @cadafi

I would be careful with those BP vials. I got BP Enandrol as well with different vial caps on them. Exactly like yours. Got the worst PIP from both. Got them I think almost two years ago. And apparently they still sell this crap.

I started noticing the issues with PIP since they “stopped” producing Primo and switched carrier oil in their products.

Even though all my upic codes checked out, I don’t trust that it’s the real deal anymore.

So in short, the different cap colors have nothing to do with rebranding or whatever they claim. It was already like this two years ago

I received my second order from the seller. Part of the order were a few vials of Primo. The vials of Promo have to authentication code on them. When i asked the seller about it he told me that "these products are from the batch that the company sent for testing."
I wasnt told about this before the order was shipped. The purpose of the authentication code is to verify that the product is legit, just like the seller mentioned multiple times in this thread. Also if they were sent for testing then why would i have these vials? Seller also told me that if i get it tested hell give me a credit.
I dont have time to be dealing with all of this nonsense. The products should be mailed with codes like you said multiple times so that the customer can verify.
The printing of the expiration date is also different on each vial.
View attachment 285303

Fake i guess...He send me vials without UPIC number. Even the expiration dates are printed differently. View attachment 285442

You are somehow related to the source, i dont know why you would acknowledge that the amps and labels are different, ignore all the red flags, see them for yourself and then say "if bloodwork is good ill stock up on more balkan stuff"?

i've received my order of 2x enandrol (ampoules).

everything went smooth, no problems.
the amps have different heights and the labels arent on the same level as "german pharmagrade" ampoules. i don't know if this is normal with balkan pharmaceuticals products as this is my first contact with their products but we will see. if bloodwork comes out good, i'll stock up on some more balkan stuff.
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what do you expect the seller to do? How does the seller "take care of the situation" of "counterfeiting reputable gear with their own untested bathtub oil"? you picked the worst source on here, you realize this is an unmoderated forum right? And going back a year now people pointed out multiple giant red flags that should have made you pick any other source
as you can see, i'm new here. yea, i don't know much about "sources" from the internet, never had to. always had pharm grade stuff but my "own" source is now out of business.
his enandrols are working fine, no problem there but the primos? has to be fake .. now i've learned my lession. don't we all make mistakes somewhere in life? lol.

EDIT: i didn't see your edit on your post. believe me, i'm in no way related to this source.

i've mentioned the enandrols and their different heights but i've checked the codes and they came out "authentic".
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The question still is who is making these products. If the products with the codes check out on bp amd sp site but they dont make the products anymore. Are they proving labels to a UGL? The seller keeps dodging the question.
as you can see, i'm new here. yea, i don't know much about "sources" from the internet, never had to. always had pharm grade stuff but my "own" source is now out of business.
his enandrols are working fine, no problem there but the primos? has to be fake .. now i've learned my lession. don't we all make mistakes somewhere in life? lol.

EDIT: i didn't see your edit on your post. believe me, i'm in no way related to this source.

i've mentioned the enandrols and their different heights but i've checked the codes and they came out "authentic".
bro how did you miss the pages and pages of people calling them fake. it has been a year and only has 43 pages of replies, that are mostly questioning its authenticity, the sources here are not vetted if they are not at pinned at the top of the page on the sponsorship list. those might not even be vetted tbh i dont remember exactly how it works here, but its unmoderated here to keep things free markety. I could post and say im a source and throw up some vial pics.

you had to scroll through all the good sources to get to a random guy showing dodgy pictures of vials on his kitchen floor, with no lab work, no proper introduction that sounds like a normal trustworthy guy. Hes talking about how balkan gear isnt made anymore and the lab is shut down, but he has it? with dodgy labels? and nonsense responses that avoid questions? Yet hes saying "watch out there are fakes! definately now me though!"

Im not trying to rip on you dude, but I hope other young guys like you see this and realize this isnt just a more archaic for gear, these are just random people and reputation matters. Your gear probably wont kill you, but other sources that are good have 0 reason to mislead or lie, cause they just brew the gear and its fine and everyones happy. If theyre lying pretending to be someone else, well there is a reason their gear couldnt succeed under their own brand. or theyd make their own designed labels instead of going through the effort of trying to be someone else in an attempt to avoid peoples scrutiny of quality (cause the quality isnt there)

gear could be underdosed, 20% of the vials could just be oil, not to mention unsanitary and cause infections. they might just not even send out your next order. the only reason to try to be someone else is to be shady af, every post this guy makes is pretending to be somehow related to a legitimate gear source
The question still is who is making these products. If the products with the codes check out on bp amd sp site but they dont make the products anymore. Are they proving labels to a UGL? The seller keeps dodging the question.
could be anything but it doesnt matter. there are 100 other red flags, i just picked like 6 of them in the first 5 pages. I dont care if random codes check out or don't.
could be a flaw in the website coding
the whole website couldve been taken down and replaced
employee could've ran off with some proprietary info and sold it or use it themselves, idk why people got such a hard on for brands in 2024.

none of it matters, reality is, this guy is literally just a random with some vials with fake labels spread out on a bathroom floor. literally. this is a fact. If there was more to this, they would have proved it, this is all they got, and theyre so shit they have to try to be a completely different brand.. so its even worse than the vials and boxes on the floor, cause those photos were fake. Wouldnt be surprised if there is even gear in your vials. no reason to even put gear in them really. This is just a random idiot pulling a low effort scam.. anyone with 90iq couldve ran a better thread than this, shocking a handful of people bought from him...Dude posts pictures like some low rent telegram wanna be drug dealer.
bro how did you miss the pages and pages of people calling them fake. it has been a year and only has 43 pages of replies, that are mostly questioning its authenticity, the sources here are not vetted if they are not at pinned at the top of the page on the sponsorship list. those might not even be vetted tbh i dont remember exactly how it works here, but its unmoderated here to keep things free markety. I could post and say im a source and throw up some vial pics.

you had to scroll through all the good sources to get to a random guy showing dodgy pictures of vials on his kitchen floor, with no lab work, no proper introduction that sounds like a normal trustworthy guy. Hes talking about how balkan gear isnt made anymore and the lab is shut down, but he has it? with dodgy labels? and nonsense responses that avoid questions? Yet hes saying "watch out there are fakes! definately now me though!"

Im not trying to rip on you dude, but I hope other young guys like you see this and realize this isnt just a more archaic for gear, these are just random people and reputation matters. Your gear probably wont kill you, but other sources that are good have 0 reason to mislead or lie, cause they just brew the gear and its fine and everyones happy. If theyre lying pretending to be someone else, well there is a reason their gear couldnt succeed under their own brand. or theyd make their own designed labels instead of going through the effort of trying to be someone else in an attempt to avoid peoples scrutiny of quality (cause the quality isnt there)

gear could be underdosed, 20% of the vials could just be oil, not to mention unsanitary and cause infections. they might just not even send out your next order. the only reason to try to be someone else is to be shady af, every post this guy makes is pretending to be somehow related to a legitimate gear source

you are absolutely right.
man, i need to learn more about this internet thing, lol. i was just happy to find meso and all these sources. now i know better.

however, how the fuck are the codes on his enandrol amps working?

does balkan still produce roids or not? they're not listed on their website anymore but a few sources still offer balkan products like ashop.
could be anything but it doesnt matter. there are 100 other red flags, i just picked like 6 of them in the first 5 pages. I dont care if random codes check out or don't.
could be a flaw in the website coding
the whole website couldve been taken down and replaced
employee could've ran off with some proprietary info and sold it or use it themselves, idk why people got such a hard on for brands in 2024.

none of it matters, reality is, this guy is literally just a random with some vials with fake labels spread out on a bathroom floor. literally. this is a fact. If there was more to this, they would have proved it, this is all they got, and theyre so shit they have to try to be a completely different brand.. so its even worse than the vials and boxes on the floor, cause those photos were fake. Wouldnt be surprised if there is even gear in your vials. no reason to even put gear in them really. This is just a random idiot pulling a low effort scam.. anyone with 90iq couldve ran a better thread than this, shocking a handful of people bought from him...Dude posts pictures like some low rent telegram wanna be drug dealer.
I agree, alot of red flags and the seller wont even address any of them.

I've also seen alot of other sources on this and other forums that are still selling BP and SP products. Are they selling copies/fakes?
I agree, alot of red flags and the seller wont even address any of them.

I've also seen alot of other sources on this and other forums that are still selling BP and SP products. Are they selling copies/fakes?
if bp stopped produce something you think tomo no one will sell ? u no need to know, just enjoy if this genuine.
People if you really want to sort this out once and for all just send a sample out for testing i am also interested in this even tho i´m convinced this is legit.
Let´s just collect money for sample testing and this issue will be resolved so we can put this to rest, it is the only way, i am more than happy to help $$
If the product is dosed correctly then case closed, if not, the source is done for, that is it, so i urge every one of you to make it quick.
People if you really want to sort this out once and for all just send a sample out for testing i am also interested in this even tho i´m convinced this is legit.
Let´s just collect money for sample testing and this issue will be resolved so we can put this to rest, it is the only way, i am more than happy to help $$
If the product is dosed correctly then case closed, if not, the source is done for, that is it, so i urge every one of you to make it quick.
Problem is that it can be dosed very good but still be made in a kitchen. People pay more because it’s pharma grade quality and there is no way to test for that
People if you really want to sort this out once and for all just send a sample out for testing i am also interested in this even tho i´m convinced this is legit.
Let´s just collect money for sample testing and this issue will be resolved so we can put this to rest, it is the only way, i am more than happy to help $$
If the product is dosed correctly then case closed, if not, the source is done for, that is it, so i urge every one of you to make it quick.
you need "well known member "removed from under your profile pic, youre a shill for this company (I.E recieve free product for encouraging i.e tricking members) youre the only one advertising it all over the board and the only one saying good things about them

Its like walking past an iphone store selling the latest iphone for $1000, to go buy an iphone for $1200 from a guy in an alley who insists he works for Apple and the handmade packaging is stock and Apple makes it that way and to watch out for people selling knock off iphones LOL

The someone conveniently comes along and says "im sure they are real! lets all put our money together to buy some and see if they turn on!"

how about no, not buying gear from untested random idiots that are so shady and deceptive they pretend to be a different brand.
The seller is unbelievable. After all this he doesnt say anything. Just pushing his sale.

You have to have your head checked if you will order from this source again.
He could of gave an explanation or something by now, but nothing at all. Just ignores.
Until @Bp-Sp respodes to the concerns listed above. Do Not Make any orders with him
lmao why does he have to even respond? There is nothing the source can say to fix anything, you just want to be tricked? "please seller, say something that makes me believe you"
You are like the loser guy whose girlfriend cheat on him, and wants to "talk" and be convinced and will listen to any excuse she gives him.
believe your own eyes and have a backbone, not listen to words of a scammer?